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Posts posted by Omicron

  1. Yup I know, but alt+tab pales in comparison to something like Q3E which is instant and moves it out the way, truly minimized off the screen until you hit the keyboard shortcut to go back. 

    Then bind a key to /minimize :D


    1. External programs such as minimizers obviously don't support the use of OpenJK due to it being a different exe. This isn't OpenJK's fault at all, however it is a little annoyance especially considering the constraints of an ingame minimizer (/minimize), Raz is hoping to get Q3E Minimizer which is now Open Source to support OpenJK :)


    OpenJK has /minimize and also supports alt tab on  fullscreen :L

  3. - Gamma level in the sceenshots are properly being stored, making those shots brighter then when made with the original .EXE file

    I would rather that was a toggleable cvar, as sometimes I play with a higher gamma so I can see more, but still like my screenshots in og brightness.

  4. I was thinking about interviewing some of them, yeah. I'd like some pointers though as to who and what to ask. :P

    How long they have been playing for? Most memorable matches? Best year to have been playing competitively? Advice to new players wanting to start playing competitively? Why they chose to play ESL/CTF the other? 

  5. I had a chat on #JACoders about this, what they said iirc (which worked for me) was that as long as the length of the name(s) you're changing stay the same, it shouldn't cause any problems. Out of curiosity, what model's path are you trying to change?

  6. dont get me wrong im not planning some huge project just a mod consisting of 5 levels.. ok?

    Judging from what you have said and described, I would say it is a fairly large project, due to the numbr of models, levels, voice actors, etc you need made/done.

    Rooxon likes this
  7. Yes


    1. Was on JAcoders pretty much when then source came out

    2. Was a little difficult early on, but that was before I figured out cmake

    3. No

    4. Merged renderers for MP/SP, ghoul2 viewmodels, needs more rend2

    Doesn't everything need more rend2 though?

  8. Looking good! Ae those lumps on the head modeled or textured on? As for making a younger version, it would probably look a lot betetr without them, or atleast look mch less defined, but great work nonetheless

  9. @Futuza's questions


    1. I found out from lurking on #JACoders iirc, or from when the src got released, and it was announced somewhere, not really sure tbh

    2. 7.5/10 I had to remove all my mods the first time, and occasionally stuff broke when I messed up the installation, but now I find it works fine for me every time I install a new version.

    3. Yes, a few people in JAWA do.

    4. A self installer/updater/launcher (like JKG's) would be quite good.

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