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Everything posted by Xanemus

  1. I've seen some pk3 files include this at the beginning of their name and i'm not sure what it means. I'm working on my own mod so i was wondering if i should include it or not, and why. Thanks.
  2. Hello, is anybody interested in doing Darth Bane wearing his orbalisk armor for JK3?
  3. This has already been requested here https://jkhub.org/topic/10182-do-ye-know-da-wae-ugandan-knuckles-meme/
  4. Hello, I'm working on a Sith Conversion Mod. I changed the story and instead of relying on voice acting i did everything through subtitles. In cutscenes they work fine, but i can't find a way to have subtitles in the actual game. Is there an specific command for this?Or maybe some mod (even though i found none)?If not, is there a workaround for this that isn't related to sounds?
  5. The dark side corruption is so accurate, splendid job
  6. Really looks like maul from phantom menace, well done.
  7. It really has that dark tone reminiscent of a sith temple, excellent job.
  8. This worked, but i found out that japlus has it's own UI files that are forced into the game if the mod is running. is there a practical way of avoiding japlus from using it's custom UI or i have to change the colours manually?
  9. Hello, i was trying to get the main menu to look somewhat sith-ish when i came across an inconvenience: some bars and boxes stay blue even though i modified all the files in the gfx folder. what should i change? are there more files to modify in a differente folder? https://imgur.com/a/qYuPf Btw, those weird looking shadows are just screenshot errors.
  10. Sorry, i didn't look on the first page.
  11. Hey, can you post the renew the download link to this model and the Darth Jadus one?Thanks!
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