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Everything posted by Kualan

  1. Received no reply so far (still think it was weird to be pointed to the Audio Director of all people, can't see how it would be in his sphere of inlfuence). So just sent another email to Mr Cork, hopefully that will bear more profitable fruits.
  2. The name I was given by Raven's community people was one "Mark Kilborn". The Audio Director according to the site, but who knows what he was doing ~ten years ago. If one of you guys wants to email Ste Cork too, go right ahead.
  3. I like the poncho version in particular, nice.
  4. The generation of tomorrow will airbrush the world in their image. So sayeth the prophecy.
  5. I've sent an email to the appropriate person at Raven Software, who can apparently answer one way or another if the company would be willing to release the source code of Modview to the modding community. Will let you folks know when I have a reply.
  6. Can't even find an email address to contact them about the possibility.
  7. As someone who spent far too much time on SWTOR ( ), I approve! To paraphrase Palpatine, "We will follow your progress with great interest".
  8. I'm afraid rewriting software is completely out of my ballpark (and I imagine most people's, heh). My limit is a touch of .xml editing
  9. You can bind weapons by "bolting" the gun or lightsaber to the r_hand tag surface. And indeed you can do the same with fullblown player models; and with tag surfaces the models don't shrink as they do when bolting to the bones. The only problem is none of the tag surfaces align perfectly with the host model. Hm, though this does lead to a thought; if somebody familiar with modelling could clue me in on how tag surfaces are implemented exactly, and whether or not it is possible to add tag surfaces to an existing model without having to rig/weigh the whole thing again, it might simply be a case of adding an appropriately aligned tag surface to the original model, then bolting a second model to it in Modview to load both models simultaneously. Think I might have gone a bit rambly there, so apologies if I lost anyone, heh.
  10. Hullo again folks! Is there any trick to getting Modview to load two models simultaneously? The nearest I can get is bolting a new model to the "motion" bone, but the only problem is when bolting a model to a bone it is loaded at half the size. If there was a way to get around this, my problem would be solved, as it seems the 'motion' bone bolt-on would line up directly with the rest of the model if it was full-size.
  11. Not clone-related, but another Clone Wars-era reskin I made on a whim earlier today. It is Asajj Ventress in an outfit inspired by, if not an exact replica of, the bounty hunter gear she wears in her later appearances in the TV series; It's made largely from cut-and-compiled textures from the original model (the armour is a combination of two different skins from neomarz's female Mandalorian) and Hirman's Asajj Ventress (mainly the head). All I did was put the thing together, skin the arms and legs, then made some cosmetic changes here and there to touch the whole thing up. As such, this may never see release as I'm not sure how active those two users are so getting permission might be tricky. On the off-chance they're still around though; @@neomarz1 @hirman Let me know what you think EDIT: Just realised @ is Hirman's alias these days.
  12. The cyan was darker originally, but they looked too close to the 501st blue to really stand out, so I made it a little more vibrant. As for more damaged versions, I may add more "battleworn" looking appearances before release. It's a fair criticism, was definitely my least favourite result of the bunch. Will probably revisit Trackshot at some point, once I have some better ideas for what he could look like under the helmet. Before I colourised it I add some segments to the chestpiece in the texture file, then gave it some depth in the paintjob. It's all texturing though, I've not added any surfaces or meshes to the model itself.
  13. Pick a nice background image for the icons, then use Modview to "bluescreen" snapshots of the models over them. Quick example I knocked up to show what I mean, using this; http://www.wallsave.com/wallpapers/1920x1200/star-wars/625977/star-wars-the-old-republic-logo-625977.jpg So you end up with; + = Obviously you'll be able to do a better job, that's just a two-minute hack-job for example's purposes, but that method should net you some decent looking icons in the end.
  14. Made a new Commander and his trooper, and added helmless versions to all the clone officers. Some have also been given custom face textures, which I'll display below; Commander Frenken; A trooper under Frenken's command; Helmless Commander Falco (or Commander Sideburns); Helmless Commander Sohn; Helmless Commander Trackshot; Helmless ARC Trooper Fives; EDIT: Just realised Fives and Frenken still haven't had their kama-kilt straps added. This has now been fixed, despite the images above.
  15. This. Practically every texture/effect you could realistically need has been done by someone before, and most are happy to show off how they accomplished it.
  16. If you are testing it in ModView don't forget to activate 'Alpha Blend' under the View tab.
  17. It definitely works with .png (used it a couple of times on my clone skins), never used it with .tga though. Let us know if you run into any more trouble and I'll do my best to help out.
  18. Those are some sweet-looking clones. Glad to see you managed to conquer Jesse's helmet, by far the trickiest of the bunch.
  19. Interesting stuff, have to confess most of that escaped my notice. Yeah, the helmets can be very tricky to navigate. Learned that through the labour that became Phase 2 Rex and Jesse's helmets a couple of months ago. Thanks for the shout-out on the kilt ties, hadn't noticed them before. Can remove them from the standard troopers who have it, and add it to the commanders lacking it too. Small update; a tweaked Phase 2 Commander Fox, and my WIP Arc Trooper Fives from The Clone Wars show. These will probably be the only canon ones I release - I have a full squad of 501st Phase 2 troopers skinned, but Barricade24 has been working on his for longer and deserves to get his work out there first; Commander Fox, of the Coruscant Guard; Canon picture for comparison (side view); http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130218060435/starwars/images/f/f0/Clone-commander-fox_detail.png Canon pictures for comparison (front view); http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120614215917/starwars/images/6/6b/RedTrooper-SWI130.jpg ARC Trooper Fives; Canon picture for comparison (front view); http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-30DTr3-j96w/TsfY9kmFBWI/AAAAAAAABDk/gEVLzvOsVjs/s1600/arctrooperfives.png Canon picture for comparison (concept art); http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-5DRDEGPInRs/Tq2Nl-eu-eI/AAAAAAAAAr8/-X8KsS6TXsg/s1600/Darkness5.jpg
  20. As a complete amateur at modelling, I have to ask...what about the models is in desperate need of fixing? Maybe I've stared at them too long in ModView, but I can't see it xD Thanks amigo.
  21. Knocked up some made-up clone commander and clone trooper skins tonight, for the webcomic I make. Managed to do ten skins this evening, so thought I might make some more before releasing a pack for people to download if they want a little more variety. Nothing spectacular, just some dib-and-dabbing with Photoshop - some recolours, some added symbols, a bit of original skinning too - and editing of the .skin files to create some new troopers; Before I can release them I need to look up how to get models in-game and working. At the moment they exist only in my base/models/players folder, and have no associated sounds, gfx, bot or npc files. Not sure when I'll get around to doing that. But for those curious, here's what I have so far - even given them some fanon names. Commander Falco; A trooper under Falco's command; Commander Killik; A trooper under Killik's command; Commander Rawls; A trooper under Rawls' command; Commander Sohn; A trooper under Sohn's command; Commander Trackshot; A trooper under Trackshot's command; The commanders also come with "unholstered" versions, for when the player is using dual pistols and doesn't want them to appear at their hip too. Will also make some helmless face reskins as well probably. Nothing fancy, just some unique tattoos or hairstyles.
  22. Kualan

    Bo Katan & Riyo Chuchi

    Wow, inventive use of the Adi Gallia model for Riyo Chuchi. Never would have thought of that but it works! And I agree with Barricade24, great to see so many Clone Wars models recently.
  23. Call me biased, ha, but I've always been a bit of a Wolf Pack fanboy. Intrigued by this Imperial legion idea though, look forward to seeing where you take it. Yeah, I used the clean armour initially but he didn't mesh very well with the standard Coruscant Guard shocktroopers, who have grubbier armour. But you're right, even in the show he stands out as having very shiny kit compared to the men under his command.
  24. Rewatched the finale episodes tonight, and decided to work on Commander Fox for use in my JKA webcomic. This isn't as polished as I imagine your finished product will be, but thought you might be able to get a use out of it for reference;
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