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Everything posted by Ping

  1. But love is fickle and life is suffering...
  2. I was more thinking of the ancient original from the Aeneid, where Lavinia is the only daughter of the king of the Latins and who spends almost all of her time blushing and barely saying anything intelligible while Aeneas and Turnus fight over the right to sleep with her. The character is radically anti-martial and only plays a role as the object of desire for our roman heroes, so using her name unironically in a martial context makes me cringe extremely hard. Regardless of case, the choice is a poor one. But Lavinia as a name sounds rather pretty, I readily admit that.
  3. And you think Africa doesn't have the same "technology level" because it is too far away from the US and so the Africans just don't know what's going on there? Your claim was that knowledge in SW doesn't get diffused because the galaxy is too large, but given the lore, scale makes no difference; by saying that some places are less developed than others despite the diffusion of knowledge, you undermine your own point about the lack of diffusion being the cause of technological stagnation. Also, I don't see why you have to be a sarcastic about this. I made a clear objection and if you find fault in my argument, you can point it out without being rude.
  4. Given that travel and communication between planets is for them as simple as travel and communication between continents is for us, your explanation does not convince.
  5. You are right, I was being too cranky and pushed this into a direction that it didn't have to go.
  6. Do you not realize how cringy it is to name your clan after Lavinia, even more so if you picked up the reference from some third party and put it into somesort of martial context by adding "legion" or "corps" next to it? Lavinia had nothing to do with martial prowess, the name you use is almost oxymoronic.
  7. Ah ok, in that case I did make a mistake and take back what i said. There are a few people who use a shared account that is named after their clan to advertise their stuff here. LavCorps is perfectly ok in that case, unless it does refer back to Lavinia (and thereby to your clan name), which would make it pretty terrible for the reasons already stated.
  8. It took 25 posts on this E3 thread to have ff7 be mentioned. JKHub, I am disappoint.
  9. It doesn't help that their shorthandle 'LavCorps' is homophone with 'LoveCorps', making it sound like something from the Care Bears.
  10. I'm talking about full website integration, not just shared accounts, i.e. I'd rather not see a repeat of what tja did with its swtor and mb2 sites (although they didn't even share accounts). I mean something more akin to the way the filesystem or wiki are integrated into the website here (maybe not the wiki, since the integration is currently a bit weak and is being worked on for the new website, but I hope you see my point).
  11. Yeah of course, a lot of things would have to be changed. Most importantly though, I think it would be really excellent if we could somehow integrate the league into the (upcoming) website somehow, but I'm sure that would take a lot of work.
  12. Well, this is a great opportunity to have JKHub acquire its own league and branch out into areas other than modding. A lack of staff members that know how to run a league can always be amended by asking for staff applications, and especially once you start advertising the league, you'll get the attention of a lot of people with experience who know what they are doing. The thing is, you guys are credible and reliable whereas people should think thrice about working together with Silva. Merely putting a JKHub stamp on the site would be a mistake for exactly this reason.
  13. There can be radical differences in the consistency and weirdness of saber combat even between base servers with the same settings. Sabering in JKA is unfortunately somewhat of a mess, but it's still great of course.
  14. Don't care about the EU either. Kyle is only cool because jk2's SP was fun, and Jaina is only cool because Jaina D'Kana is a player I respect.
  15. Wait, were you not looking forward to the new movie? What happened to change your mind @@Cerez?
  16. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but you don't really have a very good track record when it comes to doing anything. Projects have a tendency to be engaged in haphazardly and left unfinished whenever you are in charge and I am not willing to invest time and energy to man a ship that has a blind captain. I wish you good luck with the league.
  17. Don't really know much about videos, but there's this one I made in 2006: @ has made some pretty good ones too, like:
  18. I have way too many fond memories, but I count amongst my favourites: Playing with Kain against aXiom's 2v2 team way back in 2005, beating DoX's best lineup with the Aurochs in a 3v3 and beating *aiming.Seph in the quarter finals of a 64-players ESL tournament. Pretty much my personal highlights when it comes to JKA. There's really a lot more though, like for example the first round of my ESL 1v1 against Dureal: At one point I was leading by about 200hp and got really excited, so much so that my hands started to shake and i was making really stupid mistakes and eventually lost the match. Good times!
  19. I don't get it. Is it yours? It's a nice combat sequence though, not easy to make against cheating npcs in sp. It looks more impressive due to the dismemberment and the fact that you can kill npcs with a single blue swing to the chest.
  20. Ping

    Interview: SiLink

    I got the same vibe as @@Syko on this one, but I don't mind. Activity is always nice.
  21. So you merely like the sound of the name then?
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