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Posts posted by katanamaru

  1. Opinions are welcome.

    Though your last statement is confusing to me:

    "It (real sword styles) feels like it's just mostly for show and skill, whereas in Star Wars, it was to defend/kill." - Circa

    That is actually 100% backwards to me. Real sword fighting is about surviving and killing where Star Wars is flash and excitement.

    PreFXDesigns likes this
  2. I'm kind of itching to make a saber style. I was planning on waiting till I got XSI figured out, but I'll need a new computer and an internet connection before I can seriously consider that. In the meantime I'll be in Dragon.

    So which style would you all like to see?

    I have ideas for Makashi (form II), a staff version of Djem So (form V), and a Dual's version of Niman (form VI).




    My inspiration for Makashi is Polish saber. I know a bit about saber fighting so I'll be using myself as reference.

    Some vids:















    I have a basic style thought out and some ideas for an advanced style. The advanced style would incorporate attacks in the transitions and some counter attacks after blocks. That would give the players incentive to stay in close when fighting. Until we get the process figured out on how to add saber styles I will replace Tavion or Dessan's style.


    Staff Djem So


    The main idea behind this style is to look like something Exar Kun would use. This would be a single handed staff style utilizing very broad movements. It is going to be pretty basic and the attacks are going to be focused more in front, but the nature of the staff makes it cover a large area.


    These pics are WIP and I'm happy to take suggestions.






    Jar'Kai Niman


    I wanted to make a less flashy dual saber style. This could go one of two ways. One, would be having both sabers attack along the same line and using both sabers to block the sides. The other is a one saber attacks and the other covers the exposed side. I'd also throw counter attacks into the defense. That would look a bit funny when defending against blasters.






    I wanted to make this one before but lost interest in animating at the time. I could make this one work with JO models as well if people want. That means the left hand may have to move in unrealistic ways since there is no left hand tags on JO models.


    These styles would all work better without spins in the transitions. Until we get new styles added to the game I'll have to use spins wherever they are used in the styles I replace.


    Circa, Asgarath83, ChalklYne and 1 other like this
  3. Are you sure? You may be thinking of a mod, because I know from importing and messing with them that in base JA there are no breathing stances. The ones I'm working on now don't have breathing either, but I'll go back and add it in later.

  4. I don't have time right now to go into too much detail, but I'll give it a go.


    I don't think breath and poison are neccessary. Poison isn't that good. Why wait for the poison effect to kill someone when you can use other powers that do more damage up front or a saber/saber throw? Breath is only a counter to poison. You could take any of the heals to counter it instead.


    Same for scream and stasis. They are neat, but not really neccessary. I'l only take 1 rank in either. Stun an opponent and then hit them with a saber. I could see teams taking this power and just using it all the time.


    Revitalize (better to be called Resurrect) and kill also not so good. For sp it takes the disadvantage of an ally dieing away. Besides with all the healing powers you shoule be able to keep npc's alive. Kill just seems lame. A super grip basically. Why take grip when you can take kill?


    Whirl is just one of the stunning powers. So once again people will just group up and spam it.


    Battle Precognition is just invincibility to everything except sabers. Too cheep.


    I didnt' talk about the stats like 2 force points a second because that's something that would have to be play tested.

  5. Well one slightly messed up mission vs. every stromtrooper comander is really the issue.

    If the pros outweigh the cons in his mind then it's all good.


    A fix for that would be to give the Tuskens their own .gla via the hex method. That would be fine since they aren't in any cutscenes.

  6. I have been using the tusken sniper rifle and replacing the tusken taunt animation with the cool soldier signalling animation  and replacing the tuskenrifle model to a e11

    for a tough storm commander who signals to his troops and commands them, then melees you if you get too close, this makes the npc's much more interesting to fight. 

    That's a really good idea.

    Does that mean he shoots like the tusken, or did you change it's rate of fire and such in the weapons.dat file?

    Mandalorian likes this
  7. So I found out just a few days ago that if you make a folder in your base folder with ext_data/npcs you can put npcs there without making a pk3. This blew my mind! I was using an npc that I thought was in a different folder and couldn't find them in the base folder, but found the file there. So I made a new one for a test and confirmed it. Probably works with sabers too.

    therfiles likes this
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