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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Well that's too bad Ashura, was hoping to maybe play with you some time. For me, it does feel like Call of Duty (never played battlefield MP) but I like this. Star Wars The New Era HL2 mod (now long dead) was aiming for realistic combat such as what we see in Battlefront.
  2. I'll continue with this, and will 'try' sculpting the head again after I'm done with the body. Because I'm still not comfortable enough to make everything in Zbrush, here's the base head mesh I'll be starting with: Mesh is based off of a young Mark sculpt. I'll do a beardless old Mark, then do the beard. I have a suspicion that we will see a beardless Luke in one of the upcoming movies.
  3. Well you could just make grass MD3 models, and put them in with misc_model. Sure they won't deform, but still might be cheaper fps-wise.
  4. Even though it's just a bunch of planes? How shit!
  5. An in-game editor would also allow preview of any model (misc_model_static's & misc_model_ghoul amongst others).
  6. I'm don't think they did tbh. Every image of the AT-ST's I've seen from the movies look to be the same as Battlefront's. Don't forget, they raided the Lucasfilm archives for reference on everything from Vader's suit to the Gonk droid.
  7. What would be great is if we could re-target JKA's humanoid animations to any sized skeleton, but all of my attempts have failed hard. Maybe I should look at UE4's re-targeting and see if I can use that then export back to Max... If the model has moving pistons and you're not sure how to do it, let me know. I managed to get moving pistons using lookat constraints years ago for my long dead Terminator mod (HL2).
  8. So no one's interested in my work now since they've seen a pro artist's work? That's cool, I can easily can this project.
  9. Well I felt like working a bit on this today: Highpoly body for Zbrush.
  10. I wouldn't choose source engine, hammer is so shit to use. I dunno whether it's the map or the game, but I really hate that little loading thing that happens in HL2 SP. I'd rather Doom 3/Quake 4 because I know the Quake 4 editor is built into Quake 4 itself and we could do the same thing. Would we need to match licenses or can we just implement any format @@ensiform @@Raz0r @@Xycaleth?
  11. Been checking out some of the models and the AT-ST is 60k tris! Dat art doe:
  12. I read somewhere on the forums about bullet physics and BSP crap so I figured Doom 3 might have physics stuff for its BSP but I dunno tbh, just tossing ideas.
  13. I was thinking. Why not implement the doom 3/quake 4 map format as an upgrade?
  14. Tbh with the new battlefront out, we need to get JKA as modern as possible if we want it to survive. The only thing JKA has going for it is the ability to mod. So modern graphics, physics and perhaps a new map format could bring in a new crop of modders. New game types and content using a more modern JKA would bring in players.
  15. Well there's no actual hair/fur shader for JKA, it's just a generic transparent shader. Modern games do have specific hair/fur shaders though, just goes to show how archaic this game really is.
  16. Tbh guys, I'm re-thinking modding this game. I just don't see much of a point if not many people play. I've already stopped playing, maybe I should stop modding as well...

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Daedra


      Honestly you are one of the best modders around. Not only that but ALOT of people still play JKO and JKA. And with Episode 7 coming out along with 2 sequels and a new anthology, i'm sure that will bring some new members to the game and JKHub which in turn means more requests. Never give up what you are great at. :D

    3. Tempust85


      I've re-thought this and decided to join MB2 dev team instead. :P

    4. therfiles
  17. If you want to make a beard and don't care about getting it in a game, use the hair & fur modifier.
  18. I managed to max out all the settings on a 4th gen core I5 CPU, 8GB Ram & 650 GTX. Pretty impressed that my PC didn't buckle seeing as it's at least 3-4 years old now. Btw Vaders sounds suck lol, doesn't even sound like him.
  19. Tbh, I feel no need to ever play JKA again.
  20. Well my simple answer to the question in this thread is yes, I will play Battlefront. The game is pretty good, reminds me of call of duty. The visuals are beautiful. Well done DICE.
  21. So about that Origin ID text field in people's profiles. Is someone able to do this or is it something @@Caelum has to do?
  22. 1 hour to go before Star Wars Battlefront BETA goes live! Again, here's my Origin ID if you wanna come kill some Rebel scum or bring down the Empire with me: Tempust85

    1. Syko


      3 MINUTES...too bad I am away from home at the moment.

    2. Syko


      Just played it and it's awesome.

  23. Oh jesus, I hope not. Just get some tall guy to play him in the suit, don't need Hayden at all. But Hayden probably needs work and he's really good at the lightsaber choreo so as long as he stays IN the suit, it would work nicely. Also, I hope when they bring back Tarkin they have the same quality as CG young Arnold for Genisys. No offense to the artists for Fast 7, but I wasn't really convinced in close-up (but was enough to make me get sad still lol). But hang on, if Tarkin's coming back then I would believe that Vader is coming back as well. For christ's sake though, DON'T use the EPIII helmet Disney.... Even DICE managed to make a decent helmet with all the unsymmetrical details that the OT helmet had.
  24. The beard is textured on (photo-sourced in photoshop), with alpha planes (little squares with transparent hair texture) scattered across the head mesh where the beard is textured to give more "fluff". You can either manually clone & move the alpha planes where you want them or use Max's object paint. I used object paint, then went around tweaking. It's my first time doing this, so I'm not a pro but practice makes perfect. Just a note though, you really can't notice the alpha planes in-game unless you're upclose. About the hand. What minilogoguy meant was we don't know that it's Luke's robotic hand. The only evidence we have is of that Luke toy. I strongly suspect it's Luke's hand but still, no way to be 100% sure.
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