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Posts posted by Omicron

  1. I don't think I've seen those models before...


    Also, I suggest using ImageShack.com to host images that you're sharing. I was greeted with like 3 different ads from those two links.



    The Starkiller model is from this thread:



    But I can't find the dl links for it anymore, so I've uploaded it to my dropbox:


    lpriefer01 likes this
  2. A lot *could* be done with advanced entity modding on existing SP levels. I think this would be a major waste of time anyway though. You can put a hat on a pig, but it is still a pig.


    Icarus is much too weak to script anything approaching good combat. Also, the waypoint/combat point system and AI is atrocious. Pretty much, SP is a wash in terms of revamping the shipped levels. Especially since the source map files are not/will not be in circulation.


    When I played JKA, I loved alternate game modes like Siege and CTF. I was never "pro" at either, but I still had the most fun there.



    I would definitely play again if I saw CTF expanded on and popularized. Fresh levels would be good too. Only if they are very well designed ASYMMETRICAL CTF levels. Many of the custom levels that claim to support CTF are very very very very shitty CTF maps. You can't just slap a couple of fucking flags in a level. 

    Check out Tritoch's CTF maps, I think some are uploaded here, and they are used commonly by pug servers

  3. Oh @@Omicron, I don't think I'll ever be able to stop playing with that pufferfish :D.


    And I still think a JKHub server should be makermod. Why? Because it wouldn't get boring to people just dueling each other over and over. There is far more you can do on makermod than just a base/JA++ server.

    I enjoy dueling :D And to me, Makermod is more like minecraft which I get bored of pretty quickly (ture I haven't played that much Makermod tho), but most players like to have duels, play comp matches and have events, so I would imagine that only the small minority would enjoy having it as a Makermod server.

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