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Everything posted by Didz

  1. Didz

    RS Lugormod

    The source of the attacks isn't GameTracker itself, it's bots that scrape GameTracker's lists for IPs and use those to carry out their UDP reflection attacks.
  2. The world would be a better place with more animated GIF avatars. >:)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CaptainChar


      Rozalin, from disgaea 2 >.>

    3. Astral Serpent

      Astral Serpent

      The world would be a better place with .webp avatars

    4. Malkav
  3. /r/britishproblems

    1. Didz


      You seem to be mistaking British people with posh Eton twats! This is how we really dress: http://images.tvrage.com/news/atkinson-says-goodbye-to-beloved-character-mr-bean.jpg

  4. I buy my laptops from Novatech in the UK cause they're cheap (mostly cause they don't come with an operating system pre-installed), here's their list of high performance laptops http://www.novatech.co.uk/laptop/?s=5 All of them have very good Intel i5/i7 CPUs and dedicated Nvidia or Ati graphics cards. Some of these have hybrid SSDs, most are still SATA though. RAM ranges between 8GB and 16GB. As I mentioned, they don't come with an OS pre installed so you'll need to buy Windows separately (doesn't matter if it's 7 or 8 or whatever, but get the OEM versions cause they're cheaper ). inb4 "lol buying windows" comment Apart from that, I really like Intel's new Ultrabooks: http://www.intel.co....-ultrabook.html
  5. JKHub Master Server is moving to a new machine. If you're using it, you might see a lack of servers for a while. Also make sure your sv_master is master.jkhub.org and not a hardcoded IP address!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. eezstreet
    3. spior


      Or just do /heartbeat D:

    4. Didz


      The old master server machine is going down now. JAWA's server and School of War's server still need to restart to use the new one.

  6. Pretty sure it is most frequently a dynamic IP rather than a VPN. And most ISPs have hundreds of subnets to hand out their addresses to customers. I know Virgin Media and BT in the UK have a crapton, you can never range ban someone on those ISPs properly unless you take out an entire class A address space (X.0.0.0).
  7. After reading this thread and having known how to expose non-default weather effects for maps in SP and MP for a few years now, I have made a tutorial on it! http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/118-custom-weather-effects-sp-and-mp/ EDIT: It needs to be approved first.
  8. What version of Windows are you running on?
  9. Didz


    Sorry I don't have xfire now, you can add me on skype if you want though (same username as xfire).
  10. The second link is a link to a silent Wall-E video...
  11. We can approximate how many players as opposed to bots there are playing online at the time by checking the status of each server in the list and ignoring any player with ping 0. If anyone wants to write a program to do that, go ahead.
  12. cg_drawSnapshot just shows debug information about networking stuff on-screen when in-game. The code was likely changed in JA. But you can try using the /levelshot command instead. It creates a screenshot of the level from where you're standing and puts it in the levelshots folder to use it as the map's loading screen.
  13. Try vanilla Minecraft, not Tekkit. Also since that's a LWJGL error, you probably need to update your LWJGL binaries for Minecraft. http://www.minecraft...lwjgl-manually/ Since you're trying to run Tekkit not regular Minecraft. you'll need to look under "%APPDATA%\.techniclauncher\tekkit" instead of "%APPDATA%\.minecraft".
  14. That button was in the map with the weird name with the mountains of vis errors with the building and the temple and the room and the bar (cause every map has a fricking bar) and the swoops and the tunnel.
  15. Your problem with that is probably that your effect runners have a delay that's too fast, making many particles show up at once. The normal delay that most JKA maps use is 200 milliseconds, if yours have delays under 200, try increasing them.
  16. "You're receiving this message, as per my previous email, because I host a website for you" It would be helpful to know which website the email is referring to Caelum

    1. Szico VII
    2. Didz


      I rely on Caelum to tell me which sites he's hosting for me D:

    3. Didz


      Ah. I'll set the DNS servers to doratheexplorer.cloudflare.com right away!

  17. So I herd u want a really secure RCON password: http://didz.co.uk/rcon/

    1. Mog


      Well...shit..why didn't I think of this?!

  18. master.jkhub.org might be a bit rough right now. Amazon EC2 is having some problems, and it's even brought Minecraft's central databases down. I'm watching the console though, and it looks fine apart from some servers disappearing off the list even though they're still up.

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