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Everything posted by Raz0r

  1. Long story short; Q3 had support for 64 players, you just need to do a bit of tinkering in the engine to get things to (mostly) work with > 32 clients. I'm not sure how Jenova manages to do it without a client-side, I have never looked into it.
  2. I might be late, but I ran into that issue in JA++ when people turned on forced anti-aliasing in their graphics drivers, mainly on ATI cards. Post-processing + forced MSAA + ATI = upside down screens. Go figure.
  3. I tend to agree, I've refused 'donations'/incentive/payment for my coding work several times and find it ethically wrong to ask for, accept, or offer cash for an open and creative hobby like modding 10 year old games. I've gone the other way, releasing the source for the majority of my work and offering help to anyone who wants to learn. See: JACoders + modbase I haven't even mentioned the EULA or related issues, I'm speaking about respect, creativity and learning. Money does not contribute to any of these things. I'm not saying you can't do it, I'm saying you're a dick and I think less of you as a person for doing it. So, carry on if you will.
  4. > implying i don't. > @@Astral Serpent code slave > @@redsaurus mac port slave Thanks for the feedback, and I'm always open to suggestions for future versions =] The server-side hasn't had nearly as much development, but expect the next versions to be impressive :3
  5. I thought recent builds of NetRadiant (or similar fork) fixed the decompilation issues with texture alignment.
  6. It's entirely possible to add CTY, Holocron FFA and JM back into JA - the gametypes still exist, they're just disabled and a bit broken. OJP added them back, and I added them back in JA++ as-well.
  7. There's nothing special about .cfg files, they're just text files. When you /exec(ute) a text file (or it's automatically executed) each line is executed as if you had typed it into the console, ergo any cvars or commands can be used.
  8. mrwonko is right about JA's usage of CPU/GPU when rendering. My guess on the bottleneck is sending so much data over the bus each frame; the world mesh, skeletal animation on the CPU, vertex deformation on the CPU...and, well, shaders being done manually, rendering surfaces multiple times.
  9. iojamp will support multiple renderers, including "rend2" which is essentially an improved XreaL renderer. Cascaded shadow maps, normal mapping, HDR lightmaps, VBOs, IQM format, etc
  10. Just make sure you know the downsides of a RAM disk, most notably it is temporary storage and prone to data loss. The huge benefit lies in that memory IO is extremely fast compared to regular disk IO. See this
  11. I think linuxjampded has protection against this. You'll need a mod like JA+/JA++/base_enhanced or a proxy mod like JASS, JMPProxy to protect against it on Windows servers.
  12. The "JKA MP" feel is very heavily influenced by the fact it's tech 3. Good luck =p
  13. I'm not sure you understand strafe jumping? SP is very different with regards to acceleration and friction. The strafe angle is very wide and it seems friction is applied in the air. It's also near impossible to perform a circle jump (which gives your starting jump ~320 ups in MP as opposed to 250 ups running speed)
  14. set = modify existing cvar without modifying flags, or create new cvar with 0 flags seta = modify existing cvar adding on the 'archive' flag, or create a new cvar with 'archive' flag sets = modify existing cvar adding on the 'serverinfo' flag (so clients can see the value with a /getstatus request) setu = modify existing cvar adding on the 'userinfo' flag (so servers can see the value when a client connects)
  15. "cmd" is used in MP to explicitly send a command to the server (Rather than the command being handled by the client or auto-completed to a cvar) "dir [directory] [extension]" will list all files in the specified directory. If you specify an extension, only files with that extension will show. >disconnect – return to main menu (Famous Disco cmd from multiplayer) "disco" itself isn't a command, that's just the auto-completion guessing you wanted "disconnect". "exec [file]" will load the specified file, and insert text line-by-line into the command buffer (as if you typed it manually) "ff_restart" sounds like it restarts the force feedback system, e.g. controller vibration. Seems to be leftover code/assets from the Xbox port. "loadhud" is used to load another HUD after you change cg_hudFiles from "ui/jahud.txt" to your own HUD "nextframe", "nextskin", "prevframe", "prevskin" etc "play [soundfile]" is meant to play the specified sound, but it doesn't seem to work. Try "play blah" then "soundlist" - you will see it tried to find "blah" "reset [cvar]" will reset the specified cvar to its default value, similar to cvar_restart but only for a single cvar. "r_atihack" iirc was added for a dynamic glow issue on ATI graphics cards. Not "r_antihack" which doesn't exist "touchfile" is used to create a blank file, for testing read/write permissions in a given directory. JA needs write permission for savegames, screenshots, etc "wait [frames]" will ignore anything currently in the command buffer for the specified amount of frames (not seconds) "zone_details", "zone_stats" are for memory allocation debugging/diagnostics.
  16. I'm mostly interested in changing pm_accelerate/pm_airaccelerate and PM_AirMove to replicate MP movement.
  17. So I was digging through some old CDs I had, and I found a CD with a Jedi Academy demo on it! Naturally, I spent the next hour or so playing it, looking at the peculiar differences. Here's some of the things I noted (keep in mind I'm primarily an MP player, so if some of these things are indeed in SP, sorry ) Build date of the code was August 12, 2003 Version (Current retail version Menu sounds when clicking on some items appears to be different. A softer beep. Two missions available: t1_sour and t3_rift Dynamic glow works, but performance is absolutely terrible, worse than the retail version =] Some models and textures of weapons are slightly different, for instance, the E11 has a stronger specular map and looks darker. Detpacks don't flash red Muzzle flash and other weapon .EFX were improved Dynamic crosshair lowers when you're changing weapon. Doesn't happen in MP. Movement physics apply friction when in the air. This may also be true in the latest retail version. Strafing (i.e. accelerating beyond default movement speed) is possible, but very weird. Will upload a video soon You can clip through corners of surfaces like MP [*]cg_fov is not restricted I've yet to dig through the files =o Also, here's a file in JA's SDK called AutoVersion.h, listing some changes during JA's development These generally only apply to MP, as SP used a different codebase entirely, and was in C++
  18. Had a some fun DM and CTF games last night =] Updating JA++ server-side at the moment.
  19. There's forcelightning, then there's forcelightningwide. I can't see anything in the code that would make it play the effect several times in a frame.
  20. That won't improve performance much, just memory usage. You might be interested in this post
  21. If you do pick it up again, I'll probably lurk the shit out of it.
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