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Everything posted by Didz

  1. The flaw in understanding here is that GL_SRC_ALPHA means drawing alpha only, that's not what happens. In your stage 1 example, you can use the fomula Xycaleth talked about to understand how blending would work there. FinalColour.RGB = SourceColour.RGB * SourceColour.A + DestinationColour.RGB * 0 ... which simplifies into ... FinalColour.RGB = SourceColour.RGB * SourceColour.A Things to note here: GL_SRC_ALPHA as the source blend func means the source RGB colours (texture RGB) are multiplied by the source Alpha channel (texture Alpha).SourceColour.A is a single number between 0.0 and 1.0, corresponding to the alpha channel of that particular point in the texture.Multiplying by anything that's less than 1.0 means that the RGB colours will be darkened, because the resulting values will be less than the original.Where the alpha is 0.0 in your texture, the final colour will be black. Where the alpha is 1.0 in your texture, the final colour will be the original RGB colours.Your stage 1 will basically result in a fully opaque surface whose colours will blend between black and their original colours depending on the alpha channel at the particular point on the texture. Your stage 2 would be this: FinalColour.RGB = SourceColour.RGB * 1 + DestinationColour.RGB * 0 ... which simplifies into ... FinalColour.RGB = SourceColour.RGB So here, you're completely ignoring the result of the first stage (because you're multiplying destination colour by 0), and instead you're simply using the full RGB colour of the original texture (And it'll still be fully opaque over whatever's behind the surface). So your shader essentially just does the default blending because the second stage is GL_ONE GL_ZERO. I don't understand what technique you're trying to aim at in your post though. You want one stage to have a scrolling texture with RGB, while another stage is staying still and just acting as a sort of transparency mask?
  2. WordPress.com hosts WordPress-powered sites for free, and they keep the software up-to-date all the time because they develop it. You don't get file hosting on there though, but you can use Dropbox/OneDrive/etc. for that. Also, I don't think they support any forum plugin on their service if you need that. Stahp. JKHub are shutting down their web hosting, not domain names. This means all their current users that have their websites and files stored on JKHub's servers will need to find a new hosting provider to take care of this now, migrate all their stuff across, and reconfigure all their software setup. Web Hosting ≠ Domain Registrar ≠ DNS Provider URL shortening would do no good to anyone here, because they'd not have any hosting provider to point their shortened links to. The reliability and security of many free web hosting providers out there is notoriously bad.
  3. So much drama. E-mail at www@ravensoft.com. Twitter DM @RavenSoftware. Telephone on +1 (608) 833-5791. Post to Raven Software, 8496 Greenway Blvd, Middleton, WI 53562, United States. I don't think Raven have distributed the application yet, but I could be wrong. An application-level attack makes sense as they might have had to implement a new master server if they're making use of the Azure Cloud Services offering instead of Azure VMs. Or maybe they're just running their old master server application in an Azure VM, which means the exploit would have affected the old master server too. Regardless of the cause, the JKHub Master Server is still alive and kicking, despite the barrage of fruitless attacks that happen every now and then. So there's an alternative there for anyone that needs it
  4. The .weather file is compiler-dependent as it saves out structures directly, instead of serializing them in a portable manner. Don't include the .weather file in your pk3 as it could cause problems if you run it on other platforms. EDIT: Raven seems to have distributed .weather files in the base assets, but I think this is an oversight in platform portability.
  5. That message should only appear if your map has changed since the last time it was loaded (the map's checksum is different). Are you sure this is happening on every load?
  6. Raise the red box slightly off the floor. The model won't show up if its origin is submerged into the ground.
  7. misc_model_breakable only exists in single-player too, not multi-player. You'll need a mod like OJP or Lugormod to use misc_model_breakable in multi-player.
  8. Check my answer to this thread here: http://jkhub.org/topic/5238-server-cfg-question/?do=findComment&comment=77428
  9. Waiting for the XenForo Resource Manager to be released was great, amirite?
  10. Is it shown now? They changed the IP address for the master server, and game servers only refresh their master server IP address every 24 hours. So there would be a period of 24 hours where not all of the servers would be on the list unless they were manually restarted.
  11. Don't try to whitelist the master server IP address, it can change at any time. Are you sure your server is properly responding to getinfo and getstatus requests? If the server's name and player count appear in the favourites list, getinfo works. To test getstatus, click the button to view more info on the server, and if the information about all the players is shown, then that's good. Does your server work on the JKHub master server? Have one of your server's masters be "master.jkhub.org" then check for it on the list here: http://my.jacklul.com/jkhubservers/
  12. Didz

    OpenJK Launcher?

    OpenJK doesn't ship with its own main menu or any changed UI stuff, it just loads the assets from your retail version of the game. So the reason why OpenJK "keeps" the old one, is simply cause it just loads whatever assets you give it, which in most cases is the retail JKA assets. The new launcher needs to support loading SP and MP, and JKA vs JK2. I've never even played JK2, but it's still disheartening when everyone thinks of OpenJK as only supporting Jedi Academy. The art style of the new launcher should be true to its JK roots (in my opinion), but the layout can be completely fresh. There really aren't many ways to improve on a window with a few buttons on it though. I think the idea of embedding a compiler or P2P file sharing into the launcher is really excessive. Just HTTP GET yo!
  13. Didz

    OpenJK Launcher?

    A launcher sounds good, but as said before in the thread it shouldn't be cluttered with too many options. The main thing it'd need to cover would probably be cvars that can only be set before launching (like fs_game, and the fs_*paths). Profile support could also be awesome, but I usually just exec a cfg file while the game's running if I need to change stuff. Update checking sounds great, they should never get in your way though. (No dialogue boxes for errors checking updates, interface slowness, etc.) C# with Gtk# would be a good cross-platform solution to use as it's not too low-level. I'm guessing it'll be skinned to hell, so there won't be any gripes with things not looking "native" to the OS. There doesn't need to be any question about how releases can be managed and distributed https://help.github.com/articles/creating-releases/ No cost, no limits, and it ties in great with source control. Releases are also served over HTTPS. The launcher can use the GitHub Releases API to check if there's a new release. That would be me
  14. Using light styles on light entities should stay in-sync with shaders, but these are limited to the preset styles that the game gives you. (These have a maximum phase of 1.6 seconds) So light styles would be an option if your entire day/night cycle was done in 1.6 seconds
  15. Your router or ISP is blocking the game's UDP packets, either when they're going out to the internet, or when replies are coming back from the internet. You shouldn't normally need to forward any ports - because it's 2015 - but something's interfering with traffic between your PC and the internet. You could try allowing port UDP 29070 and port 29060 outbound and incoming on your router. If this doesn't work, you should contact your ISP.
  16. Yeah this would basically be easier done by scripting the transitions rather than using shader animations. You can toggle a light entity, while toggling the appearance/disappearance of the geometry that should show up based on the state of the light. I think the entity to use for the brushwork is func_wall, but it's been a while.
  17. The client one is com_maxfps by the way, not com_fps. There's also other factors to consider, like snaps and rate. Certainly need to poke @@Raz0r here because dat knowledge.
  18. It looks like Raven's master server is up again right now.
  19. Area portals only work when inside doors that open and close. Basically they let the engine know that whenever doors are closed, the other side of the area portal should not be rendered at all. And when the doors are open, the area portal gets toggled so that it will show everything behind the door. There was a nice tutorial I read many years ago that explained how to do area portals properly. I can't seem to find it now though.
  20. func_group don't count as in-game entities, they get dropped when the map is being loaded. (Identically to info_null) ref_tag don't count as in-game entities either, however they get their information extracted while loading. They are added to a list of tags, of which there are a limit of 16 "tag owners" and 256 tags per "tag owner". This results in a maximum of 256*16 tags, aka 4096. If you don't supply a tag owner, it'll pick the default world "tag owner". So if you want to use more than 256 tags, you must make use of different tag owners by setting the "ownername" field on the tag. EDIT: All waypoint_navgoals add up to the tag list too, and these use the world's default "tag owner". (This means a maximum of 256 waypoint navgoals, because they fill up one "tag owner") EDIT 2: This is all correct for MP, but it might be different in SP.
  21. Didz

    Master Server

    They can't unfortunately, a Star Wars collection was just released on Humble Bundle today
  22. I think having them as NPCs would be easier, you'd just make a modified jawa glm and add an NPC entry for it. Their behaviour can be set to BS_CINEMATIC and their animations set to whatever pose you'd want them in.
  23. Didz

    Master Server

    As I alluded to in a status update, Raven's master server came back online briefly and it's now running on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform. Seeing as the IP address was only flipped over recently, I'm guessing they're actively experimenting with bringing the implementation over to today's standards of scalability and stability. It will be up soon, and I don't think it'll fall back down so easily in the future.
  24. Make sure the URL begins with http not https. JKHub doesn't support HTTPS yet, so that'd give you a false sense of security.
  25. The Ravensoft master server was online today briefly. Their new system appears to be running on Microsoft Azure, so you can expect it to be a lot more stable and scalable when they've finished implementing it properly :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Grab


      Isthat technology changing anything in practice?

    3. Didz


      It depends how they make use of Azure's capabilities. If they're just going to stick an old-school master server implementation on a VM, it's going to be the same. But if they are creating a new implementation that's built to use the cloud's auto-scaling and distributed storage abilities, then it'll be vastly improved under-the-hood.


      I don't think it'll make a noticable difference from a player's perspective though, it just sends a list of server...

    4. Didz


      ...s, same is it always has done. You shouldn't see it going down due to DDoS attacks anymore, if they do it right. I'd love to share some code/architecture review insight with them, I've spent too many years procrastinating about master servers!

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