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    Houston TX
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    Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA)
    longsword, sword and buckler, saber, montante (great sword)
    weight lifting
    video games

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  1. While some of these do look cool they won't play well in JA. The reason is, in vanilla, in order for the saber to defend it has to be in the way of the attack. When the saber is behind or away from the front of the character the defense check doesn't occur. I learned this while making the backhand stances. I noticed that I was getting shot or cut a lot if I wasn't swinging my saber. That's why I had to add in a manual block animation to replace the leaning animations.
  2. If you can find an older version of my stance mods I removed the twirl by editing the actual animation.
  3. You can also do this as a unique saber. I can't remember the actual command but it's in the saber readme. You can add a line that will overwrite all the stances to use a particular stance.
  4. Is there a way to insert a picture from my phone into a post? All I see is a way to link to a url.
  5. Oh man these take me back. Logging in everyday to see what amazing new mod, or Reborn reskin, was posted.
  6. Hey that's really cool! I was checking in lately to see if animating was easier to do now. So we can use 3dsm now, can we use blender? That's easier to get, and easier to use from what I've heard.
  7. I'm back... kind of. The recent youtube video of JK:Enhanced was awesome. However I'm super rusty and I'd have to hope my old laptop still works. The hard drive I backed everything up to died a few years ago. I do have my notes written down so I could potentially get Dragon up and running again. I'll see what I can find. @davidortillaDo you want the dragon data save or it finished and ready for game? And for which stance?
  8. So far no luck. I can make both blades sabers or both sword blades. I'm going to get some old notes off my old laptop to see if that helps me. I did some digging while pondering the issues and couldn't find any saber mods that had one steel blade and one energy blade. So it's not looking to good.
  9. All right. I'm busting out my laptop now to work on this.
  10. I'll give it a try. I'll do it tomorrow and see what I can come up with. Just so I'm clear: one sword blade that should always be on with no sword swing trail, and a second saber blade that turns on and off?
  11. Have you put bladestylestart info in before bladestyle2start? It also looks le you're missing the "multiple blade keys info." blade2trailstyle 1 Blade2trailstyle 2 Blade2noblade 1
  12. The console versions have lock on? That's pretty neat. Is it a soft lock like an aim assist or a button press for an actual lock on?
  13. The .sab files can increase blocking. There's a command to increase the defense level, and another one that lets the blade always do a defense check. I don't remember the first command, but the second is alwaysblock 1 iirc. This means you get a defense check even if you're swinging your saber.
  14. Articles I've seen mention "modern controls." Can you explain what they mean by that please? Do we cycle force powers and then press a use button or is there a hotkey system in place?
  15. Dang. You're busy!
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