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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Be easier to compile the humanoid source as the protocol GLA and just change a few key animations to be more droid-like.
  2. That shader I posted shouldn't have removed the chrome at all. What Psyk0sith said is what my shader should be doing, provided you plugged it in correctly. You also may need to boost the brightness of the env texture. EDIT: This is with my shader plugged in & turning your chrome to grayscale (gave funky colors kept as-is):
  3. Wife has given birth to our 4th child, a baby girl!

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Teancum


      Congrats! I've got two of my own. Nice to see a modder who also has a family. Or perhaps it's better to say a family man who is also a modder, since that comes first.

    3. Cerez


      Lies. A slave to JKHub, who can afford to have a family. XD

    4. Tempust85


      That's why I'm a stay at home Dad. :P

  4. @@Cerez instead of leaving, how bout you come back and do some more clone wars stuff?
  5. I do agree that we need a decent 3P0 model & new skeleton with bones to support the arm pistons. Maybe @@AshuraDX will after the clones? EDIT: @ try my shader. This will allow the env to work with the specular better: models/players/dt_phasma_EP7/helmet { { map models/players/dt_phasma_EP7/helmet rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { map models/players/dt_phasma_EP7/helmet_s blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE detail alphaGen lightingSpecular } { map models/players/dt_phasma_EP7/gloss blendFunc GL_ZERO GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR detail alphaGen lightingSpecular tcGen environment } }
  6. @@Darth Sion Sequel Trilogy troopers do not have chrome, so it would look out of place. Here's how I do chrome though: Works with the specular map so any dark areas aren't "chromed".
  7. Guys, Infinity Blade passed away some years ago so he isn't contactable.
  8. Should just remove the sound being external and the text crawl being in a TGA and just have it all in a video. Less hassle, less bullshit and easier for modders. If you want a decent quality image to still scroll over the intro video, you'd need to up the size of the texture. Pretty sure Raven took the current route because of disk/disc space which now isn't an issue.
  9. Yeah just because there's a mesh split, doesn't mean it has to look like there's a mesh split.
  10. JKL to map is shit to say the least. You need to do a recreation in radiant.
  11. Ohhh, I was thinking parallax. Also a bug carried from ioquake3's rend2 is parallax textures meeting at a wall join/corner produces a gap in the brushwork. Not sure if this can be fixed at all, but worth mentioning.
  12. Even if player models had displacement maps working, it'd have to be used very carefully or you won't get a decent result. Tbh, normal maps suffice.
  13. Mohc doesn't look finished. It has no LODs, some of the textures look unfinished, some meshes aren't named properly, some of the model needs more segmentation and it also needs to have caps added. EDIT: My time is limited, but I've corrected these issues: - segmentation - mesh naming - model position - added smooth groups - holes - reset xform https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16660487/JKA/DT_Edit_Mohc.rar Saved in Max 2014. Still needs: - rigging - texture fixes - caps - LODs - inner mouth mesh aligned to the face mesh's mouth
  14. @@minilogoguy18 Afaik, displacement maps either aren't supported or do not work correctly on models. The only place they work is maps.
  15. Would that explain why I've seen some sort of grainy transparent box filter type thing with distant-ish shadows, but disappears upclose?
  16. Now I've seen everything....
  17. I only have a 650gtx nvidia.
  18. @@Xycaleth Remember when I said I was testing out rend2 on MBII and i had some FPS woes? Well, I've narrowed it down to just one thing - shadow map size. If set @ 512x, I get decent FPS. So it's probably just my video card isn't good enough to display higher resolution shadow maps in this game.
  19. I take it the seats are more detailed? Sorry, I'm having issue trying to find out the difference between the shots.
  20. I'd like to see my RotJ Stormtrooper used in this. You have my permission for anything of mine, just stick my name in the credits. I'd also like to see Infinity Blade's DF Kyle in this.
  21. Here's the trello link: https://trello.com/b/wdwAvV3n/rend2
  22. I'm going to call it "sac" for short.
  23. Rend2 only renders, it doesn't create. It's still the artist's job to create the assets and there's alot of artists around here to do just that when the time comes. If you want decent results, texturing would have to be redone at the very least which means works like Hapslash's Obi-wan will not look good "as-is". What you see in that pic is generated normal maps which tbh, the feature should go at some point because it generates a normal map for every texture including menus & effects afaik.
  24. What I really need is all angles of that robotic hand...
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