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Everything posted by CaptainChar

  1. I dont follow Scizo, your seeing the interior, its not supposed to be caulk, or else HOM would happen Im working on some custom textures for this map, since it'll mostly be a Refit Constitution Class with some original still in it
  2. its better then no Liara, although its amazing to see the actual model next to the textures and smoothing process, hard to believe what is under the skin so to speak
  3. Jefferies tubes, that lead around decks to various parts of the ship, these ones are located in main engineering at the lower part of the warp core. these will run thoughout the ship, making good alternate routes for players to get from point A-B especially of doing a team gamemode, each deck corridor will have an access hatch, and major rooms such as sickbay, bridge, mess hall, shuttle bay, etc will have them, at least in 2 hatches per room on opposing sides Ingame shots of engineering, I know its bland atm and baren.
  4. What I hate most, is playing a game for so long on pc, then going into GTK and constantly clcking wrong, and WASD to move around, it doesnt work >.<

    1. RebelChum


      Yeah, what's up with those arrows keys?

    2. eezstreet


      They're a little down on their luck apparently.

    3. RebelChum


      Don't you mean they're a little ↓ on their luck? EH HEH HEH

  5. Choose to use the Star trek 5-6 Hallways or TNG looking ones as opposed to ToS sqaure like corridors
  6. seems Scizo is using the site to get some facetime for one of his maps :P

    1. Szico VII

      Szico VII

      Wish I'd had anything to do with that...but alas, I'm in the middle of medical finals ...so yeah,didnt even know :o

    2. CaptainChar


      nothign wrong, its a great map :P

  7. THe site can have ads, I could care less long as this community stays going strong, thats what counts and matters

    1. Astral Serpent

      Astral Serpent

      Astral Serpent likes this post.

  8. crap need to make winter map soon >.<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RebelChum


      Just make like... a flat floor of snow that stretches as far as the editor allows.

    3. CaptainChar


      lol that could work

    4. Agent Jones

      Agent Jones

      or just make a little box 64 units wide...people will have fun spawnkilling

  9. icarus, it was bitch to just learn swinging doors >.<
  10. hmm I choose to model the constitution class over the Normandy cause it was a similar design, yet it has 3 times the decks.... I didnt think that entirely through

  11. Main Engineering will have 3 decks to itself, the bottom of the core will only be acessable via the jefferies tubes (which will run like a maze in the ship) Engineering control panel added, but its not showing up with stock control panels, deck plates added, top and bottom of the core added, but I am pleased how this thing is starting to look
  12. I likely will I dont think anyone has wrote a tutorial on elevators really
  13. some work done on the warp core, using the same core as seen in the refitted enterprise, the warp core is nearly 1000 in height in GTK Changed the Warp core configuration and shader from the plasma to a more animated look: This core is based off this concept art from star trek the motion Picture:
  14. I may have to do this ship with 2 turbolifts (elevators) in opposite starting points, one say down on engineering's deck, and the other at deck 1, the bridge. I cant say I know much about the elevator controls in JA But I hope to have them behave like the Midgar V3 elevators at Shinra Tower
  15. I cant really say anyhting yet, a model can look like total crap in an editor, but in game with its shaders etc, can make a huge difference, so, before I place a verdict, i'll wait to see how it turns out
  16. i wasnt going to say it, but everyone else did, glad im too ADHD to focus on modelling
  17. super glue fixes everything

    1. CaptainChar


      if mythbusters have taught me anything, is that duct tape can be used to live on an island

  18. is that Slimer as rancor? sorry without my glasses im dam blind
  19. glasses broke, I am now offically blind

  20. Site seems to hang for me when replying, get the green (site) loading bar that doesnt go away unless refresh

    1. CrimsonStrife


      I've seen this once today...I'd poke Caelum, but he is already offline for the night.

    2. CaptainChar


      im going to go out ona limb and just assume its traffic on the server he used for this site, the physical server that is

    3. CaptainChar


      yeah it has its ups and downs, I may need to do a complete diagnostic on my internet system, since its in a dual router configuration in order to cover wifi over my entire house

  21. Constitution Class Starship offically being mapped

  22. another option is to remove the driver completely and use a driver scrubber to remove old driver isntallations, then reinstall your driver from either driver disk or from the site of manufactor, Nvidia is famous for having to delete older drivers to install newer versions, i'll be looking into the matter though since now I see it as a challange, and I like them when it comes to pc diagnostics good ol run command and the dxdiag will tell you what all the specs are, model, make etc what your current video driver is etc give that a run and copy and paste or post a screen of what the system says the specs are.
  23. ive only came here due to site issues with the last site, and slightly more freedom, I feel no database should go down though, it maybe old knowlage, but it still has use, does it not?
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