Very interesting ideas you have. On kejim when jam unlocks that door, you could choose who goes off to find those codes. Then you both meet at the centre thing to input codes so then you resume as Kyle to punch them in and check out one last area. Makes me wonder what other source files you can get your hands on. If we had the source to all of JK2's maps......
The animations themselves are easy enough to do, it's the fact that it will look stupid on player models doing the reloading but with no clip physically going in/out of the weapon like a lot of games including HL2.
Definitely looks better. Would be great to have the turrets animate when firing, but that would require coding. Could have BOTH_ATTACK1, (stand & shoot) BOTH_RUNATTACK1 (run & shoot) & BOTH_WALKATTACK1 (walk & shoot).
Awesome, I'm glad they are taking the time for us as I'm sure they are busy. Might be in with the SoF2 stuff since that game came first. EDIT: Did find this in JK2/JKA's carcass.exe when viewing in notepad++: C:\projects\Tools\Carcass\Release\carcass.pdb and this in SoF2's carcass: C:\Source\Tools\Carcass\Release\carcass.pdb
The converted structure is a mess, I've only been able to use parts, then clean them up. I'll have to dive through their files and see what other maps there are that could be in a viable state.
I can't remember, can you drive an AT-ST in DF2? But yeah, we need that turning fixed. Once they play on the base model, then worry about them for the new one. Also, we need this for first person AT-ST action:
Looking great. Yeah the feet did look like they weren't up high enough, not that much off though. I noticed is that the timeline is a lot longer than the original which is 38 frames for a walk. Also, the walk animation is also the run animation so just use an additional animation to create the run from the walk.
They could easily get Ray Park back in, just put a helmet on him. Some of the rumors I've read sound like complete crap story-wise, I hope none of it is true. Everyone wants Jedi Master Luke Skywalker leading his Jedi Academy with Kyle Katarn as a Master. They could then do a Kyle Katarn solo movie on his origins. That's how you do it JJ! P.S Leia and Chewie need to do it.