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Everything posted by Ping

  1. Yeah I don't really see much harm in some uses of them either (camera angles etc), but I think it's at least fair to include a warning that using the LU on the ESL will get you banned.
  2. Cool stuff, but helping to spread hacks is not so cool.
  3. Clearly this is about jaMME, but how I used to do it back in the days before we had awesome tools to work with is that I recorded the scene on timescale 1, then recorded the part I wanted slowed down again at a lower timescale value and just edited them together with video editing software. For any incremental changes over time I'd use cfg scripts, like 360 degree camera rotations or gradual timescale slowdown (from 1 to 0.5 in 1sec via /exec script.cfg). Those were the days. Anyways, carry on.
  4. You can find plenty of good demos over here: http://jkhub.org/wiki/index.php?title=Competitive_Play#Notable_Games_with_Demos You probably know most if not all of the guys and teams there by name, so I'm probably stating the obvious when I say that the good staffers listed there are zentur1o/evilwindu, cube, viper, s3cht etc., while the rest of the named players plays single.
  5. Ping

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  6. It might take off as a news site about all things karate.
  7. You said the same about the tja revival!
  8. Everything sucks and is easy except for the things I do and since I'm the only one who does them I am therefore the very best person at everything that is worth being pursued. Everyone else and their endeavours are complete shmucks.
  9. Oh crap you poked the beehive too hard. I was looking forward to the Best Players In The Universe At Everything to fistfight each other.
  10. Strafing is where the real men dwell and everyone that strafes is the best at everything, even at games they have never played. But hydroball comes in as a close second, I will admit.
  11. I'm relieved to see that posing, substanceless dick measuring and making exaggerated claims about one's prowess in gamemodes that one has barely ever played are not exclusive to the competitive sabering community.
  12. I like how the parade included public executions and rampaging AT-STs. Seriously though, the circling camera in slow-mo during the large saber fight was an excellent idea.
  13. I really like those. If anyone has more jk2 videos, feel free to post them or PM me with details.
  14. If you call someone inconsiderate, disrespectful, 'not true to himself' and lacking in integrity as an artist then that is quite insulting. I do get that you might not have meant to do that though, so all is forgiven. But on the subject: The same as I said before applies to remakes too. Remakes are not entirely abhorrent as an artform (it's like painting on the same subject as before), so some changes are good, others are bad, which ones are which is very hard to tell, so we should reserve judgement. There are clear cases of selling out, but this is not one of them. Even if we treat the new TCW as something that should remove the prevous TCW from existence (and it doesn't), it says nothing about Lucas' relationship to his art without significant mindreading and the assumption that there are things every artist must value or ways that every artist must behave qua being a good artist. I tried to argue that at least the criterion you propose, namely changing previously published artworks, falls into the water and the more refined one, namely changing previously published artworks in a 'bad' way, is far too vague to be useful. So why not just stick with saying whether or not you liked the prequels or the new TCW etc better and whether or not they are well done in comparison to others? That way we would directly engage with the art and judge it for what it is.
  15. That is a good point, but it does leave open the question as to what exactly he has encountered; a question I tried to answer by saying that if he based it purely on the videos, then he neither encountered ctf nor any competitive sabering, but a variation on both, one that doesn't allow making judgements on either of the first two (and of course, I'm not saying that he did make such a judgement).
  16. I don't see why a remake must be bad at all and why you can't treat the older TCW as a standing series anymore. You can still buy it and unless Lucas made significant changes to the plot, the older TCW should still be canon to some extent - and even if it isn't, that shouldn't be a big deal either, since we enjoy the EU and various games a lot despite them not being canon. I don't see why we have to say that Lucas is disrespectful or otherwise a bad man because he remade or reworked something. Should we hunt down Disney too for all of his remakes and variations on previous releases?
  17. The movies were quite ok in terms of the kills, although I wonder if the footage is as old as 1.02 or whether it was taken more recently. But the action is nice nonetheless. Although I believe you just wanted to share two cool videos, I can't help but take the things you wrote seriously: You call remkoe the best player, but the best player at what? And what do you base that judgement on? If it's just those two videos, then the answer to the first question cannot be ctf, since they're not using guns, and it can't be sabering, since the vast majority of the kills show him catching someone who is running away, which is a very rare situation in pretty much all sabering game modes outside of ctf and doesn't extend very well to actual combat. So it must be saber-only ctf in 1.02 that he is supposed to be the best player at - if so, then I guess that would make some sense.
  18. I'll see what I can do. Also, Hugo is EVERYWHERE.
  19. The thing that appealed to me so very much was the quasi-buddhist, elite nature of the Jedi, both socially (council, status), martially (discipline, sabers, force) and morally. It wasn't so much their antagonism with crazy evil dudes and more the way they were characterised as a distinct group with their own training regimes and hidden academies that taught them special powers and whatnot. This made me so very much relate to younger people in the early 2000s when Harry Potter became somewhat of a phenomenon amongst them.
  20. @@Cerez: You still affirm that a published artwork should not be changed, except that this should hold especially so if the artwork was released a longer time ago. You argue against denying sequels by saying that there can be a good amount of continuity in the "essence" and "feel" of a handful of movies in a series, so making sequels is fine as long as you preserve those original aspects. You then say that this is hard, but especially so with movies that were released a long time ago due to the passage of time, so they should not be revisited or changed. But although there might be some continuity between original and sequel, as long as the sequel is tied to the series thematically in some way, it necessarily impacts the original at the very least by mere association (that was my last point in the previous reply) and very often it does so because it adds to the story or plot in some way; whatever adds to the story changes the original by mere expansion of it. So the sole fact that we do have a sequel necessarily changes the original - of course it might preserve certain elements like what you call the "feel" of it, but it does change it in other ways, so you can't say that one should never change the original without saying we should never make prequels/sequels. However, that was exactly my point and I'd be merely repeating myself: If we affirm that sequels are ok, we also affirm that some changes are ok. The point then is figuring out what sort of changes are ok or whose perception of what the "essence" of a movie is should count more. I argued that we can't make sense of "essence" without taking the author's intention into account, and if Lucas' intention was to make action movies all along, then he's merely right. Even if his intention about the genre changed, it might have stayed the same about other stuff, so it doesn't follow that this change is necessarily bad. From what I said follows that merely because something is replaced, overwritten or compromised by something new it doesn't have to be bad at all, and I can back it up with examples too: Empire Strikes Back fully and completely overwrote and replaced the initial way we thought of vader's relationship to luke in the 'original' ANH movie. The purely antagonistic relationship was 'compromised' entirely through the reveal that vader was in fact luke's father. The same goes for the way we thought of luke and leia beforehand as well, making the kissing scenes very cringy now. But I don't see you complaining about that because this is rightly deemed a good (and I presume 'essential') change. So the fact that something is replaced etc in the original artwork is not necessarily a bad thing. My bottom line is that the only person who has any authority on the question what makes for a good or bad 'essential' or 'narrative' change is Lucas himself, since the 'essence' of his art is partially constituted by his intention. Which is why we should refrain from pointing fingers at certain things and saying they are bad because they introduce changes in the plot that we deem bad (like erasure of characters; we might dislike it, but that doesn't make it bad, disrespectful or break with an essence of sorts). We should only judge the movies as pieces of cinematography and then claim they are bad sequels because they don't live up to the well executed cinematography of the originals.
  21. I honestly don't remember this being the case for jk2 at all, but it's been a while that I've played jk2's sp so I might remember it wrong. EDIT: Actually I might be completely wrong on this, now that I think about it. My only reference is the way saber wielding npcs work in MP (and therefore coop), but this might be very different in SP, which I haven't played for over a decade. In that case, my bad. Disregard everything I said.
  22. I actually feel like red stance was barely useful in both jk2's as well as jka's SP campaign. This is mostly because of the way dark jedi tended to just randomly parry, block or knock away the saber regardless of the swing they used. The only really viable swing in red you could do against those or boss type enemies was the overhead (w+attack) with a good amount of poke added to it for extra damage - mostly because it is possible to do damage with this swing while you're jumping away to secure your escape against a completely random parry that would normally instantly kill you. So red's viability against saber wielding enemies is already very limited, but it's especially bad against everything else compared to the other stances. In fact, blue is far better against npcs with guns than red is due to its speed and potential to chain swings indefinitely. If you miss with yellow or blue, it's not a problem because you can chain them quickly and follow up with a new swing, while if you do miss with red you'll most likely get a blaster shot to the face before you can chain the next swing. And since npcs have very little hp anyways, 1-2 blue swings tend to just do them in and make using red for its damage completely unnecessary. There is literally no reason to use red against anyone but saber wielding enemies or bosses with large amounts of hp, and even then the stance is very limited. Therefore I'd propose the opposite: extensively buffing red while leaving the other stances as they are. Make it so that you cannot under any circumstances knock away, block or parry a red swing to make it more viable against saber wielding npcs and thus make it a proper alternative to staff/duals (in jka). The only downside to that could be npcs that use force rage with red stance to slice you up real good.
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