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Everything posted by Mandalorian

  1. Very nice atmosphere. You should make a sp version.
  2. ok i have fixed that. when it is reapproved you can get some ungreen haired jango.
  3. I'll fix the hair.
  4. I forgot to fix that lol.
  5. Version v.02


    I was never happy with the jango fett models people made, so here is my take. I'm not 100% happy with it but I thought a release was in order. Enjoy.
  6. Wow this is some seriously amazing work.
  7. I will eventually hiddenbek. I'll let you know. learnt to make props with noesis out of .glms to md3's. pretty cool stuff. you can import a glm model in blender and then pose it's skeleton, join all the parts to the hips in it's posed position, delete everything else except the joined model and skeleton and then export it to .obj file,then load it in noesis and export it to a .md3, it will have your pose and the textures assigned. going to use this extensively! also found this blueprint to help me build my slave1 interior in radiant.
  8. Thanks guys I'll keep you both in mind when theRfiles has the time to develop a script for this.
  9. I have been working on the slave a bit. Got a exterior model for it now for cutscenes. I'll make the exterior brighter and add emitter efx for the engines tonight. This will be great for cutscenes and there's a version with the ramp removed so i can make the interior for a map where the ramp comes down and you can explore the ship.
  10. Don't be a jerk.
  11. Okay I kind of see your point. Did you see why he did that? Do you also see how your reacting? It comes across as narcissistic. Your self victimising this situation. So you're saying he didn't make that with intentions of posting on the file section all shined up and everything therefore making my work null and void? It seemed patronising, yes. Did you talk to him about it in a pm or would you prefer a whole bunch of forum members to argue over it? If I created work that was made null and void, sure my hard work would be null and void but a better product would exist and someone who cares about the same product is revealed to you, In this case someone who is experienced with this game. GAH whatever I don't even care anymore I was only doing it to help somebody and at least he thinks it's great and that's all that matters. Well then that's good. That's the outcome you intended, to get the person what they wanted and they got it. It wasn't to gain respect for your own talents, was it? I still think the intent was to make a point to you. I think I'll stop here. hope this is the last post on this and you can settle it privately.
  12. circle reasoning is happening here. This will continue on and on infinite and escalate further. It's best just to realise that no harm was directly intended and that should be damn well good enough, otherwise people will avoid working with you and let you release content without any review, which is worse than a few insensitive criticisms. As well as withering chances of collaborating with other forum members. I am not attacking you at this point but i am sure if you feel that way, I am suggesting that you are definitely automatically defensive, and you need to self examine and see the fault is the handling of your own emotions Was the criticism patronising, it probably came across that way and may of been, but it's intention is clearly to be constructive, for the positive.
  13. I think the forums are reasonably fine but I'm quite new, being new to the forum has been a challenge from my side, Not knowing the flow means you can be annoying to others without realising it (hope I contribute more than annoy). The more experienced modders are like legends to people and so I think when you receive negative feedback from them, newbies to modding take it personally. You want to be told by people of skill that you also have skill but you have to earn it. So far the forum has being a good place to learn and I personally need constructive criticism to see where faults in my modding lay, the trick is to distinguish whether its opinion or an actual fault. Egotism is tricky to address. It's generally easier to avoid those who's ego's do not match their skill, otherwise their egotism may just come from actual experience. Don't be a jerk is pretty easy and clear to me as a rule and it's the staff's job to regulate it. If they aren't they likely aren't aware of it.
  14. A tutorial? I haven't gotten around to that but I should.I seem to suck at writing tutorials.
  15. Can't seem to download this. It stops downloading after an hour.
  16. So I take it DT is only interested in new prequel models?
  17. Wow didn't realise how old this post was. Sorry for bumping. Some bounty hunter models and some more aliens. The only decent model of a bounty hunter out there is zuckuss. The Ig88 and dengar would be good as well as a new bossk. by aliens I mean more monster aliens as well as cantina aliens. some more generic droids for mapping resources?
  18. The cockpit yes, I plan too when I know it needs no more adjusting. I am referring to a separate map object apprentice
  19. CIrca I look forward to it!
  20. Cool well I guess some voice acting is in order. I'll come up with some characters. so his employer will flash up talk then show him the bounty, who will rotate slowly. what should we do first? I haven't worked with others before so your the senior the R.
  21. I was thinking a hologram from a panel popping up and people giving him missions, although that's insanely complex. Him just interacting with the control panel, a few angle changes and then using a slave map object I have flying off, towards a planet with a few angles as a transition too the mission.I really want to give the impression your travelling in your ship from planet to planet.
  22. Hellz yeah. therfiles, what do you think of making this a mission select screen as well as a cinematic asset?
  23. Thanks barricade I hope it isn't like academy by the time I've finished, scum, villianry, bounties and alien monsters, a darker theme and no lightsabers. Not one. Your support is good enough, I'm not sure of your skill set but I will ask for help if your up to it.
  24. nevermind I am making progress.
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