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Posts posted by katanamaru

  1. SP yes.

    All the weapons share the same both_runback_2 animation.

    All the weapons have different walk_back_# animations.


    So I was thinking of making the run animations into "hauling-ass-like-a-mofo-jedi." And the walk animations into the run animations.  

    Then I'd make new walk back animations for the single, dual, and staff sabers.

    Use the g_speed 200 in an auto exec or bind it to a key.


    All that would work, but I'd lose the ability to roll while walking.


    This would be very similar to the original JK and MotS games.

  2. I tested out g_speed and it works!

    Changing speed only affects the player, and not the npcs.

    Changing the speed affects jump speed and walk speed, but not the roll speed.


    I had a neat idea while doing this: I thought about increasing the speed so that walk was the run speed, and run was very fast. This would be more like the original JK and MotS which had the play running superfast.

    This would also allow me to have custom run back animations for single, dual, and staff movement.

    The only downside is that the player cannot roll while walking. Regardless of the speed.


    Unless anybody knows a way to fix that?

  3. Okay so I'm looking for a way to slow the run speed of my character and enemies down a little. Is there a console command that can do this?


    I know I can adjust npcs individually via their .npc file, but I'll have to adjust all of them.

    I don't know if this will affect the player character or not.

    I know there is a console command that lets me slow down the speed of all characters when they swing their saber.

  4. There is a samurai/ninja model that has scabbards on the back. They are part of the model. So you'd have to make a model with the scabbard and then use a mod like JA+ that could holster the sword on the back/hip.

  5. I have two different rifle animations. One is a less recoil one that is good for repeaters and E-11's. The second has more recoil and is better with conc's and flachettes.


    The pistol sets I have are a) military style (my fav), b.) original JK style, and c) The pose from the poster of Han Solo firing.

    I like A the most and will use that one.


    I'll put these in a folder for you to merge and a pre-merged, ready to go mod. 

    You just want the gun animations and no saber stances?


    Oh yeah, the reload was rough so it won't be included.

    Mandalorian likes this
  6. The normal run puts the second blade in the ground though.


    I'll look at pulling out my gun animations and putting them together. I'll see if they have breathing animations too.

    The cover as a replace to the "use + A/D" dodge sounds neat. I'll ponder that.


    I have two different rifle animations. One is a less recoil one that is good for repeaters and E-11's. The second has more recoil and is better with conc's and flachettes.


    Are people interested in new runs and walks for the dual and staffs? Give some suggestions if you are. Otherwise I'll use the ones I like. The staff is based off the one in the JK mod Saber Battle X by ShadowX.


    I'll get the dl from your link this weekend. Little know fact: I don't have the internet at my apartment. So I get it from friends and family. So uploads and downloads will depend on the weekend.

    Mandalorian likes this
  7. Depends on the units as people have said. The Force FX sabers have bladed lengths of 32 inches if I remember correctly. It's been a while since I last measured one of them. I think the sabers are a bit too long (really only a bit), but that is a good length for the speed the player moves at running. If the blades were scaled down to what I think is more accurate then the base run movement speed would have to be reduced.

  8. The roll was to hide a bug with the animation ending and going to the medium stance right away regardless of what the player was doing. Someone (QuiJohn) worked on a new one. Since I don't play MP I wouldn't be able to test it reliably so for now it's a no go. BUT if Minilogoguy's tools work I may still give it a try. So I'm not totally dismissing the idea. I just may need some volunteers to test it.

  9. I started in 2002 with JK and MotS. Just moving things around in other mods like Saber Battle X and such.

    JO was with kyle replacements and learning file paths.


    JA started with adding npc's so I could use the playermodel command. Oh the Power! I could finally have a removeable robe again!


    When people started making animations I kept waiting for someone to recreate the run from JK/MotS, but no one ever did. I waited literally years! So when I got out of the Navy I decided I'd give it a shot. I found the Open Jedi Project team and asked them for help and sure enough I finally got my wish! I still use that run (well a fixed version) to this day. It is MANDATORY for me. The team started asking what else I could make so I kept experimenting. Some of you will understand how happy I was to get a gun firing animation in game! But the greatest was when I got my first saber swing in game! That openned my eyes to all the different animations I could do. I still jump for joy a little when I put a new animation in game. Even when it is rough and needs fixing. 


    I try to give back to the comunity when I can. I've done request (even have one open now) and have made The Force Unleashed animations specially for the community. People asked for them so I did it even though I LOATHE the backhand styles.

  10. I picked up JA again recently and I'm playing through some of the mods I love.


    This also got me to think about trying to make some new animations, but I don't really have any ideas at the moment.

    So what are some simple-ish animations that people would like to see? Feel free to ask for anything, just be aware that I'm not guaranteeing I'll take them all up.


    Mini: I'll try your tools out if you can give me the specs required to run them. My laptop is from '05 and not that powerful.


    I've read some post that reference SP modding. Can anybody elaborate on the extent of coding that can be done please? I'm mainly looking for the spin transitions between saber attacks to be changed into non-spin transitions. If this is possible I'll consider finishing up the Link style and redoing ALL the spin transitions of the 7 saber styles!


    If adding styles is possible...OMG hold onto your butts!




    Quick note: I don't make cutscene, taunt, or other non-gameplay animaitons. I'm only interested in animtions that are seen/used during the actual game.

    Master Ridley and Mandalorian like this
  11. If you are refering to the animations I made and attached to a Starkiller skin then yes it is possible to make them work with cutscenes.


    I'd have to copy EVERY cutscene and use a hex editor on EVERYONE of them. That was too much work for too little pay off.

    I figure most people skip the cutscenes in JA and the people who might use the animations in a mod would probably use the cutscene animations that are already in the _humanoid.gla.

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