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    Houston TX
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    Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA)
    longsword, sword and buckler, saber, montante (great sword)
    weight lifting
    video games

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  1. Has there been any updates on getting new animations into JA sp yet? I'm waiting on that before I animate again.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Archangel35757


      ...or just have it all in one overall humanoid.gla and let the animation.cfg determine what a player/NPC can do...

    3. Archangel35757


      Also... I'm planning to make a female_humanoid.gla using the new Jan Ors mesh (WIP) so that she will be the correct height w.r.t. Kyle's 1.8m.

    4. katanamaru


      I don't have any of the powerful software. My computer is way too old for it. I'll by a new pc when we get this figured out.

      The seperate .gla's is the best solution. Saber styles are over 72 (if I remember correctly) sequences. Recompiling a jedi.gla every time could get to be too big or cumbersome.

      I agree with general powers too, but I'd like to animate more force and guns too. Which would also be easier to add with seperate gla's.

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