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Everything posted by Maui

  1. Please visit Github for the latest version of the addon. I will be updating the code almost daily so new features will be added whenever they come to mind. Currently, I added a Delete Empty Vertex Group and Create Tags function. First one is useful when splitting your weighted model into parts, you can use this to iterate through all objects and check which vertex groups has no vertices assigned to it from that particular object. Second one, does exactly as it says. It creates all the tags and stupidtriangle for model_root_0 - you then can use the Parent Tags function to add it to the model_root_0 hierarchy and then Create LODs to duplicate your model_root_0 and reduce level of detail per LOD. Once the addon will get no new functions anymore, I shall create a video on how to use it even though it's self explanatory.
  2. Blender has an fbx plugin so that shouldnt be an issue.
  3. A left-handed mouse player ;o Very cool what you're doing!
  4. Try the following: Create a .pk3 with Pakscape https://jkhub.org/files/file/89-pakscape/
  5. I noticed an issue with stupidtriangle and the _off variant. That will be fixed in the next release. Might upload that later tonight.
  6. That would be a fun mod indeed! ;o
  7. I believe that is hard coded, I havent checked the source code yet.
  8. If you're still looking for help, let me know.
  9. Why dont you try to learn frankenstein modelling with Blender? Plenty of tutorials (and authors of those tutorials) around.
  10. If you want to learn how to do these things yourself, hit me up on discord or send me a private message.
  11. To play those, you have to change some settings when importing the .gla file. Play around with the frame begin and frame end in the import screen.
  12. Have you tried following a tutorial? If that problem still persists, I'll try to figure it out "by using google" since blender might be the cause of the issue anyways. Also if a character is invisible you might have an issue with exporting the model itself. Mesh issues, no G2 properties set, no .skin file, etc
  13. New functions added and older code optimised. It now has functionality for vehicles too. Parent all caps, tags and object in 1 click. Also gives you the possibility to unparent everything if you so please. I haven't made any video's about it yet, but it's self explanatory. Would you like to see a video?
  14. The addon has now been finished. If you follow the correct naming convention, it will work beautifully. Previous problems stated above are also been taken care of.
  15. Introduction: Hey there, I'm Maui and I love to learn new skills. That's why I learned how to do frankenstein modelling with Blender using the Jedi Academy Plugin Suite. I started learning Python and created an addon called Skeleton Tool, this would be a must-have but it became outdated and full of errors. After 3 years I came back to the community and decided to pickup where I left everything. The video's I made with the tutorial are lost unfortunately but I might make a new one later on if people would like that. My addon can now do everything you'll need except the modelling and weighting part ofcourse. Requirements: Modview -> http://jkhub.org/files/file/90-modview/ Pakscape -> https://jkhub.org/files/file/89-pakscape/ Blender -> https://blender.org Jedi Academy Plugin Suite updated by @Cagelight https://github.com/cagelight/jedi-academy-blender-suite Skeleton Tool -> https://github.com/Mauii/skeleton_tool What you'll learn: Frankenstein modelling How to use "Skeleton Tool" Proper naming convention NOTE: This tutorial is written as a follow-along project. A video is made to show you the process as I've written it down. The video has been recorded without sound, so put on your best modelling music, and enjoy! BACKUP VIDEOS (One | Two) Download Everything Download everything mentioned above in the Requirements section. Place everything on desktop (relocate wherever you can easily find it when needed). Prepare Directory Add models/players/ Go to your JKA installation and navigate to gamedata/base. Add new directory -> name it models and open it. Add new directory -> name it players and open it. Add _humanoid Go to your base folder and open assets1.pk3 -> do not close this. Navigate through the following path -> models/players. Click and drag _humanoid into base/models/players. Add models Go back to assets1.pk3. Click and drag Desann and Rodian into models/players. Prepare Blender Install required addons Open your file explorer (windows 10 shortcut: windows button + e). In the navigation bar -> %appdata%. Navigate to Blender Foundation\Blender\2.91\scripts\addons. On my end it looks like C:\Users\Kenny\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.91\scripts\addons. Click and drag (or copy/paste whatever method you prefer) jediacademy and skeleton_root into script\addons. Enable required addons Open Blender. Go to Edit -> Preferences -> Addons. Click on All and select User. Make sure the addons are enabled by ticking the checkbox. On the left bottom corner, press on the triple-striped icon and select Save Preferences. Further Steps Import primary model In Blender, click on File->Import->.glm. Navigate to gamedata/base/models/players. Open Desann and click on model.glm, import it. Delete stuff we want to replace Hold Z and with your mouse, hover over Wireframe and release the button again. If you haven't got the same view as the first image, try to press ALT+Z this enables/disables the function X-Ray. Select the parts from the head we want by pressing B (box select) and drag everything we need (no need to hold shift. Box select will keep everything select even when you make new selections. What we do now, is delete every part we want to use from another model. -> Click on the object and press X and press D to confirm. (it might look strange on your screen but it'll be better soon) Hold Z and select Material Preview to show the textures again. Import salvage model Now do the previous steps from Import primary model and import Rodian. Time to use my addon Parent Body Parts, Caps and Tags To start fixing stuff, we select a random object in Blender (3d view) by using our left mousebutton. Make sure you have the same screen as I have here: Click on Clean duplicates in hierarchy. This will delete every object with atleast .001 in its name. This means that there are objects with the same name, and we don't want that. (this might take a small moment) After that's done, click on Parent Body Parts, Parent Caps and Parent Tags. You might or might not get errors, depending on the models you're using. always make sure the Naming Convention is followed. If you have an object called helmet_0. Rename it to head_helmet_0. -> Do so by doubleclicking the object's name in the hierarchy list (above the Property panel) or in the Object Property panel as shown in the picture above (head_fins_2 is visible) You'll notice that (if all went right) the hierarchy list appears to be ordened. Create model_default.skin file (The Create Skin function also sets all the Ghoul2 names so you will not have to bother about that) Press on the Folder icon and navigate to base/models/players again and add a new directory and give it a name you want, I gonna name mine Desodian. DESann / rODIAN, get it?? ... yes?... anyways.. let's move on. Click on the folder you've just made and press Accept, you got a chance you'll have to click Accept again. Now press Create Skin and voila. You're done... or so you'd think. We still have to check whether our model works or not, this will be done in the next chapter. Control model in modview Go to your newly created folder in file explorer and right click model.glm Select Properties and click on Change (or adjust, whatever the english windows shows you) Navigate to modview.exe with whatever means you require. Click it, apply and confirm. Now double click on model.glm and modview should open. You'll now see 2 warnings: Shader blablabla.. click Ok. Caps, Stormtrooper blablabla.. click No. Well done, your model is ready to use. If you want to learn more about other things you can do with it now, have a feast and enjoy the tutorials made by other wonderful people. Thank you I hope you've learned something out of this tutorial, if you do please let me know in the comments below. If there's something unclear to you or isn't working as you hoped it would, don't hesitate to contact me by either using the comments section or send me a PM. I prefer the comment section so other people can use your question (+ solution) aswell. Thank you for reading and following along with this tutorial. I hope it went flawless for you, and again.. if it wasn't the case don't hesitate to call for help!
  16. I used seta disable_item_ysalimari 0 to enable the ysalamari
  17. I found the issue. The item disable also has a ysalamari setting. Added that into the .cfg and put a 0 behind it. Now it works
  18. Hey, I added an ysalamari that works as an admin key as you described here. But in our server, the ysalamari is not visible. If I devmap it, it shows up. Any idea what influences this? Do I need a cvar for this?
  19. I don't see any option for that in there
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