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Everything posted by Archangel35757

  1. Still on my list of projects to finish. I just recently helped @@DT85 fix the vertex normals code for his MD3 exporters. Now I'm getting back to Jan Ors... my other two projects are the Raven's Claw GLM cockpit and IG-88/Lancer (which will be it's own new NPC). Edit: I've also been playing with my motion capture suits...
  2. He's got no eye sockets to hold them in!
  3. they should give him synthetic vision visor like Jorde from star trek.
  4. that last one looks darker and more grainy.
  5. I got an email response today from Chris Reed at Raven Software... he said it was a No-Go on getting the SoF2 source code released: "Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner. I did forward your requests onto a few people and it’s taken them a while to get back to me. Unfortunately I’m not able to help you. Our ability to release things for the mod community has dwindled down to nothing, even for some of the older titles. I do wish you the best of luck in your endeavor. Sorry guys...
  6. what kind of statue model and format MD3 or what?
  7. @@UniqueOne -- derived it from Vortex's BloodMap enhanced q3map2... https://github.com/paulvortex/BloodMap ..I think these are some of the numbers: MAX_MAP_MODELS 4096 (was 1024) MAX_MAP_BRUSHES 65536 (was 32768) MAX_MAP_PLANES 2097152 (was 1048576) MAX_CUST_SURFACEPARMS 1024 (was 64)
  8. Use smoothing in Blender to customize the vertex normals.
  9. @zOrg - no one is stopping you-- go ahead & knock yourself out... but don't poo-poo or vomit all over the good, hard work that people are doing to upgrade this engine! Edit: Plus these kind of comments, like yours above, can be demoralizing... have you ever considered that? Keep up the great work @@Xycaleth!
  10. looking forward to the bloodmap alpha-blending now that you wrapped your head around it.
  11. What MD3 exporter are you using? The ones from @@DT85 in the download section for Max2010/2011, have incorrect vertex normals-- if I'm not mistaken. We just fixed the 3ds Max MD3 exporter code and @@DT85 should be updating all exporters for Max6 to Max2016 soon... I would suggest re-exporting all of your MD3's with the newly fixed exporters.
  12. @zOrg - plenty of tutorials out there (Blender, Softimage ModTool, 3dsMax, etc.) you're more likely to get help from others if you undertake it yourself... everybody is busy.
  13. there you go: http://www.scifi3d.com/details.asp?intGenreID=10&intCatID=13&key=137 Now you just need someone to rig & animate it and compile it to Ghoul2 format.
  14. any update on the bloodmap alpha-blending and what that looks like in your warzone mod?
  15. what we need are "Next-Gen" mapping techniques for Rend2. Just little small maps that get across the technique. Also, some techniques using @@UniqueOne 's enhancements in his warzone coding mod...
  16. True... but we seem to have almost no Maya users in this community. I will put recompiling the MD3, MAP, and XSI exporterters for Maya 2012 on my ToDo List... but it will be awhile.
  17. I found the source code for MD3 and MAP exporters for an old version of Maya (as well as source code for XSI exporter for Maya 8). It should be able to be recompiled for later versions. Sometime in the future I will try it for Maya 2012. I could upload it if others want to tinker with it.
  18. it should animate open/close (like a Japanese fan) when you click on it. The 12 o'clock hand should rotate down to the three o clock hand.
  19. Has anyone tried to use the 3ds Max .MAP exporter? In regards to modelling things were close to dead, but @@DT85 and I started to work on fixing the 3ds Max dotXSI exporter (as the Softimage released version was dorked/broken and unable to export valid animations; and the valid Raven exporter only worked for Max5) ...but we finally got the exporter fixed... and I can see a revival of modelling/animation. @@mrwonko made Blender exporters as well. There's a coding team still working to enhance GtKRadiant and with the new mapping code that @@UniqueOne is doing in his warzome mod, and @@Xycaleth working on the new OpenJK renderer (Rend2, normal mapping, etc)... I think there will begin a new rennaisance of mapping-- even if it's just people pushing their limits and artistic ability.
  20. @@DT85 - Max6 project files sent. While removing Listener output code, I hastily made one quick code change so that statistics would show properly when only smooth groups present-- but did not have time to test compiled plugin. Also, another thing I forgot to do was change "Quake III" to "Quake III v2.1" Because I set the project version and dialog to version 2.1.
  21. @@DT85 - OK... everything is fixed now. I did decide to add an export statistics dialog: I just need to remove all the troubleshooting lines of code that printed out information to the Maxscript Listener... so I should have it zipped up and to you later today. Huzzah!
  22. I like the image... but at night this is going to be blindingly bright! There should be an option for a "dark" night-vision compatible theme.
  23. I have a 3dsMax plugin called Foley Studio for rendering sound FX... (it has doppler shifts, etc.) http://boomerlabs.com/fsm https://vimeo.com/137026749 I was planning to create some new dynamic saber sounds (one day... far, far, away).
  24. you can compare the same exported scene as 3.0 and 3.5 in Notepad++ (using the side-by-side compare plug-in). The main difference is in shaders and materials. But you can keep using v3.5 , my 3dsMax import maxscript can import 1.1/1.3/3.0/3.5 formats.
  25. Carcass v2.2 can process dotXSI 1.1 and 1.3 formats (Star Trek Elite Force) as well as 3.0 and 3.5. Version 3.5 adds no additonal useful information for this game engine... so might as well use v3.0 imo.
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