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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Nope, but it will hurt. The code for this weapon is pretty much set up. just need to finish the model, make the gamorrean use it's own GLA & create some animations. Shall look sweet when it's done. After this, I'll make the staff so there's variation.
  2. Update: Tris: 434 Verts: 326 Don't know what the hell I was thinking with that old axe head. :\
  3. I had to redo my changes on a fresh copy of OpenJK last time, there we're merge conflicts and I'm too noob to work out git commands.
  4. Updated the code to add Gamorean stuff, so he can belt the sh!t out of you.
  5. Yeah, especially since rend2 has no one working on it. @@Xycaleth @@ensiform ? Anyone? At least reply with a no, I don't like to be left hanging.
  6. Apart from my suggestion which I've shown you, I think it looks fine. Time to move on I think.
  7. I'd like to request that stencil shadows to be fixed so it shades the model better. This is what we currently have in-game: I'm thinking gouraud shade the model as seen in cg_shadows 1, but project shadows from other objects (including its own body) onto it - if that makes sense.
  8. Just work out which animations we need to replace with trooper looking ones, the rest can stay from the stock anim source.
  9. I think the current model is fine, just needs its own skeleton.
  10. I'd certainly love to have better lighting for DF2, what do the pros do?
  11. I've finished adding all the NPCs. Still need to make gamorean use his axe instead of a blaster and need to make some proper civilians. Level still needs lighting and more details.
  12. Tempust85


    Are they really that ugly? Lol hate bugs
  13. The satisfying feeling you get when you've fixed something to compile with pure luck :D

    1. Xycaleth


      No! Bad! You should be getting a sinking feeling cause you don't know what you did to fix it! :(

    2. Tempust85


      And that's why I'm not a coder :D

  14. How is rend2's progress going btw?
  15. Also, that error means you need to split the model up into multiple surfaces rather than 1 big surface.
  16. I really do hope someone takes up this request, would be great to see it. I would, but I'm quite busy. If someone can model & texture it, then I'll rig and compile it.
  17. I think we should make Rosh's voice a little more deep & give him a better model. Who knows, this might make players less stab-happy towards him.
  18. Today is Father's Day in Australia, time to celebrate having 2 & 3/4 kids :D

    1. Circa


      Happy Australian Father's Day!

    2. Xycaleth


      You have 3/4 of a kid?!

    3. Tempust85


      Yep, wife is about to pop anytime now. :)

  19. Anyone is free to butcher my Maul model if it helps to fill this request.
  20. Interesting, Star Wars BattleCry & First Strike Mod have joined together to build a Star Wars game on UE4

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tempust85


      Nah I left, didn't see much point as there's a new battlefront coming out.

    3. MaceMadunusus


      Good to see them joining forces, though I am a little worried about gameplay as some of FS teams decisions and releases were a bit questionable.

    4. Tempust85


      I am glad they got off that cryengine, they were having some issues with it

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