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Everything posted by Archangel35757

  1. Going away? Inconceivable... who'll critique my work?
  2. Diago Luna was cast in a lead role... and he looks like a good comparison for Kyle: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redditmedia.com%2FIX4AhsxMuZMKNY--ihHJs0vwR0gTw6zqw6XMJj7Almk.jpg%3Fw%3D320%26s%3D0110c051cbe9da57c4f79e3890c2444d&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FStarWars%2Fcomments%2F35y7us%2Fso_diego_luna_has_apparently_been_cast_in_rogue%2F&docid=9fOepElZwPPj_M&tbnid=ikPBOUS9ccd_AM%3A&w=320&h=199&ved=0ahUKEwiZ3aCT8v_LAhVE4yYKHauwCwUQxiAIBSgB&iact=c&ictx=1 ...plus he leans up against a holo-display similar to Kyle in a Dark Forces briefing: so I believe this is "Jan Ors" and "Kyle Katarn" whatever they get called in the movie.
  3. if I recall correctly, EasyGen (terrain editor) allowed you to "paint" a 2D texture image which would then replace the color with a game shader terrain texture. Do you have something equivalent that would let you apply different colors which would then get replaced with your flowers, grass, etc.? maybe I need to go back and read the beginning of this thread...
  4. ...the guy in the white cape/uniform is the actor Ben Mendelsohn.
  5. Diego Luna is same height as Kyle Katarn... so I'm hoping he's the "Kyle Katarn" character... and that the name "Jyn Erso" is simply a misdirection and will be Jan Ors when the movie comes out.
  6. Could this "Jyn Erso" be a temporary name (dubbed over) to throw off the fans?
  7. at the 1 minute mark in the trailer when the siren is going off and they appear to be coming out of a hangar on Yavin4... it looks a lot like "Jan Ors" and "Kyle Katarn" (the guy in the brown military jacket-- who was also depicted earlier in the briefing room) walking side-by-side. Of course they'll probably change his name too... to "Cael or Cole Craytan" or something like that.
  8. Why are they unwilling to throw the fans a bone and use the name "Jan Ors" -- it seems clear to me to be the same character... ...the guy in the white cape/uniform looks like the actor Ben Mendelsohn.
  9. swimming animations... perhaps I could give it a go in my mocap suit in the near future... not in water of course.
  10. you should incorporate the Ghoul2 first person view model and take a look at @@DT85's melee fighting modifications for DF2.
  11. the toe end of shoes look too tall compared to reference.
  12. Update: I've been working to update my dotXSI 1.x/3.x import maxscript to add support for retaining dotXSI 3.x normals in an Edit_Normals modifer. I have that working... but I've been trying to diagnose (with @@AshuraDX) why the script fails in Max versions above 2012. It's really bizarre. The script works just fine in 2011. In Max2015 it appears to be haning up at a specific point in the SI_Envelope parsing. I really want to fix this so it works for 2013-2016.
  13. @@Xycaleth - great news! @@DT85 - does the v1.9 dotXSI exporters fix the mesh normals for Rend2 compatibility?
  14. what I dont see about the unmasked ep.6 Vader is how he got that large gash on top-left of skull. I dont recall that from ep.3 ...on second thought, maybe he had a Force rage migrain headache and split his own skull when he found out Padme was dead.
  15. I guess in Star Wars... to be truly dead you need to fall into a giant meat grinder...
  16. wait... so Kanan had his eyeballs cut-out by a saber slash? So permanent blindess? Or are his eyes just injured and will heal?
  17. To do it automatically as you suggest makes me have to assume that people are assigning textures from the proper Game folder path-- and that may not be correct (to just grab the texture path); and it forces people to change to that Workflow. Having the user put in the relative path as the material name leaves no questions or bad assumptions. Sorry. I can can write you a simple maxscript to assign relative texture paths to material names. That would be a simpler thing than modifying the exporter C++ code. But you'll still have to push a button or two...
  18. what does the original Raven asset say for a material texture & path in hex editor? what does your model say in the exported dotXSI XSICustomPSet template (which holds relative texture path for Carcass to make G2 Skin file)?
  19. can that involve an alpha mask (or something) so as to break up the uniform blend?
  20. Heresy! The new 3ds Max dotXSI exporters correctly generate the XSICustomPSet template data used to create the G2 Skin file by Carcass-- as long as you name the materials (in 3dsMax) the "relative path" name.
  21. Welcome to the Hub.
  22. What about "Upgraded Maps" ?
  23. Character Studio doesnt have facial bones. I'm only considering to make a GMax version for the facial GUI rig.
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