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Everything posted by mrwonko

  1. You're probably better off with something like autohotkey that triggers the actual key presses...
  2. Keep in mind that wait is in frames and thus depends on your frame rate. As such you might want to limit it using com_maxfps to get reproducible results.
  3. Hi. I haven't exactly been advertising this out of fear for being asked to take it down by gamefront, but so far everything seems fine. The categories are the same as on jk3files and while I did save the reviews/descriptions when I created this mirror, I chose not to include them since they're definitely jk3files' property, so I opted to just put the readmes up. I'm glad it's useful.
  4. This typically happens when there are loose vertices (not part of any triangle) - since blender saves UV coordinates per face, they get lost in this case. Select and hide all faces, then delete all remaining vertices.
  5. You need to edit the model to change the textures being used. My blender plugins would be well suited for this since they allow you to import, change and re-export the model.
  6. If this is only about npcs, you may be able to hexedit Kyle's model.glm to use the new gla; otherwise you'll have to do some programing.
  7. There's a tool called devaheb to decompile ibi files. You may also want to look into decompiling bsp files (maps) using q3map2 and take a look at the game's source code.
  8. Well, I own one and released a python binding but that's about it.
  9. What keyboard layout do you have? I think there were some changes on non US. Try shift+ESC, I think that was added as an alternate way of opening the console.
  10. Underscore comes after z in ASCII, so z_ comes after zzz. PK3s are simply loaded in alphabetical order after all.
  11. That message is misleading, it refers to non-terrain brushes, which I'm not even sure you can place in EasyGen? My guess is you have hidden detail brushes in the radiant and thus don't see the exported terrain.
  12. You can just use 7zip for pk3 file creation/management; after all they're just zip files, really. Just make sure to select zip compression during creation.
  13. This one? I can't even get that to work on base jamp.exe... (Windows)
  14. If you supply a set of example pk3s to reproduce this, I can test on Mac.
  15. So is this only an issue in OpenJK or in base, too?
  16. Far sight? What? Could you please explain what you are trying to do?
  17. SP or MP? I think there's a misc_weapon_shooter or something like that, though possibly only in SP. In SP there's also the pre-placed mine entity, not sure if that can be triggered in any way.
  18. How about you press that debug button and find out where the crash is happening? You should compile in Debug mode though or you won't have symbols.
  19. There's a German tutorial describing it: http://mrwonko.de/tutorials/darth-arth/2004/installation-1.4.html I'm not sure how applicable it is to 1.6 though.
  20. I don't remember, it was at least half a decade ago. Come to think about it, there's a German tutorial describing it: http://mrwonko.de/tutorials/darth-arth/2004/installation-1.4.html I'm not sure how applicable it is to 1.6 though.
  21. Yes, saving in 1.4 is broken, it has been fixed in 1.6.. If you have textures but no shaders, your radiant was not probably installed correctly. If you install it to the wrong folder and then change the settings, the shaders will probably still be in the wrong folder.
  22. Possibly neither... It's whatever those files reference as their model.
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