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Everything posted by mrwonko

  1. I don't remember, it was at least half a decade ago. Come to think about it, there's a German tutorial describing it: http://mrwonko.de/tutorials/darth-arth/2004/installation-1.4.html I'm not sure how applicable it is to 1.6 though.
  2. Yes, saving in 1.4 is broken, it has been fixed in 1.6.. If you have textures but no shaders, your radiant was not probably installed correctly. If you install it to the wrong folder and then change the settings, the shaders will probably still be in the wrong folder.
  3. What?
  4. Possibly neither... It's whatever those files reference as their model.
  5. The path definitely must be the problem, this is a very typical manifestation of that.
  6. If radiant doesn't load your textures, you've probably configured it incorrectly. Either way I suggest going with 1.6, which is still seeing some active development; 1.5 is ancient.
  7. I prefer 7zip to WinRar, it's free.
  8. @mrwonko does not know.
  9. You'll get the best results by creating a custom animation for the conversation, but that's quite a bit of work and requires you to learn a bunch of things about animating first.
  10. Yes, that's precisely how it works: the _humanoid folder with the bsp's name is also loaded. As for how to splice together pieces of different .gla... Importing the desired ranges of frames into Blender with my plugin might work - I'm not entirely sure how it treats previously loaded animations - but the easiest way is probably to just keep all the frames of each one you like and just use glamerge to put them all together, then recalculate the start times for your animation.cfg.
  11. That's Blender 2.76 - I've not tested any version beyond 2.69.
  12. As the q3map prefix implies, that's a Q3Map2 feature - you just need a compiler version that's new enough to support it.
  13. Not at work on my phone, no.
  14. No, I tried in JKA SP in 1.6; your sp_entities.def must be broken.
  15. No, you absolutely cannot legally distribute music if you don't have the rights to do so.
  16. Is your Radiant in SP mapping mode?
  17. A folder with the name of the gla - although come to think about it you probably can't have a file and a folder of the same name. Maybe omit the extension then.
  18. I've never tried SET_PLAYER_USABLE - I usually go for a trigger_multiple, target_[de]activate and target_teleport.
  19. It's not an issue in radiant, the title is misleading; this is an issue with your model. When you import a glm, you also need to take the skin files into account to get the right texture paths, and when you export, make sure you're exporting relative paths.
  20. I've given this some thought in the past - I'd prefer for overrides to go at models/player/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla/yourmod.gla. In SP there are already per-level overrides so the technology is partially there...
  21. What do you mean, without coding? A config file is still a form of coding. The first step in adding such a feature is creating a precise requirement. How would new weapons be defined? I could see this happening, if we had enough manpower.
  22. That's what the skeleton change dropdown menu in the importer is for - it changes the JKA bone hierarchy a little to fix those issues. A nice IK setup probably helps with animating; just import the skeleton and change it as necessary, I don't see why that would lead to any issues.
  23. You'll want painscript, not fleescript; you can check HP in there and then spawn a new npc if it's below the threshold. Maybe show a cutscene to mask the exchange and make it clear.
  24. sounds like you might've merged the animations the wrong way around?
  25. OpenJK no longer stores config files in the game folder, to which a user may not have write access, but in his home folder; I'm not sure where there though, look for ~/.openjk or something like that.
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