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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. All working now! Onto writing a tutorial for Noesis GLM conversion :D

    1. Mandalorian
    2. DarthStiv


      Oh, that's really nice!

    3. Tempust85


      Yeah, now Maya users can export player models to JKA. :)

  2. Spent all last night importing my model.glm of Maul because I lost almost all of the .max source file. :\

    1. Tempust85


      Thank Rich for Noesis.....

    2. Boothand


      Ow. Nothing in the autoback folder?

    3. Tempust85
  3. Hopefully it will be easy enough to bring over my changes. (assimilate)
  4. Yeah, and I think it also is missing the .md5mesh reading (which doesn't work due to incorrect version) not that it's needed.
  5. 1) I think you misunderstood what I meant about animevents. Right now, the sound (when sounds is enabled through the menu) is played through an external media player (ie windows media player) and doesn't sync well if at all with the animations. This is largely due to the time it takes to load the media player, then to load the sound in the media player each time a sound is to be played. My solution - an internal sound player for Modview like EffectsED. 2) Ok, how about a default of -24? Decent as in an actual texture, checkers is awful. A solid color (with a color picker for the floor) would be best now I think of it.
  6. Almost have a 100% working GLM using Noesis. Still working with Rich to iron out all the issues.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Boothand
    3. Tempust85


      And I've figured out animations too though it's only really good for making new GLA's for creatures, etc

    4. Mandalorian
  7. EffectsED works great, yeah. Something like this would be good.
  8. Ok so I've read here http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Q3Map2 that you can use the -subdivisions # command to increase patch mesh quality. Thing is, it doesn't work for me (looks like nothing happened). Has anyone used it before?
  9. Well it loads windows media player for me and it NEVER plays in-sync so it's pretty much a useless feature.
  10. Would be great to have a moving/moveable lightsource, would make creating specular a lot easier (it never looks the same as in other apps, so I'm constantly tweaking). Yeah, speed up/down is needed for sure. Here's a wishlist for the ultimate ModView: - moving/moveable light source - shader support (including anim textures, glow, specular, etc) - able to load effects (would help tag position & orientation on models) - migrate MD3View into ModView - ability to play animevents sounds WITHOUT having to load an external player similar to EffectsED - decent floor texture, & have floor default to 0,0,0 position (so we don't have to keep enabling it and then move floor to lowest model point)
  11. There aren't any legs in there, no. For legs, you would show the player model (via code) but with the arms + head turned off to save on tris & to stop any clipping that may occur. I suppose I could add legs into the viewmodel itself and not use the method I just mentioned, but it would be more work to make the animations and to code them in to work. Wouldn't be too hard to add in legs for cinematics, but you pop out of first person view so it's not needed there.
  12. I haven't currently forked your code as it's just JK2 stuff and no JKA (extra force powers, 2h sabers, etc) yeah? I did however steal your viewmodel code and made it work without json.
  13. It's an interesting read, but doesn't really tell me anything I didn't already know. Good read for others though for sure.
  14. It's more work than its worth. I'd need to manually write a .cfg, not to mention animations in SoF2 are named differently. Kyle will need saber/force animations, he gets them later on kinda like JK2.
  15. Mainly sharing of code. Obviously, DF2 Mod would have its own fork. That, and the sharing of any HD assets that are created for JKA & JK2. I suppose both things could be done without a merge, I just kinda thought it would be cool to add DF2 Mod to JK:Enhanced.
  16. Well from the looks of it, I was wrong. SoF2 doesn't allow multiple arm models, though their viewmodel setup (bolting left arm + right arm to the weapon) is a step in the right direction for that.
  17. It's the maps that are the most time consuming, everything else is easy in comparison. A merge with JK:Enhanced may attract more mappers, worth a shot anyhow.
  18. I was thinking about DF2 Mod into JK:Enhanced. The only difference is that there isn't a full game already on this engine, so there's a lot to be made asset-wise. I would be the project lead, or at least one of them. What do you guys think?
  19. True, but we could port over the remaining code. Would be useful for the JKA part of JK:Enhanced due to the many arms.
  20. Sof2 viewmodels use ghoul2, and have the ability to swap out different arm models while keeping the gun the same. It also has a reload system and prone for those interested.
  21. Yeah, sof2 code would be pretty cool. Could bring over its gore, hit map and viewmodel code over to jk:enhanced. Exploding into gibs from rockets and bombs is way more realistic.
  22. MB2 already has a better Leia which I think Liberty Ashford mangled it a bit from what Hapslash made to suit her own weird perception of the female form. They should ask Hapslash to have it released for those not using MB2.
  23. Nah but it wouldn't be too much work for someone to give him his own skeleton + animations, he wouldn't need all that the main GLA has.
  24. Well whatever it is, Noesis doesn't do it.
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