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Everything posted by Ping

  1. I like this. For jkhub.org, we get: jka skill - 60th jedi academy skill - 42th jka casual - 8th jka modding - 9th ja+ - 2nd, 3rd At first I was like: But then: jka competitive play - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
  2. Aliases: Dureal Area of skills: Sabering, Administrating Brief list of accomplishments: - Master League Admin (MLA) for the ESL's JKA section for over half a decade - Article writer and tournament organizer for the ESL for about as long - Longest and most consistent streaks of dominance in 1v1, 2v2 (with Sadrior from 2003-2005 and mrl 2008-2010) and TDM (with aXiom from 2004-2006 and 2007-2010) with over a dozen major international tournament victories, which makes him the most competitively successful JKA player of all time - Core member and leader of the most competitively successful clan in the history of JKA (aXiom); leader of Germany's official national team in the ESL - Inventor of the "Poke" technique, which changed the course of how JKA would be played forever Comments: In JKA, Dureal showed that flaws and mechanical incosistencies at the core of the game mean little, when genius is at hand. Before Dureal came about, single was considered a weak and slow stance with miles of ground to make up against the much more potent staff and dual-saber styles. A single player never even made it into the top10 of the ESL ladders. But turning the game on its head, Dureal became a pioneer of creative attacks and an artist with the saber. The worth of a single swing was never looked at the same way once Dureal landed ontop. Not only did he revolutionize the way the game was played competitively through his invention of the poke, he also maintained an unprecedented dominance over the entire competition in JKA, at one point leading on the international 1v1 ESL ladder by as much as 306 wins to 10 losses, on the international 2v2 ladder by 61 wins and 4 losses. Team aXiom, which Dureal helped found and became a leader of, was competitively the single most successful clan in the history of JKA as well, sporting a winrate of over 90% on the ladders over a timespan of five years. They say that if you were to face one of the great saberists of old, you would very quickly learn that we are as children playing with toys compared to the prowess of the old masters. And yet Dureal's skill was considered remarkable even in his own time, when many of the greatest players were at their prime. His unquestioned supremacy was only checked by his unparalleled charisma ingame and out, which meant that he quickly became -the- iconic figure of competitive JKA, closer to Michael Jordan or Diego Maradona. But his greatness was not restricted to sabering: For over half a decade he lead the team of ESL admins responsible for the JKA section and used his experience and skills to organize tournaments and resolve problems between players. During that, he was one of the most fair and well respected admins on the ESL. In a community as divisive and riddled by controversy as JKA's competitive one, he is almost unanimously regarded as not only the best player, but one of the best people to have ever played JKA.
  3. It's always good to see more CTF. Quite liked this one too, but needs an outro maybe :unsure
  4. Authors? People that write texts for others to read?
  5. If you think that's confusing, you should have seen what problems we had with the "Aurochs" back a handful of years ago, i.e. the competitive branch of something called thejediacademy, which was something similar to what Hv is now - the "team" was exclusive insofar as we recruited from within tja, but tja was inclusive insofar as everyone could be part of it (like Hv, the principle was the same; teach people how to play regardless of clan affiliations, except that we didn't use JA+ for painfully obvious reasons), and since the team played competitively, it lead to all kinds of drama. But that's part of the game, I guess.
  6. "free furniture or so cheap" is definitely my favourite one on there
  7. We could hire a spy to find out!
  8. Maybe they are hidden from him.
  9. That took a strange turn..
  10. Pot calling the kettle black. Take your own advice.
  11. @: London-based servers give people from the west coast really high pings, but so do NYC servers for people from eastern europe. And those floating data-centres sound awesome, they could actually be put on the garbage islands floating in the middle of the Atlantic.
  12. @: That would actually be a really good idea. The Americans have Midway Atoll and maybe Hawaii to connect with the Asians, we only have Iceland, which isn't a perfect solution either. But no, I was thinking of other ways to handle the problem. But seeing as constructive criticism is met with condescending hostility and insults, I'll keep it to myself. @@Carbon: If by 'talking down on Hv' you mean having me associate them with you, then I guess I agree that this is a bit insulting. Sorry about that.
  13. Right, but he has the right to be hostile and condescending to people who give suggestions on how to improve the tournament? Likewise he could have taken the advice or left it, but no he had to insist on throwing a tantrum and calling names. Maybe that's how one does things in random JA+ clans or Hv, but on JKHub?
  14. @@Carbon: Oh yes I will most definitely take part in a tournament represented by someone who threw a tantrum in the face of constructive criticism and went to great lengths to insult me. Is everyone from Hv like that? As for the mod: Clearly I cannot argue against what you said because anyone who would disagree with you must be "too hard headed" and wouldn't "see reason no matter how well it is put", so why bother saying anything to the contrary if the collocutor, for whatever reason (oh the irony), rejects all counterarguments right away? @@MoonDog: I'm saying there are way more productive ways to deal with the issue of pings than forcing everyone to play on a server that favours a certain group over another.
  15. Although I admit me questioning your mod choice was a bit too direct, I gave you perfectly fine constructive criticism as to your server choice, which is a much larger issue. How do you want to host a fair tournament without taking into account that people might want to participate that don't live in the vicinity of the server and thus without putting them at a serious disadvantage? And if you can't guarantee that your tournament is going to be fair to everyone who wants to play in it, putting money on the line is a questionable use of resources... especially if it could be used to fix the glaring problem with your tournament.
  16. This is a joke, right? EDIT: And the only server we are supposed to play on is located in the US? So all Europeans are automatically at a severe disadvantage? How about you remove the prize money and invest it into actually getting a european server to make the tournament fair for everyone.
  17. He should have mentioned that his clan has a server located somewhere in Asia then. Important bit of info to leave out
  18. The rest of us are not welcome? Why do you ask about Asians in particular anyway?
  19. I'm not going anywhere near it. The risk that this might turn out to be the WARFIGHTER game is too great and I don't want to contaminate my games lists (no offence to anyone who likes it).
  20. Is it the original Medal of Honor 1? Or the terribad newly released one?
  21. I have an ancient version of it that I used for my fragvideo, including the original readme files and all. @@Circa: it's a rough port of q3's splinecam and it was spread via word-of-mouth within the CTF community.
  22. I'm at the exact opposite end of the extreme: I never modded in my entire life and the only times I used mods for JKA was to record footage for my videos (redslushie, pugmod etc). I also avoided playing on JA+ servers like the plague and never even tried MB2 (nor do I have the intention to change any of that).
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