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Everything posted by TheWhitePhoenix

  1. No, The Knights of Ren are personal modifications of SP mods to fit into a certain time frame in the Star Wars timeline. The Legend of The Valors, is a machinima series. Some examples would be The Hand of Thrawn by Chaosxunleashed and Palpatine's Apprentice by JediDrallig2 on Youtube. I'm gonna be doing videos of BOTH in the future when I can focus my free time on them.
  2. In that case, I look forward to "V2" of Academy Enchanced and "V2" of Outcast Enhanced. And for now, I can always replace the E5 with the F11D, which is what I did. Kinda cool to have the E11 and F11 together in your inventory, even though that one is just a more advanced version of the other.
  3. Numfast, I'm sure that if we all have good mics (I have a Blue Microphones Snowball), we can handle the dubbing just fine as long as we have the original scripts translated from Russian and German. If you can translate all three, that would be AMAZING.
  4. Is this already possible since the E5 and DC15S are already in? Or...would that be a future update? I've been trying to add the F11D by DT as a stand alone, but no luck so far.
  5. Why not post what problem you had back then here? Even if it's just a description along with a video of the problem that was fixed. that should be enough.
  6. Yikes. I didn't know they released this stuff for profit, which is a big fat NO within the community. However, I'm glad you took it and made it into a mod instead @Numfast. Props to you for uploading this.
  7. Just ask @@Jeff. Or @@Seven. Or even @@dark_apprentice. But Dark is busy with his own thing right now. And the new Disney EULA for Lucasarts era games is now more lighter on ported content. As long as it's from other Lucasarts era games.
  8. There's a tutorial for that. At this point, this is one of the EASIEST things to fix regarding HS's Anakin model, which Spanki uses as a base for texturing. ​ https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/137-fix-hapslashs-anakin-model-no-lightsaber-blade/ You're welcome.
  9. Which we should continue to allow, as long as we veterans guide them.
  10. If only someone would find more of these ancient mods and put them up here. As well as translate them to English. I wonder if Russia's (Is it Russia?) part of the fanbase is even aware of this site...?
  11. I've finally gotten enough done behind the scenes to share with all of you. I now have enough confidence in myself as well to finally get back into it. The first project is called "Star Wars: The Knights of Ren". No, this isn't the canon Knights of Ren. More rather, my own version. In this version, the Knights of Ren are more of a Force Wielder organization that aims to keep balance within the Force within the Galaxy. They are led by Dart Darkmatter and his lover Raven Galactica, whom were former Inquisitors (Two of the best in the Empire formerly) until an conspiracy to eliminate them made them realize they didn't belong in the Empire. This project uses SP mods modified via either script changes, voice acting, or both. Chapter 0: Beginning. (Will use @@Langerd's Bespin SP mod when it's done, but instead of Bespin, it'll be Taloraan. This is when Dart starts to doubt if being an Inquisitor is the right thing after he kills a particular Jedi and comes into contact his/her lightsaber. This Jedi left the Jedi Order prior to the Clone Wars beginning, and he/she will be the main influence in Dart naming the Knights of Ren. He takes his/her silver colored crystal and holds it closely, as he will use it later on both as his personal crystal for his Lightsaber, and a symbol of The Knights of Ren. Notes: No, these Knights of Ren are NOT the same as the Imperial Knights. Plus, Imperial Knights have white Sabers. All Knights of Ren use silver blades to symbolize their neutrality. They use both sides of the Force, but they don't focus on either side too much.) ​ 0% Progress. Chapter 1: Redemption. (This uses @Mercenary's Eve of Redemption mod. Five years after the Mission to Taloraan [Which is Chapter 0], Dart and Raven both have begun to doubt if their place was truly with the Empire and the Inquisitors and have begun to secretly shy away from the Dark Side. Recently, the Rebel Alliance has risen to fight the Empire, thus causing unrest in the Empire itself. [The rising of the Rebellion here is a mixture of both Rebels, and The Force Unleashed. The latter is hinted in Chapter 3.] Now under the command of the conniving Commander Stavan, Dart and Raven were separated after a career of doing missions for the Inquisitors together for so long. However, there is something DARKER at work here that aims to eliminate Dart and Raven in order to secure power. These events will influence Dart and Raven to leave the Empire and join the Rebellion while abandoning the Dark Side ALTOGETHER.) 100% Progress. I pretty much did the voice acting all on my own here. Stavas remains the same, though. Just some of his clips are edited to not mention the New Republic. Chapter 2: Rescue. (This uses another of Mercenary's mods, Crash on Tatooine. However, instead of Tatooine, it's Jakku. It takes place roughly around the same time of Chapter 1. Raven manages to fight off an ambush after discovering the Inquisitors under the two working with Stavan set her up. After she kills one of the two [the other killed by Dart in Chapter 1], she is rescued by Dart while Rebel ships accompanying him deal with the rest of the Imperials.) 95% Progress. All I need now is to get someone to voice Raven. And I want my girlfriend to do it. We'll get to it when we can as soon as we move in together. It's LDR. ​Chapter 3: Founding. (This uses The Ancient Threat Episode 1 by @Gabrobot. This takes place four years after Chapter 1 and 2. Although Dart is now confident in his place in the Force, Raven is still doubting herself. So she's been taking missions alone in order to find herself. After an encounter with a specific Inquisitor at the end of her mission to the planet Demuth, near Geonosis, she finally finds herself.) 95% Progress. Same with Chapter 2. Raven needs to be voiced. Chapter 4: Dark Forces. (Yes, the title says it all. Thanks to @@Teancum for temporarily bringing this back and @dankswagmemezmaster for continuing this and the MOTS mod in bursts one after another. After getting back at the Empire for the betrayal of the two behind his and Raven's assassination attempt in Chapters 1 and 2, he and Raven discover the horror that is The Dark Trooper Project. Notes: With the mod now in hiatus again, and the new levels still nowhere near completed, I might just for now make Dart and Raven rescue Kyle Katarn instead of Crix Madine in the sixth mission and then have them move onto another assignment while Kyle and Jan take over fighting the Dark Troopers as Dart and Raven are already strong Force Users and Lightsaber Masters at this point and thus the Rebellion needs them for more dangerous missions involving Inquisitors, as I will be hinting that a few Jedi Knights that survived Order 66 will also be openly in the Rebellion at that point. It all depends if someone will fully take up the torch for the mod again sometime in the future.) 25% Progress. I already have the NPCs set. What I need to do is voice acting on my end, replacing Kyle's lines with Dart's lines. And a few script changes that replace Dart in Kyle's place holding a blaster with a Lightsaber. Chapter 5: Resurgence. (This one will use @Mercenary's famous Dash Rendar Resurgence mod for it's story. In this part, it will be hinted that Dash & Leebo, having escaped the battle of the Skyhook by feigning their deaths, entrusted Dart and Raven with the Outrider as they have officially [for the time being] retired. The main story is the same as the original mod, except this time it takes place DURING the events of ROTJ. So if the New Republic is mentioned, that'll be fixed.) 0% Progress. Still need to start everything. Chapter 6: Awakening. (This will hopefully use @@DT85's Dark Forces II mod that is now in indefinite hibernation. The main idea I have is that Dart discovers that his parents were originally Jedi, but they were killed after the Rise of the Empire and raised to become an Inquisitor until the events of Chapter 0 changed him. Hopefully when this mod is reawakened, I'll be able to work on it. 0% Progress. Chapter 7: Falling. (This chapter uses the MOTS Mod, which thanks to @, is in a bit of an alpha. Long story short, Dart falls to the Dark Side again and Raven redeems him. Notes: Instead of the Empire, now the First Order will be the main threat from here on in. However, unlike the canon First Order, this First Order is half-organized half-disorganized, using a mixture of both new and old equipment and technology to fight the New Republic.) 0% Progress. Chapter 8: Outcast. (If the name hasn't given it away by now, it's Jedi Outcast's story, but with Dart and Raven in Kyle and Jan's place. Kyle does appear in Lando's place though, and he's more of a rogue Jedi mercenary rather than what he was in Legends. The story is relatively the same as the original Jedi Outcast.) 45% Progress. I started on a few things before working on Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4. This includes the script changes and such, using modified scripts from Jedi Academy Outcast 1.00 by @@SanguineHipster. Still need to do voice over work. Chapter 9: Alliance. (This uses JKA's base story, except, the ones replacing Jaden and Rosh are Dart and Raven's children, Ven Darkmatter and Fumina Galactica. The rest of the story is relatively the same as Jedi Academy.) 30% Progress. Also started a few things here before working on Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4. Still need to do voice over work and some other personal touches. Chapter 10: Healing. (This will the first of many Nina SP Campaign mods that @ McBruce made. This one starts 6 months after Chapter 10. Even though everyone has forgiven Fumina for falling to the Dark Side in Chapter 10, she needs to forgive herself. So she decides to go to Korriban herself to see the results of the final battle 6 months ago. There, not only will she face the Dark Side again, but she will also realize her family and friends will always be there for her.) 0% Progress. Chapter 11: Undiscovered Secret (This will use Nina: Undiscovered Secret as a base. 3 weeks after Chapter 11, Fumina decides to go with her father into a secret tomb recently discovered on the desert world of Vanqor. However, the tomb has dark secrets....) 0% Progress. Chapter 12: Nova Unit. (Basically, Nina Nova Unit but with Fumina in Nina's place. Two years after Chapter 12. Fumina also gets a love interest in the form of Drum Roll please....Rosh. *Audience gasps*. Yes, Yes. I know people hate him. Of course, this is a different Rosh. Not as...annoying.) 0% Progress. Chapter 13: Genesis. (Same as Nina Genesis, but with Fumina in Nina's place. A year after Chapter 13. Here, instead of Nina's origins, Fumina discovers Tavions origins and the truth behind her sad past and why she did what she did.) 0% Progress. Chapter 14: Privateer. (Same as Nina Privateer, except with Fumina in Nina's place. 6 months after Chapter 14. Even though Fumina is now on her own with her own organization, she still keeps in contact with her family and is still a Knight of Ren at heart.) 0% Progress. ​Chapter 15: Mainframe. (This is one of two that will use @ Steven Brown (Blaster) two mods. The story is basically the same, except well Darth Vader is removed and replaced with a new villain instead.) 0% Progress. Chapter 16: Vengeance. (Pretty much the same as @Steven Brown (Blaster)'s mod, except once more, Raven is in the main character's spot. And instead of Kyle dying, Raven's father dies. There will be a bit of a backstory regarding that.) 0% Progress. Chapter 17: Dark Pastime. (This goes without saying. This is will take place in 20 ABY instead of 17 ABY. Will have the same story as what @@NumberWan and his team are working on, but with Dart in Kyle's place as the main character. What I came up with is that by this time, Dart's Knights of Ren have grown into a well known organization and are in a full alliance with both the Jedi Order and The New Republic. However, with the incident at Goura, Dart senses something more sinister is at work here.) 0% Progress. ​ All personal modifications will done by me and anyone I know in the future will be private. But this is what I've been doing. The second project is my Machinima The Legend of the Valors, originally Kirk Valor. I still have to get that one up and running, but I'm confident I might be doing it in the near future as well.
  12. That's why we're here to help you, Fire Phoenix. We want to see this game stay alive and come back to it's glory days. And to be honest, I think that KOTF might just be the key to that. Of course, right now, it's an old rusty key covered in dust, dirt and grime to the extreme and requires A LOT of work to fix in order to unlock the box, which is reviving it's community to it's fullest, that it goes to. You already started cleaning off that key, slowly, but surely. My suggestion might sound a little cheesy, but....How about Masters Of The Galaxy?
  13. @@Seven, dude. You really need to release these great works.
  14. Good thinking, man.
  15. If I were to put any input in, it has to be focusing on the legal issues first. Getting LEGIT permission. Of course, there's also the possibility that the authors themselves of the maps and some models may not even be around anymore or their contacts aren't known anymore. But try your best and give it your all. The worst your might have to do is just give them credit without actually contacting them.
  16. Granted Kualan, EVERYTHING like this is an uphill battle from the start. Some more than others, like this. BUT when you finish something like this, it makes the effort all the more worth it.
  17. Brilliant as always, Jeff.
  18. I can agree to that. I know it has a bad rep, but please hear my side everyone. From what I personally saw, on Youtube and others, in a sense it gathered more people to this game than ever before. And if it is brought in and actually fixed, with people getting permission from the modders and stuff that Tim FAILED to do, just think of how much JKA might come back to life. MB2 can only do so much for this game nowadays, and even though it has a tainted past, there's always a possibility to be redeemed. Just like when someone falls to the dark side. They can always have the chance to be redeemed.
  19. I call BS on that. Firefox and Chrome log me in just fine. Plus Edge....Wow. That's even WORSE than Explorer. As for Trask, Why not?
  20. An...R2-D2...inspired...Gundam...? ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNSZgbJsSxU
  21. Oh MY GOD! I cannot tell you how much I want these, @@AshuraDX!
  22. I hope you can continue this. This actually helps people with models they might not find in the forums because they didn't look hard enough. Hell, I found some things that I weren't aware were on this site.
  23. Umm...All of what you used, I guess. I'd love to have all the content. Perhaps a...Special Edition?
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