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Everything posted by mrwonko

  1. In June I thought "jk3files is in a bad state... I better download everything." Turned out to be just in time. I have an online mirror and a torrent, although most torrent clients can't handle 40000 files (I downloaded the screenshots, too); I've had success with rtorrent on Linux and Tixati on Windows. I'm missing two dozen files or so, but most are there.
  2. Seriously? Not even 3 hours and you become impatient? You should really give it at least a day. And you'll get better answers by asking more precise questions. Still, welcome.
  3. Make sure they're not saved as progressive jpegs. If everything else loads perfectly, including shaders, it must be the textures. If you can't figure it out, share one of your textures on dropbox or somewhere like that where it doesn't get post processed, so we can take a look.
  4. Make sure to use nodraw_solid (or is that just nodraw?) on the sides instead of caulk and ensure the force field Shader has the proper surfaceparms (look at common/env_glass for reference maybe). Also learn about the vis system; if you don't understand what's wrong here and didn't think to try making it a detail brush you probably need more of those in your map.
  5. Well, you can put them in a different directory than the path you use in your shaders...
  6. You can really just use any skeleton, I think.
  7. The xsi files are available here: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Utilities/Modding%20Tools/26624/ (there's also parts 2&3)
  8. What Futuza said. And yes, it works with 2015.
  9. I never tested any newer Blender than 2.69.
  10. mrwonko

    OpenJK Issue

    Me, maybe I can take a look tomorrow.
  11. The UV issue is usually due to loose vertices, which can have UV coordinates in GLM files but those are lost upon import into blender, which only saves them per polygon. I think this can be fixed by selecting and hiding all faces in edit mode, which should leave the loose vertices visible for you to delete.
  12. How are you trying to achieve this? I don't think it's possible with scripting, you probably need to edit the code.
  13. Welcome aboard! In my experience, one unit is roughly one inch, give or take.
  14. It would probably be a good deal easier if you just uploaded your file so we can take a look.
  15. Sounds like a shader issue to me - what do the hood texture and its shader look like?
  16. Only if you don't have a proper waypoint network! Although the visibility rule still applies between waypoints, i.e. there must be line of sight for waypoints to connect.
  17. Well one issue I see with BS_WANDER is that given a proper waypoint network the npc will wander the whole map; if you only want it to wander in one area, you'll need a script.
  18. Dunno, but I think the limit may be 512. I can take a look later.
  19. Took a little longer than 3h but whatevs. Have a screenshot. Waypoints that don't appear to be connected use target2 etc., which (my version of) radiant does not visualize properly.
  20. I never investigated this, but I always assumed navgoals were not part of the network... I'll supply a screenshot once I'm home (give me 3h or so).
  21. Complain to someone else, idgaf. I've never had issues with the system and it yields good results; connecting waypoints automatically is done ingame during loading, so connecting arbitrary distant waypoints would be O(n^2), hence the limit.
  22. Did you connect the waypoints? They won't automatically connect beyond some distance (512 units?) so you need to use target[2-4]/targetname.
  23. Just take a look at the sp example maps to get an idea for how to do it properly; there's no need for a waypoint every 5 meters. Or I can create an example map in 10h.
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