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    Devil's Mantle

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    Texture Artist
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    Moviebattles 2
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    Windows 10

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  1. Version 1.0.1


    This is a map inspired by the Single Player campaign's assassin droid mission on Coruscant, where Racto mentions his droid factory on Nar Shaddaa. This map features moving conveyor belts, a bucket that comes down from the roof to scoop molten metal and several workplace health and safety violations. Bugs: Noclipping into the conveyor belts will break them, due to the nature of the engine. The bucket might get de-synced with the molten metal with some things, but will re-sync on its own. Botroutes not included.
  2. It has limited ragdoll with the broadsword command, but that's no-where near as advanced as something you'd find in say Garry's Mod or most games since then.
  3. Adding onto what @Circa said, the Movie Battles 2 mod is a lot more popular than the base game, with active players on quite a few servers, and semi-frequent updates to the mod to this day, running on 20 years! Highly recommend giving that mod a try.
  4. Holy crap, I thought that was a skybox at first! That's actually nuts mate! This'll be such an awesome map.
  5. Technically you could change the animations for the fast style to be the staff style animations, but that would be a long, tedious process that probably wouldn't work that well, and it would affect every saber (essentially replacing the fast style as a whole) Needless to say, that's not really an ideal solution. Other than that, not really sorry. As @Bart said, saber throwing would probably be possible to enable if you were to go with the coding route, but that's a whole other can of worms.
  6. So after more testing, I've determined that saberStyleLearned doesn't work for Staff style, for some reason. My best attempt is making a hybrid style, of sorts. A mix between fast and staff (fast, but with staff abilities and stance) I know it's probably not what you were hoping for, but I hope it works well enough.
  7. If I recall, the weapon being SABER_STAFF also affects things like that. Try changing it to SABER_SINGLE; This won't affect the blade count. Afterwards, add in the line: saberStyle staff Note that saberStyle will lock it at the set style. If you still want to be able to use medium style when one blade is off (requires noManualDeactivate to be set to 0/not set), instead put this: saberStyleForbidden fast saberStyleForbidden strong saberStyleLearned staff singleBladeStyle medium I believe that should hopefully fix the issue. Also set noKicks and throwable to 1 and leave twoHanded and singleBladeThrowable unset. EDIT: I've just tested this out in Multiplayer, I think MP might have some sort of hard code against staff style throwing. I've also tried just setting a single saber to use saberStyle staff and it has the same issue.
  8. If it's only the taunt sound that's missing, it's likely that there's no base taunt sound. NPCs use "taunt1", "taunt2", "taunt3", "anger1", "anger2" and "anger3" for taunts. In vanilla multiplayer, taunts only use the one file named "taunt".
  9. Just to make sure, does your sounds.cfg file just say the folder name and the sex? For example, Kyle's sounds.cfg file looks like: kyle m And not: sound/chars/kyle/misc m Or anything like that. If it is correct, laid out like the top one, check if there are any errors popping up when you load the character model.
  10. Droidy365

    Dagan Gera

    In MP, you'd type in model dagan_gera/noarm
  11. Excellent mods everyone! Unfortunately I couldn't really participate in the contest for this one due to real life circumstances, though I had a few ideas in mind. Regardless, everyone made some fantastic stuff.
  12. Droidy365

    Dagan Gera

    There doesn't look to be an NPC with this mod, so how you'd do it is by typing: playermodel dagan_gera model_[skin] model_[skin] model_[skin] Replace [skin] with one of the valid skins: default jedi noarm E.g: playermodel dagan_gera model_jedi model_jedi model_jedi Note that all three will have to be the same one, depending on which one you pick. Hope this helped!
  13. Here are the swords made by @Rooxon. However, there still isn't really a proper playermodel available. There is a port available, but it's admittedly not the highest quality.
  14. I haven't worked on this mod for a fair while. Honestly, I've considered taking the assets I've made and starting anew with it - making it multiplayer based, rather than single player. However, there are a lot of complicated things that I'd like to add if I did that, such as: A skill tree (using the Force Power menu system) A level system for unlocking higher skill mastery (based on the amount of kills a player has) An inventory In-depth character customisation Items giving you different armours for customisation and stats Custom playermodels Large maps And perhaps the most interesting (but implausible) one; interconnected servers for a pseudo-open world - loading into a new map with the same stats, and loading back again without issue. That's just to just name a few features I'd like to have. Sadly, I don't know how to go about adding anything like this. It was already an ambitious project to begin with, but honestly I feel like it would be much better as a multiplayer project than as a single player one. That's just my thoughts on this though, feel free to share your own.
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