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Szico VII

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Everything posted by Szico VII

  1. You might be able to use some form of get or set origin to take the current ingame origin of the doors and rotate from there instead of around a pre-set point. @@mrwonko
  2. Sometimes if the origin of the model is silly (i.e not in a logical position) it can appear leaked even though the physical model itself is within the map boundaries. You can use zoffset to correct that. Otherwise, yeah, its just a bug.
  3. Sounds are only affected by VIS in JAMP. Hence why areaportals or other vis blocking methods will block sounds from the player.
  4. No it doesn't - the connector line will go to a specific brush but you'll notice that actually its targeting the entity, not the actual brush. (the "targetname") of the entity is targeted by the "target" of the trigger_multiple. As for realistic elevators with opening doors, can be done with scripting - examples below: http://jkhub.org/files/file/210-the-matrix-unleashed-submetro/ http://jkhub.org/files/file/1337-the-matrix-unleashed-lobby/
  5. Yes, You can also do right click>ungroup entity to return something to worldspawn or right click>add to entity to add new brushes to a pre-existing entity. You just select the entity first, then the new brushes if you're doing that...I think. (might be the other way around)
  6. Arent there just tickboxes for the various spawnflags on 1.5.0? Much easier than manually figuring out the spawnflag value...
  7. In which case all you need is a trigger multiple at each end which targets the func_door. Easy peasy! Give the triggers a wait time of approximately how long it takes the lift to move from top to bottom (as determined by the speed you give it) so people arent able to make it spaz out.
  8. Just set a "wait" key for the number of seconds you want it to stay in the open position if you dont want it toggled at each end manually.
  9. The best way of managing this (in my opinion) is to make a func_door instead of a func_plat. You can then have this door be triggered by a trigger at the top and bottom of the shaft. You can use direction Up and a lip value (of positive or negative, depending on whether it starts in up or down position) to determine the amount it moves. You can also specify a soundset for making noises if you like.
  10. Oh right, yeah, system/ladder doesnt do anything in JA, never has for me anyway.
  11. How does clip make a ladder that can be climbed?
  12. Theoretically yes, but would have to be split into smaller md3 as theres a max vertex count of ?1000 per model
  13. So, to confirm...ladders work in JK3? Thats news to me
  14. Fit is working as it should - you just need to rotate it 90 degrees by pressing the rotate left or right button twice (when its set at 45 step) to make it go around the curve of the patch. Set will allow you to do things like 2x3, 2x4, 1x2 e.t.c as fit is auto 1x1 If you want them going straight (in relation to the walls) then cap, as you already saw, works for that. As for save and compile issues, id be tempted to swap to radiant 1.6.4 (see downloads) or use a q3map2 frontend like q3map2tools (also on the download section) NB: The horizontal and vertical stretch arrows will increase/decrease the texture size from whatever you have set it to using fit/set/cap e.t.c
  15. You have to actually select the patch, not try and select a single surface like you would a brush
  16. Some images would probably be helpful at this point. Did you do SHift +S and then hit "Fit" or try set and you can do like 2x1 or 3x1 instead of fit (1x1)
  17. Your best bet really is to fade the two textures together using alpha mods, because this eliminates need for an alpha channel and you can have your lightmaps. http://www.simonoc.com/pages/articles/terrain1_2.htm
  18. http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/91-creating-curved-corner-cylinders/page-3? There you go, then you just need to "Fit" your texture to the patch and it will bend it to fit the patch. Much easier than making a round texture, especially as radiant round curves aren't actually perfectly round so never match up with a texture that is.
  19. Hah, I dunno. For me part of the fun is trying to get it to do shit that it doesn't make easy for you
  20. Well, theres a lot of features of newer games and engines that obviously are fantastically superior to JA
  21. I think its addflagged f (for function) Bots will auto press useable things when they go near them.
  22. http://www.simonoc.com/pages/articles/terrain2_1.htm
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