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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Not sure of which you mean, but I managed to get Max 5 to work on Windows 7 - to a point with a network license I think (was last year lol). It works fine until you need to use character studio, then it bugs out.
  2. No unfortunately it's not. The .skin files only control what's already in the model.glm file. If you want to add extra objects, you have to re-weigh it.
  3. I've never understood why people keep trying to hack the hell out of JKA. Do people just love to hack stuffs lol? Is it a programmer thing lol? JKA was good for it's time and quite a few years after it's time, but now it's terribly outdated and they still haven't forked over the SP code after like what, a decade? I do really think there is a dead horse being flogged here lol... Not to say the work done isn't very cool or anything, it's quite an acheivement to have done what you guys have with what you got to work with. (Shameless plug begins) Now then if you guys want something that's up-to-date, keep track of MovieBattles 3. (Shameless plug ends)
  4. Confirmed port of TFU2 proxy model. I have the ripped models by Plasmid and the texture maps are exactly the same.
  5. I was able to do that a few years back, but it's moot if the basepose data isn't properly grabbed from Max then outputted into the .xsi file. Archangel & I spent hours trying to figure it out to no end.
  6. I can only say for the dotXSI exporter for 6/7/8 & maybe 9, the code does output the "MAXSceneRoot" rather than a properly named root. Maya has a very tricky interface compared to Max & XSI, so that's why I choose not to bother with it. Not sure about any dotXSI plugins for it though.
  7. The last known dotXSI 3.x exporter for 3ds Max was for version 6/7/8 and possibly 9 which does not work with exporting animations due to improper basepose data being outputted. The source code is freely available, but I don't see a point in compiling it for later versions of 3ds Max when it still won't export animations. The plugin which works for 3ds Max 4/5 that was included in the modding tools does everything, but you can only run 3ds Max 5 on XP due to C-Dilla Licensing woes on Vista/7. I would be quite interested in trying out this .GLM importer/exporter. Scoop, see if you can have 3ds Max export a .GLA file while you're at it.
  8. Empty out all the mods for JKA except for your models' PK3.
  9. This guy looks like a spoof of StarKiller and could easily be in a SpaceBalls movie. His ears remind me of Alex Kidd. In saying that though, it's only really the head that has the issue. The body is actually fairly good. I think this has now become a comedy thread, cuz I'm loling my butt off with everyone's comments even though I'm trying hard not to.
  10. Is he wearing makeup? The overall look of the head reminds me of a romulan minus the ears.
  11. Referring to the first post, UDK's tools are actually much easier than any other engine's I've used. It's so easy to get models, animation and get textures into. Plus, the compiling of the script is so easy anyone can do it.
  12. To be honest it's not a quality model however, it is a good attempt. Over the years, I've seen others do ALOT worse including myself at one point. I say this to you, work on the profile of the head and add some ambient occlusion to the body textures.
  13. The last version that supported animation was Max 5. The 6,7,8 version can't output proper basepose data for animation so all you got is model export. No one bothered compliing it for later versions. Myself and Archangel tried to but seeing as we're not coders we failed lol.
  14. All I did to learn 3ds Max years ago back when JA first came out was by just playing around, and googling things I didn't understand. Tutorials are good also, but nothing really beats getting in there and playing around with the many functions. FYI: If you're planning on modelling characters for JA using 3ds Max, the last version to export .xsi files was Max 8 and maybe Max 9.
  15. Ok, list to choose from so far: Jedi Master Luke Skywalker Leia Jedi Han Solo Bastilla
  16. Had a look over both TFU2's and JA's Chewie models to see each method for the fur, both give me a headache lol. I think I'll do a less transparency nightmare model, though I still don't know which. I just can't decide what.
  17. Wouldn't that be overkill lol? Anyways, I tried every tutorial I could find and still it doesn't want to work for me.
  18. Hmmm, a wookie model could be interesting. Whichever model I make though, I'll be making for UDK and then converting it to JA.
  19. Lol, I have a particular hate for anything to do with Felucia.
  20. Well I'm actually playing TFU2 atm so I think I'll choose a model out of there, though not sure which yet.
  21. I really hate that she was a Jedi in that DLC, doesn't fit in with the movies well at all. It leaves me with a WTF expression everytime I hear the dialogue lol.
  22. Ok, so far I have 2 choices: Jedi Master Luke Skywalker & Bastilla. Tell me some more good Star Wars ones, and I'll put them to a poll.
  23. Could perhaps try Jedi Master Luke Skywalker: P.S Pic is my own photoshopped look.
  24. What character should I make for JA? All Star Wars ideas welcome.
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