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Posts posted by katanamaru

  1. I read it.


    Make your map first then. If you do that and get your partner to start making skins then you could impress a coder to join you. If you can't get a map and skin in basic JA then there is no reason to believe you can do so in a new JK4 game. If you can't map and your partner can't skin then there is nothing a coder could do to help you.

    Right now it sounds like you plan to map a single map and then start telling others what to do. No one wants to work in that environment FYI.


    As far as 'stealing your ideas' you'll have to make your code available to the public under GPL. Unless I misunderstand that.

    Raz0r likes this
  2. I am not a modder that is why i am looking for a programmer. I am a level designer mainly and one of my partners is a graphic artist. we have no experience working on mods but we have worked on other solo projects on a smaller scale.

    Just so you know. Every modder here just read:

    "I don't know how to mod. I just want someone to do the work for me. My buddy can do photoshop, but he hasn't even reskinned a model yet."


    Our response is going to be:

    First try to make a mod of some type that doesn't require a coder. If you are the level designer then you need to make a map that utilizes scripts so you have knowledge to contribute and a better way to articulate what you need a coder to do. Your partner needs to start with some reskins. Choose an easy model to reskin like the Anakin model, Kyle, or a Reborn.

    Once you can show you've learned how to contribute then a coder may be interested it contributing to your mod.

    negru_tudor and Circa like this


    That^ would be kinda nice.


    • Removing the fov limit
    • Having MP movement, or atleast something similar like Razor did on his speedruns
    • Enabling lua plugins (JKg and JA++ have this)
    • Increasing the number of species, npcs, vehicles, etc allowed


    What is the fov limit? Do you mean supporting widescreen?

    What is MP movement? How does it differ from SP movement?

    What does lua do?

    Yes to increasing limits, but I think OJK  all ready does this.

  4. They do use hitboxes, but yes about the specific time. (which is why you should never use yellow forward saber :D)

    Would you explain please?

    I've wanted to replace that animation for a while since it doesn't seem to effective. What you and others know may help me out here.

    Onysfx likes this
  5. Any word on the new Battlefront game having saber fighting? If it doesn't, and if the movie does, then I think we'll see some resurgence.


    We may, as a community, want to keep up with all the news about the movie we can so we can start an epVII mod/s asap. If there is no movie tie in then we could get something out that fans would like.


    I'll keep my ears and eyes open for saber combat stuff.

  6. I'd rather have seperate runs and walks, both forward and backward, for each style. It's easy to make runs and walks that match up with a stance. If we turn off the upper part of the walk it may look unnatural. The upper body would be static, or breathing, while the lower body was running and walking.

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