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Everything posted by Kualan

  1. Aye, it is a shame so many folks opted for Filefront back before it began such an aggressive deleting policy. There are some skinpacks on the Void that I would love to re-download but are most likely lost forever, such as the Pellaeon pack.
  2. I know @@minilogoguy18 is currently very busy with RL stuff, so it might be a little while yet before that next video is up. But hey, patience is a virtue, etc.
  3. Hi folks, Quick question that I -hope- is relatively easy for any of our experienced mappers on the forums. I would like to take a map (specifically Several Sided Sid's Jedi Temple exterior: http://jkhub.org/files/file/279-several-sided-sids-jedi-temple-on-coruscant/) that is set at night and turn it into daylight for the purposes of some screenshots I'm looking to take. Now I've been tinkering with skins and models for a fair old while now, but the most I've ever come to editing maps is changing some background textures here and there through Pakscape. That is how I have achieved night-to-day transformations for maps primarily set indoors in the past, but for an exterior map like the above, it takes more than a background texture flip to convincingly change it from night to day. So for someone who has never mapped in their life, how would one go about achieving this? And is it enough to have the map pk3 and the files within, or would I require the modder's actual source files to accomplish this? Regards, Kualan
  4. Hi folks, Today I decided to follow minilogoguy18's video tutorials for getting a character model into JKA: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/90-softimagexsi-joja-skeleton-bonestags-and-compiling-guide/ All went very well so far, and I have got a model up to as far as minilogo has made videos for. As I understand it, the next part of the process now that the model has been weighed to the skeleton, is to segment the model, label it according to the 9-part structure of the standard JKA model (hips, l_leg, r_leg, etc) and then arrange the hierarchy accordingly. In lieu of waiting for the next video, I thought I would set out to experiment with Mod Tools and see how far I could get down the process by myself. The only trouble is, segmenting the mesh. I have tried selecting the polygons of the section I want to segment (for example, the head), and then going to Modify -> Poly Mesh -> Disconnect Components. Only I can't seem to find any indication that the head is indeed segmented - there is no option to rename this new section, and when I select the main body of the model the head is still selected. I can, however, move the head away from the body with the translate tool whilst it is still selected. There are just no new indications in the Explorer window that a separate segment has been created. I fear I've overlooked something painfully obvious, but if anybody could give me a quick rundown on how to segment/hierarchy the model in 7.5, I'd be most grateful.
  5. In-game cutscenes I say. Using the videos from the actual game might be too direct a use of copyrighted material for the purposes of a mod - essentially 'porting' said video from one game to another.
  6. At the risk of being a self-plugging d-bag (answers on a postcard!), I've uploaded some more issues since this thread was last updated, in case anybody is interested!
  7. I went a-snooping after reading this post, and stumbled across an old filefront thread where someone was posting not just Wyyrlok, but a whole bunch of Legacy-era Sith models: http://forums.filefront.com/sw-jk3-modding-mapping-editing/374926-new-sith-order-model-screens.html They could do with some heavy re-tooling in the skinning department, and some (such as the Quarren and Aqualish Sith) contain ported content - but does anyone have the other models? They were apparently hosted at the Void for a time. I'd love to get my hands on some of them for some tinkering.
  8. Aye, the species in general just has a pretty cool design - which makes it all the more surprising they've made it this far without a model!
  9. Results aren't going so well at the Bail/Lando thing so far. Ah well.
  10. The Nexus modding forums for games like Skyrim and Fallout often have plenty of budding voice actors looking to lend their talents to projects: nexusmods.com
  11. I'll give it a shot, but can't make any promises. Making reskins of human faces is a farcry from a few clone trooper armours. The last time I tried it was to make a Captain Typho variant of MB2's Panaka model: Was never happy enough with it to contact the MB2 team about releasing it. Might return to work on that too one of these days.
  12. That's not a bad suggestion about the Lando model. Not a bad suggestion at all. I'll have a look into that myself and see what I can come up with. And Boss Nass was released on the filefront site: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Boss_Nass;116371
  13. Aye, he's one of those chaps that seems to have fallen through the cracks during the height of the JK modding years - along with folks like Pablo Jill and Bail Organa. But hey, if Boss Nass can get a belated model release then maybe there's hope for Mas Amedda yet!
  14. I have a feeling I have seen a George Lucas reskin around the 'Net somewhere... (probably a Morgan or Kyle Katarn reskin, at a guess). As for the others, I'm afraid I don't think they exist. There is the Tatooine stalker, but you as you mentioned you do not like the current release. Movie Battles has the other variant of the Death Star gunner (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Imperial_Navy_trooper) but not the one with the enclosed helmet. There is no female Tusken model or skin out there, so far as I'm aware. And the only other Durge model beyond the cartoon one is this Reborn reskin: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Durge_Skin;72909 Sorry!
  15. Hi folks. Was wondering if any of our community modellers would fancy trying their hand at this chap - he's of the Chagrian species, and is glimpsed throughout the prequel trilogy: His name is Mas Amedda. In the films he is basically Palpatine's toady in the Galactic Senate. Alternatively, in the EU there is the more fiercesome-looking Sith of the same species, Darth Wyyrlok: Would anybody be willing to make a model of this Chagrian species? I've always found them to be one of the more interesting species to come out of the prequels - like a more dangerous version of the Togruta. If you do consider taking up the request, they would only need a basic skin to start off with, as I would be happy to do the actual re-texturing to make them distinguishable as Mas Amedda / Wyyrlok respectively. Many thanks, Kualan
  16. To make a JK model out of an .obj file, I suggest you follow minilogoguy's video tutorials on this site and keep them to yourself. Also, I don't know if the Savage Opress model in question is actually a port or not but...are you the sort of kid who used to tell on other kids whenever you were caught with your hand in the cookie jar?
  17. Post the image directly into the post rather than linking, if possible. The first link doesn't work even with your instructions.
  18. Are you planning on developing one yourself then, Xyca? Either way, count me in as an interested party.
  19. Plo Koon's head is one of the vanilla player Kel Dor head choices. So is already available in the player menu...? And there is a Kel Dor in traditional Jedi robes (prequel style) uploaded already.
  20. Reskinning this might serve; http://jkhub.org/files/file/618-trandoshan-head-improvement/
  21. Hopefully this tutorial can help you out; http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/90-softimagexsi-joja-skeleton-bonestags-and-compiling-guide/
  22. Just had a quick flick through the tutorials section but can't find an Engish tutorial for cutscenes. Is there one floating about that anyone knows of? Would be interested in seeing how practical it could be to create machinima with JKA.
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