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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Seems too much like what we would see on earth, instead of in Star Wars tbh.
  2. Well yeah, I never said that I was happy how it looks in-game.
  3. Best you can do is create a mesh from the hair and then bake that but my PC certainly won't handle that. Anyways, here is a test: As you can see, the beard fluff is hardly noticeable but it looks to have lighted nice at least.
  4. It doubt it would look nice in JKA, and I'm betting the current beard fluff I have won't either.
  5. I'll be making LODs, so I'm right in this case. noesis or the GLM exporter (haven't tested custom normals) can't do LODs and carcass doesn't keep the custom normals. I've tried contacting rich about it but no reply. Sucks though, I do need to do that to fix the shadows.
  6. Update. Old hair kinda sucked (as was pointed out by Grab's point score lol) so did some more painting and added some alpha: That dark bit where the hair mesh and the plane mesh meet is unavoidable as it's shadowing on the mesh.
  7. I don't think modview actually reads shaders, it likely just detects an alpha channel in a TGA or transparency in a PNG. I always save my TGA's as 32-bit, RGB color & 8-bit channel. *REMOVED SNIPPET DUE TO DAT SILLY DT.
  8. You know that Vader CAN run, it's just that most situations he doesn't need to as he has his goons do the legwork. I'd leave it as-is.
  9. I tried this idea (first post) a while ago and it didn't work sadly even though it gets turned to BSP...
  10. @@Xycaleth does that SDL2 stuff have any benefit? From what I can tell, this project still uses the older code where openJK uses SDL1.
  11. Here's another look from a German magazine:
  12. Bit less symmetrical, added some "fluff" to the hair:
  13. Yeah, it looks like 3PO & 88's love child born out of 3PO's ass.
  14. I painted them onto the face using Max's object paint, then refined. There's 2 different hair textures (same sheet) on the beard. I've been warping them, but I guess it could use a bit more. I notice now that the front especially looks very repetitive, need to fix that...
  15. Lol, just bought Tomb Raider on Origin and it installs it on Steam...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Boothand


      That is kind of amusing

    3. KDR_3XILE


      The first one was brilliant, I loved playing that game.

    4. Cerez


      Well, Anniversary is a modern day remake of the first one. Grab it guys if you have the chance! It's a gem!

  16. Rend2 (opengl2 renderer) has GLSL. This project uses a modified version of rend2.
  17. Certainly more polished than recent offerings (haven't played hardline) from DICE. I'm hoping that Battlefront will be decent but my hopes have been misplaced lately.
  18. As you can see in the previous screens I've posted, I've shaped the head mesh to give shape to the beard. It won't look pretty in JKA to do what you're thinking and I'm not entirely sure the beard alphas will even look nice. Anyways, update:
  19. It would achieve the same result for more work & I'm not having a dozen mesh parts for reskinning etc (aka Haps Anakin) so no, I won't be doing it. I've put alpha planes all over the beard for a fluffy look and I personally think it looks better now.
  20. So one thing we could have that the new Battlefront won't is space battles. However, to make this we would need a new map format capable of large open spaces from what I've read around here. If one were to implement a new map format, what would it be?
  21. This would be pretty cool to have, but we would need a decent mod to entice Markiplier to play as I doubt JKA would be enough.
  22. Yeah what I meant to add was to take it into a 3d package and edit it.
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