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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. I have to hand it to Ashura. There's no way I could make all these highpoly changes. Once I go highpoly, I rarely change a thing unless it's Zbrush of course.
  2. Damn. Going to miss you around this place man, won't be the same.
  3. It's usually big projects that have the ability to make the most seasoned of modders want to stop.
  4. Well it exports out the proper normals now, so I'd think it would or at least be a crucial step in the right direction. Haven't checked it out yet. @@Xycaleth, is there a cvar that will make everything be displayed as normals? I forget that code edit you told me to do to check normals ages ago.
  5. Xycaleth would make a good government agent. Just replace "Can neither confirm or deny that area 51 exists" with "Can neither confirm or deny that rend2 is still in development"
  6. Bit late for April fools, @@ensiform
  7. Yeah, Mod Tool is the beginners choice for sure. @@NumberWan If JK Enhanced will ever have the ability to load multiple GLAs (not talking about cinematics, but in general), then I'll port the JO animations over to JKA's skeleton into a seperate GLA for anyone's use.
  8. Yeah I was going to do this, but unfortunately I've lost some of my source files so it would take me some redo to grab out the highpoly bakes. MBII's SBD really worked out well using that method, the highpoly really came out well. When I manage to grab the blu-ray, I'll screencap his robo hand for refs and redo. While I'm at it, I may as well get those highpoly bakes and do some old man neck texturing. Right now, it's as smooth as Jawa's ass.
  9. Vader's face burns were healed over time, it's just deep scars couldn't be. I'm more surprised he had eyebrows...
  10. Yeah it can make skinning a pain but if you have a high poly to bake from, then UV mapping doesn't matter.
  11. Getting there, certainly in the right direction. Here's another tip (that doesn't involve the tip this time...) for tri reduction: The right example is just to show that it's seperate, don't actually move the mesh like this.
  12. Have 4 scene files, essentially clones of the original. Same tags and mesh parts. Scene 1 = LOD0 - original model. export as "example.md3" Scene 2 = LOD1 - export as "example_1.md3" Scene 3 = LOD2 - export as "example_2.md3" Scene 4 = LOD3 - export as "example_3.md3" To test that you've done it correctly, use MD3View and test the LODs by loading "example.md3" and changing the LODs via the menus/hotkeys.
  13. Still, Maul killed Qui-gon so I hope we don't see him ever again.
  14. Yeah I had that same effect when I slapped it on. Instead, I took the details and blended them. Take a look: Also don't forget, Luke was in gloomy lighting on the island so things appear darker than they would in normal lighting.
  15. Yeah I agree, maul is now overused. I liked it better when I thought he died by obiwan.
  16. So, anyone else seen the season finale?
  17. Looks great but still waaaaay too many tris. Also, here's a tip for the....well....tip: Do this on areas that are small, like the tip of a weapon for example. You'll still get a good look, but with less tris. Also, do not model with one continuous cylinder as that will also chew up tris.
  18. Anyone got a larger version of this? For.....reasons.
  19. Also afaik, EP2 clones have the exact same body.
  20. No, but you can add in your own custom bones. That's what I did when I made the MBII biped.
  21. That's a pretty sweet feature, would be very handy.
  22. Honestly, @@Langerd says pretty much my reaction to seeing Luke. #crushingonLuke
  23. @@Darth Sion Please keep your posts civil. Back to topic: I feel like Luke needs a revision, thanks for the screencaps.
  24. Oh, hmmm. It works fine for me working on the animation source for humanoid. You could possibly have an old version that is screwed. What do your options/preferences/settings look like?
  25. Would love to see a large scale map, but BSP can't do it without bogging down the game. :\
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