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Everything posted by Mandalorian

  1. It's finished now But I can't get it textured when exporting, despite using the right md3shader properties. Tried exporting it as a obj and the texture works fine so It's not the uv map. Any one got any ideas? @@mrwonko your my best bet and also thanks for the tutorials.
  2. I am using a blaster from a boba statue I have. It is sixth scale.
  3. I thought I'd start work on my first from scratch shiny model. I am using blender. Let me know what you guys think! SO far I am 3 hours in and 988 faces have been made.
  4. Started on my very first scratch built model. Going well so far

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mandalorian


      I'm 80% done so far.

      So I guess that's not so bad for 2 hours worth.


    3. IrocJeff


      Make a thread.. lets see some pictures!

    4. Mandalorian


      done. Go check it out!

  5. I dislike the whole of the new trilogy and so the clone wars being a extension of that annoyed me. It destroyed the Original trilogy. However my issue is more with the new trilogy being a major major let down, I watched all of the clone wars and it grew on me like fungus on a shower wall.The later episodes had some really good dark moments and seeing characters and stories outside of the clone wars directly where the best of the lot. I liked the mandalorian episodes although I disliked Maul's return and Satine and Kenobi having feelings for each other kind of killed the integrity of good ol ben. Some of the clones where pretty cool like commander Wolffe but separitist forces where boring or ridiculous. The clone wars prior to NT was hinted in a way to be the emperor with the clones killing the jedi, Not droids against the good guy clones.
  6. just found the decimate modifier in blender. awesome tool.

  7. They use a different glm to the fettpack and the female variant will have a differnt glm. This pack will all use the same glm. I'm not sure if you can replace the mb2 with these but if you mange to feel free. I'd be honored
  8. Thanks a lot man, I have been planning on doing a pack of my own for years. These are some more wip's I am calling them Pyron, Zern and Blind.
  9. Yeah i knew it was something like that but i couldn't remember of the top of my head.
  10. The symbol is mandalorian (jakati?) eyes, They are originally a mando thing.so rex is tributeing them i suppose.
  11. Thanks DT I'm sure this will be an amazing addition to jk;enhanced
  12. So this is a glm? Ive got a arm with the ee-3 in md3 format, for first person view. I'd love to figure out how to make it a .glm
  13. I've been attempting a .md3 version of this.can't seem to get the positioning right. Cool stuff! Could you maybe write a tutorial on this?
  14. I have a few things i need to release, when I get round to it.
  15. I learnt to frankenstein without the net. I think your right though. I've been watching your youtube tutorial. It's very thorough.There needs to be more tutorials for blender for playermodels!
  16. A few tutorials on terminology of 3d modelling and games will be a good contribution, seeing as that's what is important when your starting.
  17. Thankyou I've been working on a few more will have about eight males and 4 or 5 females when i am done..
  18. I don't plan on the jango heads for the final. there just a place holder. Indeed this is meshed with claims work. I am waiting for permissions but he has been absent from mb2 for a bit.
  19. Everyone uses this tool at some point I'm sure. Any improvement is worth it.
  20. Thanks guys. I'm working on the toggle-ability for this so that there can be heaps of options and this can be a spiritual successor to the mando packs already out there.
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