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Everything posted by Ping

  1. I'm a huge fan of the classics. In fact, I would even go so far as to say that 98% of all games worth playing have been released before 2011; more radically, a good 80% before 2007.
  2. Yeah it's no contest, but I think the OP meant custom ones.
  3. Source on the tournament please in the form of brackets and so on.
  4. I had no idea their tutorial was still hosted. That is really quite nostalgic. As for the recording: Using jaMME fixes everything. Just give it a shot.
  5. Just use jaMME. Read the readme and the respective threads for it. There's nothing else to use. It's even fancy enough to output avi files. For putting clips together, you can use windows movie maker. If you want to be really fancy, you could give adobe after effects a shot, but it's more tricky to use.
  6. Never owned any Apple products. Don't care to change that either.
  7. I love this so much. It's hilarious!
  8. Ping

    Get in the Zone!

    I absolutely support this idea. I also recognize that your hubris in calling yourself 'above average' and 'talented' is a necessary evil, considering that your chances of having people seek you out for training are higher the better your credentials are. I do believe that you and the people you play with are from NA? This is important to mention because otherwise we can't know what 'in the afternoon' means.
  9. Just look up avidemo and that's that. No need to be professional or have a high end pc. This goes not only for you offering your services here but for any other recording projects you might have. There is no excuse recording a video at 2fps.
  10. Just use /cl_avidemo 30 and convert the frames to a video instead of relying on third-party programs.
  11. I have the game and have (of course!) played it extensively, but I don't have it currently installed, so I can't really check it out myself. I was curious as to your sources on her canon looks and wonder how you have implemented them, and It's hard to judge the quality from just one screenshot. Also I'm totally considering using this for my next playthrough :3
  12. Can you give us additional screenshots of her new look ingame?
  13. Can you give me a bit of a background on the idea behind changing Juhani's appearance?
  14. Hey there. Have you played 1v1 much yet?
  15. Sorry, I'm not really active on JKA anymore.
  16. Oh I see, the fraglimit makes sense then. Might be hard to schedule a time where everyone will be present though.
  17. I thought you were pitching an idea, not organizing a tournament, but this is good too. I have no problem with the idea of having multiple disciplines to a tournament, although I myself prefer the standard format. However, I am not sure what you are trying to do for the combat part: first to 30 frags doesn't quite make sense, seeing as a match between two good players would take a very long time to finish, so I suggest you just set a timelimit to 10 minutes per round or something more realistic. Also, are you going to enable guns? You said the combat part will be played with "lightsaber and weapons", which sounds like guns will be involved, but then if you allow guns, what is the point of restricting force to just push/pull? Either you allow all force powers with guns or you remove guns and force entirely and make it saber-only.
  18. I approve of this very much (even though I would be hard pressed to call it a fragmovie).
  19. Not everyone cares about being good at the game, and that is fine.
  20. It works better because on a gamepad, you control your movement and vision with a stick that works based on time dilation. The movement of your thumb and the produced movement on the screen are not mapped one to one, but have aspects like degree of displacement (how far you move the stick away from the center) and time (how long you have kept the stick away from the center) factored into them. With a mouse, if I make a movement to the left by 1cm, then there will be a 1:1 corresponding movement of the camera on the screen which makes very precise and accurate movement possible. To get the same result on the screen with a gamepad though, I have to displace the stick to the left, wait a few moments for the camera to move, then release the stick again. Not to mention that the thumb is a very crude and low-precision finger to begin with and that it is incredibly difficult to get anysort of consistency in the camera movement given the displacement and time dilation factors ontop of that. The reason you don't find this utterly counterintuitive method of navigating a 3d environment awkward at all is because you've grown up doing it and don't know any better. Specifically for JKA, techniques like poke are genuinely impossible to perform on a gamepad, nevermind the quick and precise camera movement that is required for other techniques, hell even just basic movement techniques are close to impossible without a mouse (can you even strafe jump on a gamepad at all?). JKA is mechanically far too complex to be played on something that limits your input so much. But I can see why it would appeal to people who haven't played it before and are avid console gamers, and the more people play the game, the better it is for everyone involved, so I fully support the work done on proper gamepad implementation.
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