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Everything posted by Raz0r

  1. JA SP is coded in C++, with a lot of C style code. Ghoul2, EFX, weather(?) and such are in C++, a lot of the game logic itself is mostly C style.
  2. Added to JA++ a few days ago, btw. Works great, will be valuable for future-proofing JA
  3. LucasForums did this a while back, was pretty successful.
  4. Fellow coders are always welcome :3
  5. We're already working on iojamp using the ioquake3 engine.
  6. Invisible, non-solid, client-predictable ghosts. They are not networked to any other clients, rendering wall-hacks ineffective. Incomplete, but mostly functional. You may also want to hide entities related to them such as their weapon's shots (by setting ent->r.svFlags |= SVF_SINGLECLIENT and ent->r.singleClient)
  7. http://www.evillair.net/v2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=28&Itemid=43 and such
  8. Launch JA+, connect to a siege server, quit JA, connect to an FFA server. ggwpnore.
  9. People went their separate ways, I don't think we ever released 1.3 There was talk about moving on to an unrelated project on another engine, but I lost contact with Maxstate and DarthDie at that point.
  10. Correct, Ragnos does not crash the server or render it unoperable. A patched client can connect to the server without a problem.
  11. try ui_load? it doesn't say it's a command, but it's handled specifically. I use it to reload .menu changes, might work.
  12. No you. EDIT: Also, I just click 'follow topic' when I want to follow it, and I bookmark this page and click By Time Period -> Last Week
  13. I've seen a bit of this: Sorry, your princess is in another castle.
  14. Yeah, that's what Caelum paid for, I believe.
  15. Removed some custom maps, restarted server.
  16. I saw what you were doing. It won't work. Jump on and you can haz RCON
  17. Fixed. Time limits are now within the range [0, 35790] for technical reasons. Keep it coming.
  18. Yeah, feel free to try simple things in-case I've missed something
  19. No, really. I invite you all to try your hand at crashing or otherwise rendering my home-hosted server inoperable Some rules: No bragging. This is not about being a 1337 hax0r. If you believe you have penetrated my defenses, give it a day and try it again. No (D)DoS or other simple resource saturation. This is a home-hosted server, and that is simple shit that impresses no one. You are only permitted to render my Jedi Academy server inoperable. Any other intrusion or denial of service on my network will fall under international computer crime laws etc I will fuck you up son etc etc I, along with the future JA community would appreciate it if you disclose your methods in the event of a successful attack. You may do this in private. "But Raz0r, why would you want someone to crash servers?" In the interest of secure and stable game servers for the next generation(s) of Jedi Academy players. All security vulnerabilities found to be effective will be patched. Depending on the exploit, I will release an advisory and possibly code. Server details: IP: razish.dyndns.org Port: 29070 OS: Windows Mod: JA++ Location: Australia (GMT +10) Operating times: Any time from 1pm onwards most days. Click me to see if it's up Other info: /callvote is enabled /sv_allowDownload is disabled Raven's vanilla jampDed.exe is being used. No fixes from aluigi are applied. Careful when voting to other gametypes, I use Raven's bonus maps, JK2 maps, and these CTF maps AstralSerpent and Caelum are the only people with RCON access Contact details QuakeNet: #jactf ArloriaNET: #JACoders #JKHub Xfire: razish This thread =] JA++ forums Good luck.
  20. Because Linux doesn't know how2timescale. Engine side, no one knows why.
  21. Nope. That's suspected to be caused by integer overflows of the current ingame time. Linux as an operating system is fundamentally more secure than Windows when used properly. linuxjampded is not any more secure than jampDed.exe qmm? jmpproxy? Both have Linux verisons as far as I know. Instant kill with staff kick is a bug, not related to windows/linux. Lightning instant kill is probably due to an insanely high sv_fps and using a mod that doesn't fix the frame-dependent calculation (e.g. almost every mod)
  22. I think they do use animmap shaders, but the screen does not update very fast at all (not even 1 frame/sec) You have to time it right, and you can only really fit 2-3 textures in that time. I suppose if you had a very slow computer, you'd see the first screen again? Or maybe MB2 swap the texture used via code. Either is possible, and the code method is more reliable.
  23. Main issue with animated shaders in loading screens is the renderer doesn't update the display when assets are being loaded. EDIT: And the cvarStrList approach is awesome. therfiles is on the right track with a vstr/cycle
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