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Szico VII

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Everything posted by Szico VII

  1. Depends who you messaged. You definitely didn't message me. Anyway, arent you supposed to email someone as requested on the JKHUB bar info page anyway?
  2. Back on topic people. Nothing wrong with unadulterated enthusiasm. Unless its for something illegal...like murder, or hogging the middle lane of a motorway.
  3. The x64 one you linked presumably also allows the use of >2GB of RAM and *may* also have other speed benefits so if it works as it should then use the one you linked. The one hosted here is a 32-bit compile. The requirement for a 64-bit OS is because 32bit systems cant handle more than 4GB of RAM.
  4. >2 means greater than 2. Meaning it can use more than 2GB. The amount depends on your OS, as stated earlier. \the version here is NOT a 64-bit compile though.
  5. Theres a tutorial on this - http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/106-passworded-doors-scripting/
  6. It "may" be that SOFII doesnt utilise those flags. If it does then perhaps you should see if anyone has made an updated entity definition file which has all the right spawnflags added.
  7. The version you were linked earlier (NOT the normal 2.5.16) can theoretically utilise as much RAM as a 64bit OS can handle. http://www.zdnet.com/blog/hardware/max-memory-limits-for-64-bit-windows-7/4254
  8. According to the description you would need to use tobe_one's new force lightning effects pk3.
  9. You could try using a PNG with layers then you dont need an alpha channel separately. Anything shown as transparent in photoshop will be transparent ingame.
  10. If you're totally sure its brushes that are too large...Jut split them up surely? Never hit a max brush size limit before mind...
  11. I'll kill myself before I succumb to that belief, brought about by years of whittling down of your defenses by a woman. - They play the long game.
  12. BobToolz Brush Cleanup Plugin should fix the degenerate plane errors. As for the map leaked - it means light is escaping into the void, i.e there's a hole in your structural geometry somewhere (be that an actual hole or a brush made detail when it shouldn't be) Google will help more.
  13. They're charging for online? Fuck them both. I'll stick with PC and PS3. Not paying to use internet I already pay for (PS4, XB1). Or for games which people already own (XB1). Or not be able to play games without an online connection.(XB1) Also, it doesn't look very suave to me. And if it's actually less than $5pcm (In the UK about (£3) I'll eat my steaming hat full of shit.
  14. You don't install it - just point your frontend like q3map2toolz or q3map2gui to the folder where you extract it to.
  15. You should make everything detail and then add a caulk hull too. (Least, that's what Ive always done) As for how to actually make the ase - copy this text into notepad, edit the paths and save it as a .bat file, Then drag n' drop the .map onto the .bat and it'll spit out a convert for you. Decreasing the subdivisions value with make it bake more detailed curves into any patch meshes. "C:\Utilities\GTK Radiant 1.6.3\q3map2\q3map2.exe" -game ja -meta -patchmeta -subdivisions 8 -v -fs_basepath "C:/Games/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/gamedata" %1 "C:\Utilities\GTK Radiant 1.6.3\q3map2\q3map2.exe" -game ja -convert -format ase -fs_basepath "C:/Games/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/gamedata" %1 pause
  16. I recently dared to mention that people should come to JKHub if they werent happy with JK3 Files and was excommunicated for advertising rival sites. I then pointed out that was a bit rich given that their site doesn't even fu*king work. He deleted all the posts. Tw*t.
  17. When you say doesnt work do you mean Grey and white squares or normal texture but with no effect?
  18. Could try OpenJK and see if they can increase the limit?
  19. The ones they have are unable to approve or upload files as the admin interface is as buggy as the main site is.
  20. Well, it was a question rather than a belief, but the first time my partner tries to tell me which console to buy is the day she has to find a new partner ;D
  21. Yeah, I linked you it like, over a month ago now
  22. v0.2? That was MONTHS ago We're on 0.6 now! However the murderous doors still remain....for now. People who love wires and cables are, in my mind, on a par with Hitler.
  23. You let your wife determine your console choice? Good god man. Don't men have any of their own choices left in marriages nowadays?
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