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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. For first person weapons, 2,000-3,000k maximum sounds right but I hope that's not the same for third person weapons with JKA how it is currently. They should be 1,000-2,000k maximum with LODs. If whatever needs to be fixed is fixed, 3,000-5,000k maximum would be decent for first person and 2,000-3,000k maximum for third person with LODs. This is below current game standards, but certainly higher than what is currently available in JA and will still give nicer visuals.
  2. Definately re-weight any meshes you move, rule of thumb.
  3. FYI - I have KOTOR 1 & 2 (disc versions) running on Windows 7 properly (with the widescreen fix).
  4. I think what would be a good idea is to make a multiplayer TFU experience, rather than trying to recreate the story. Pande is right. TFU has so much better tech in it than JKA will ever have, so what you'll be essentially doing is making a low-grade version of TFU.
  5. I'm lucky, all my fiancee wants is an Xbox 360 for Fable & Foxtel (pay TV aus). I get full choice of which next gen console.
  6. If you're planning on replacing all base assets, do you have any animators? If so, JKG & the recreation project could collaborate on animations.
  7. Yeah modview has absolutely no lighting (maybe that will change someday, Xycaleth? ). Add some light scratches to the diffuse, then add them with a bit more intensity to the specular. This way, you only get those deeper scratches when the armor shines rather then all the time. Just don't overkill the shine though.
  8. Ok so there's an Xbox One thread, so why not have a PS4 as well? http://au.playstation.com/ps4/ Console reveal - E3 press conference June 10 6pm PDT
  9. Looking ALOT better than when you first started. Though that's not noise on the metal is it?
  10. I'm a fan of the Gothic games, except for ArcaniA which Piranha Bytes didn't make. Gothic 3 was riddled with bugs due to JoWood forcing them to work with an unrealistic release date. Foxtel is pay TV in aus. EB Games (aus) have both consoles at a placeholder price of $899 but I have no idea what that would translate anywhere else as we pay more for shit over here. :\
  11. It's not available on the PS3 so I don't see it being available for the PS4 either. There's no lock-in contracts on the 360 for it, I only need to pay for the channels I want month-to-month or I can just use 'on demand' which I pay for what I want to watch (ie movies, tv shows) right then and there. This is cheaper than a Foxtel set top box + dish and I don't have a samsung smart TV so I can't use the internet TV. I certainly won't choose an Xbox One just because of Foxtel that's for damn sure. My goal is to get Foxtel with minimal cost involved. @ eez Yeah I know. :\ Heck, we not long got our R18+ rating for games over here. Games like dead island & mortal kombat weren't available here before and you had to import them. Not to mention I tried to get Risen off Steam yesterday and it's STILL blocked in aus because of sexual content and drugs.
  12. We really need to find out from Raven if we are allowed to release mods using these source files publicly or not.
  13. Tbh, the Xbox is looking more crap each time there's more news about it. I will probably just get a PS4, and then get a cheap 360 for foxtel (pay TV in Aus) and old games.
  14. http://au.gamespot.com/news/call-of-duty-ghosts-has-kinect-voice-commands-6408855
  15. Not as bad as its australian version, offering pre-orders already with a placeholder price of $899 AU. It's plastered all over it's site, but I had to dig to find the PS4's pre-order. Geez EB Games, xbox fanboys much?
  16. I don't know much about level design or ROF for that matter, but why can't we just use Ghoul2 animated models?
  17. Who the hell voted JKA? I hope you weren't meaning the story, NO ONE likes Rosh! Side note: Can we please kill Rosh in a very graphical & painful way in the recreation project if you choose dark side? Like, string him up to a post and smack him with a bat for an hour etc.
  18. Fair enough Botra, I certainly take back calling you a Sony fanboy then. All I care about is playing games & watching movies on a device that can play games. My PC can do this, but I'd rather sit in my living room than on my PC's chair. I have one thing to say though. I say I like kinect as in what 2.0 can do, as 1.0 was a complete letdown in terms of being able to play games with it. 2.0 may be as well, we will just have to see. But honestly, you guys have put me on the fence of what I will choose come Xmas time. It will most likely come down to game exclusives for me and Halo just doesn't grab my attention enough. I'm just glad Australia FINALLY got an R18+ rating for games.
  19. Angry Joe's rant video was clearly from a Sony fanboy who had too much sugar. He was blurting out semi-correct stuff about the whole used game thing. Nowhere in the reveal (yes I watched it all) did anyone say about you can't run used games. Several sites have said Xbox One doesn't care about used games though it's yet to be said how they are exactly handling it. PS4 however, has been said to flat out not allow used games. I like the kinect tbh. The whole idea of controllerless play appeals to me (if done right of course), not to mention voice commands and gestures to navigate the menu. But look, take away the kinect and I'd have a very hard time choosing. I'm deciding to not choose a console now and just wait until it comes time to buy one and then make an informed decision on all the facts we have at that time which should be ALOT more than now.
  20. Lol this is hilarious, I love you fanboys! You obviously think the PS4 is god's invisible (yeah that's right! we have no idea what it looks like!) gift to gamers. PS4 is also doing the no used games, infact it was announced first so no reason to leave it out. Xbox One has about the same performance (according to various sites) as the PS4, but does alot more than 'just play games' which is the way things are today. Most people want more than just a gaming console. The PS4 lacks a controllerless gameplay/console, and Sony just love to ripoff others ( PS Move anyone? ). At least MS is making a gamble and trying to bring some new ideas albeit an ugly box-like design. I've owned both consoles, and I love my PS3 but I think this time I may just go the other way for more features. Call me a fool, whatever but you're also a fool for thinking the PS4 is the best thing since sliced bread and it can do no wrong. Both consoles have their flaws, it's down to features for some and exclusive games for most.
  21. Let me clarify: When saying Crysis is old tech, I thought that Darth Futuza meant Crysis 1 and I have no idea why lol. Anyways, I'm more excited for the CoD game than for Xbox One or PS4. Right now, I want an Xbox One but this is may change once it's closer to the end of the year and we know everything about both consoles. Also, I think the reason Sony didn't really use CoD the same way as MS is due to EA having nothing to show at that point when they did their lame PS4 reveal lol. Btw Botra, are you a Sony fanboy? And before you say I'm an MS fanboy, I traded in my 360 for a PS3.
  22. Yeah, model shadowing will add darkness to the eyes so don't overdo it. His neck reminds me of George Lucas.
  23. Same, hopefully we will see something at E3 for alot of games.
  24. Lol, Crysis is old tech. It can't hope to compete at the very least, model polycount & texture resolution wise. Here, have some pics http://images.gamersyde.com/image_call_of_duty_ghosts-22123-2712_0003.jpg http://images.gamersyde.com/image_call_of_duty_ghosts-22123-2712_0004.jpg http://images.gamersyde.com/image_call_of_duty_ghosts-22123-2712_0005.jpg
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