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Everything posted by Didz

  1. I voted FFA. But playing Makermod is more of a sandbox than FFA
  2. Wut It was in response to MBII's source being closed and the false pretense of security that gives.
  3. For reverse engineers, it doesn't really matter whether the source is closed or not. When you have the MBII client executing code on your own computer, you have the code. There was a hobby project by a guy called Owen a while ago (I'm sure you know) just to play around and tinker with reverse engineering MBII to add features to it. Having the source closed doesn't stop people who care enough to tinker. /rant
  4. Make sure the dedicated cvar is 2. You'll need to have +set dedicated 2 on the command-line if it isn't. Also make sure that one of the sv_masterX cvars are "masterjk3.ravensoft.com".
  5. You just can't control what's running on the user's computer. If they have the ability to use the proper client and authenticate with that from their computer, they can use a modified client just as easily.
  6. Who do you think develops that "someone else's tool" that cheaters use?
  7. Rule #1: Never trust the client. Whatever method that command uses to determine if a client is "cheat free" can be faked by the client. This is because players have access to the "cheat free" plugin, so they can modify that while keeping code there in order to spoof whatever method the /cheaters command uses and pretend it's not modified.
  8. If you're on Windows, you can use MeGUI for transcoding your video to a nice compressed format that services like YouTube. You specify your input video file, and setup output encoding settings. Safe bets for the formats are h.264 for the video, and AAC for the audio. I use the Nero AAC encoder for the audio, but I can't seem to be able to find it on the Nero website anymore. With MeGUI, you can do batch processing so it can run over all of your videos at once.
  9. This is possible on Makermod using the Makermod Client Plugin that I wrote*. I have an evalset command where you can do this for example: /evalset model $old_model$ which would interpret the $old_model$ bit as a token that it will look-up in either Makermod-specific variables, serverinfo variables, or your game's cvars. I'm not sure how you can do this without a mod though. There might be a way to do it in ICARUS to set a cvar to another cvar's value, but I'm not sure. Certainly in ICARUS you can do SET_PLAYERMODEL, but I'm not sure how you would get the value of the other model to swap in. * Except the Makermod website is currently offline for some reason...
  10. The map Yavin1 is where the shuttle sequence at the start of the game happens, and the screaming noise was triggered when the shuttle was being "hit" in the cinematic. You can noclip to find the actual shuttle nearby on this map. After the cinematic, the level changes to Yavin1B.
  11. Welcome to the forums! OpenJK isn't a project by JKHub, only the project's discussion forums are hosted here. We're mainly chatting on #jacoders @ irc.arloria.net and the GitHub's located at https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK.
  12. The channel has been there since September 14th 2012, and it's not driven people away from talking on the forums. People mainly have it idle in the background as is typical for IRC. Haven't seen anyone actually talking on the channel recently, even though there's 7 users idling
  13. MP doesn't support this out-of-the-box unfortunately, and no amount of entity hacking in maps will get it working. You'll need a server-side mod such as Makermod which implements this using its /mweather command. Makermod doesn't offer an entity for controlling weather though, but perhaps another mod such as Lugormod does.
  14. Didz

    Recent bug fixes

    It's a good thing that you don't notice the difference Yep. This doesn't affect the console font and notify font though, because that's drawn using its own method.
  15. Didz

    Recent bug fixes

    I've fixed up the font renderer now so that scaled down fonts (like the multiplayer chat text) are no longer positioned awkwardly and inconsistently. Pictures say a thousand words, so here's how it's changed: Before: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14861910/OpenJK/shot2014-07-24_23-23-07.png After: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14861910/OpenJK/shot2014-07-24_23-24-48.png The most obvious difference is in the chat font, but the score text at the bottom of the screen is also now aligned properly to the font metrics. Hope you like it!
  16. I think this is what FLARE does with its game: http://flarerpg.org/ (few images of animated characters if you scroll down on that page) You'd of course need to set up an isometric projection instead of a perspective projection.
  17. I thought UDK was free... I've not tried it myself though. There's also Unity which is quite good for indie development, you can get started quick. Also MonoGame (spawned from XNA) is a great framework for indie development, but is more programmer-oriented (aka it's a game engine, not a game development kit like UDK/Unity).
  18. What tool did you use to create these fonts? Hopefully we can fix a bit of the kerning/alignment if that tool is open-source. EDIT: nvm, just saw credits on right-hand side
  19. It is possible to have ROQ videos play on models - and pretty much anything else in the game. Try the shader 'textures/video/raven' for example and it'll play the Raven opening sequence. You can find the code for that video shader in one of the shader files (I can't remember which).
  20. I've been using Microsoft Office since our family first had a computer (1998), but I'm guessing this applies to most people.
  21. Curious why the launcher had to be re-done. It was completed over 3 years ago!
  22. JKHub Master Server will be down for a couple minutes: https://twitter.com/NodeStatus/status/481520676558229506

    1. Didz
    2. Mr. Dinnertime

      Mr. Dinnertime

      Ah. It's good that you're keeping up to date with security ^^ heck knows, I don't think I'd know where to start with getting the most of out security.

  23. JKHub Master Server is being DDoS'd and is currently down. I'm at work right now because I have a life to take care of. The server will be back later this evening when I return home.

    1. Jango40


      I don't believe your deceitful lies. You don't have a life to take care of. If you actually do, you're in a major minority. I mean, nobody has a life to take care of.

    2. Didz


      It's back online now :)

    3. Merek


      @Didz apparently does

  24. Ultra Utility had to be a separate program because the retail JKA version wasn't open-source. UU uses DLL injection and runtime code patching in order to hook into the engine code while the game is running. You'll need to be very proficient with x86 assembler and runtime code patching if you intend to have this program run separately to JKA. If you don't know this already and you're using OpenJK, I'd advise completely against going this route. It will take you months, maybe years. Again, even though you write your program in Python, you will need a crapton of embedded x86 assembler code injections in order to get any sort of integration with the engine. If you're working with OpenJK, the easiest thing to do is to just add your features onto the engine's (or the DLLs') source code in C or C++. Extending JKA to support Python plugins would require you to modify the engine source code with C/C++ regardless, and this doesn't seem to align with your goals for modding JKA. For beginning modding with JKA, learning C and C++ is the way to go. If you don't understand the game's code which is written in those languages, you'll have no chance modding it.
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