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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. I was thinking. Rather than the typical reload that you see in most games, how about this idea: Pickup ammo as usual but when you exceed the amount in the clip, it gets stored in the reserve (half of the clip maximum, so 400 clip will be 200 reserve). Then when your clip is empty, you hit the reload key which will drain the reserve. This will play a reload animation (both player model & viewmodel) and have a special "recharge" animated shader overlaying the weapon model accompanied by a "recharge" sound. This way, it keeps reloading looking sci-fi and also solves the problem of "but this weapon has no physical clip, how would it reload?".

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tempust85
    3. minilogoguy18


      Yeah, I made that last night haha. Maybe we can get a news post on the hubs main page?

    4. eezstreet


      Send me a message with what you're wanting and I can make it happen.

  3. It's the Unicode conversion that's the issue. I personally wouldn't bother with it due to Noesis, but that's just me.
  4. Yeah I saw that, and it wouldn't work mechanically due to how the weapon is made so I didn't do it with mine. Looking at the MD3 closeup, it looks very unrealistic.
  5. Depends where the clip is, but reload isn't implemented and I really don't think it needs to be in JK:Enhanced but that's just me.
  6. Sweet Jesus the Falcon would take forever. Should totally get @@AshuraDX to texture 88.
  7. Will the custom height slider show a real-time view of the floor moving in the viewport?
  8. Any problems understanding it, let me know and I'll edit it. Just bare in mind those 2 tutorials are my first.
  9. Faster, but more easier to have errors. -md3tbone command will convert any bones named to a tag of any name you choose. Waiting on my tutorial to be approved.
  10. Higher quality mesh and tweaked position:
  11. Don't worry about animations, I'll do them as there's a particular setup and I want all viewmodels to be made the same way for consistency. Will just need: viewmodel = 2,000 tris give or take with a 2048x texture world model = 1,000 tris give or take with a 1024x texture For the viewmodel, make round bits as round as possible so it doesn't look blocky. EDIT: @@eezstreet Can you please make it so a universal arm model GLM is bolted to the weapon GLM at its model_root (like Sof2)? They will share the same bones & GLA.
  12. I never submitted them there. I see no point in fixing them, Noesis works perfectly fine now. Cool cats like @@minilogoguy18 can now make MD3 models including weapons.
  13. That's what I meant about the helmet design being legit. I forgot to come back and post a link lol.
  14. I've taken down any of my MD3 plugins that are above Max 2011 due to them not working. It's better to use FBX>>MD3, which any of the big 3 packages can use. I've submitted 2 tutorials. One for MD3 Import/Export Noesis & the other for GLM Import/Export Noesis. Hopefully they are easy to understand, I'm not too good at tutorials.
  15. I'll add MD3 stuff to my list of tutorials I need to write, but for now: Getting an MD3 to Max: - Open Noesis (4.0996 at least is required) - Load the MD3 - Export the MD3 to FBX Getting an MD3 from Max to game: - Create your MD3 model - Add any bone objects you want as tags and name them "tag_<name>" - Export to FBX - Open Noesis (4.0996 at least is required) - Load the FBX - Export the FBX to MD3 with the following command in advanced options: -md3tbone <BoneName> <TagName> without the < > of course. Tags are created from bone objects in Max, not sure about other software. EDIT: To get texture names stored in the MD3, name your material in Max like this: models/<yourmodelpath>/<yourtexture>.jpg instead of the default name (ie 01 Default).
  16. I use turbosmooth render iterations at 4 for when the model renders, and iterations at 2 or 3 for viewport so I can see what I'm doing incase I've forgot a part.
  17. Just add a Sof2_models.shader file with all the Sof2 models shader info in it, you won't override anything in JKA. Also, if your model uses a shader then it must be a misc_model_static. JKA doesn't display shaders for "baked" in models (misc_model), instead it shows them as black.
  18. Use Noesis to import/export MD3. Rich said use actual bones in Max to generate tags in Noesis. Use FBX as the middle format.
  19. Been working on DF2 Mod again, finishing up things I left 'broken' or incomplete

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kessno


      Unfortunately, you're probably right. How many would you need?

    3. Tempust85


      At least 2 more experienced mappers, but I'll take even 1 at this point.

    4. Archangel35757


      Is @Jedi_Mediator still around??? He would be a great mapper to recruit.

  20. Not sure what exactly you're expecting a new Stormtrooper model to look like, the one I made is based off of RotJ Stormtroopers and is the most accurate.
  21. It should work as-is if the models are in MD3 format.
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