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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. I thought as much. Yeah Archangel is trying to get the animations to export out properly for the max 6/7/8 plugin. I just did a recompile for max 2011 just to see if I could lol.
  2. Yeah I know, but it does have a similar look to bump mapping on some objects ingame. I really should wake up first before posting crap.....
  3. This works great for JK2SP, though it didn't on JAMP or JASP. Would be sweet to have emboss to work on select specular textures though, it would emulate bump mapping. But I'm guessing that's not a possibility lol.
  4. I've recompiled the dotXSI 3.0 3ds Max 6/7/8 exporter for 3ds Max 2011: http://www.sendspace.com/file/p6gy1h Refer to the readme.txt for installation. Tested with my Kyle 2.0, and he loads up ingame & modview perfectly. Changes: - Cleaned up the export dialog - Removed anything to do with morphs or animation (didn't work anyway) Now whether there is much use for this in the community, I have no idea but I though why not anyway lol.
  5. @ eezstreet Some people may ask for money to work on mods, but that is their own thing and not mine. It would be great to teach people how to do things (which I do from time to time), but not everyone is able or wants to learn it and would rather ask others to do it for them. @ Razish I sincerely hope that was not aimed at me for something that I do not do. Childish name calling belongs where it starts, in the schoolyard so keep it there please.
  6. Not everyone can afford the time to be involved in a mod project for free, pay a freelance artist for a model as a last resort but certainly do not make it your first choice. I am talking about only creating the model, not implementing it into a game. Some artists may overcharge, it does not mean we all do. Most of us are actually quite fair in what we ask for our services.
  7. It's the Dahaka from Prince of Persia: http://princeofpersia.wikia.com/wiki/Dahaka
  8. That's right. Nothing's wrong or illegal with paying for a model, people do it all the time for short films, games, & some just upload them to places like turbosquid to sell. Alot of people make a living out of being a freelance artist, others (like me) just do it occasionally for some extra money. Though it'd be stupid of someone to pay a freelance artist the complete payment upfront, or accept to pay them an outrageous amount for something to go into an old game such as JKA.
  9. BIOS settings has been unchanged since I first built the PC, and I have not updated it either. Everytime my PC turns on properly my HDD light comes on straight away so I'm using that as my "quick indicator" if it starts up properly, rather than waiting forever for something to appear on the screen lol. Once it turns on properly, it stays on and doesn't cut out. Can the power switch (that's connected to the motherboard) cause the PSU not to power on all devices properly? EDIT: The motherboard is an ASUS P7H55D-M PRO with a BIOS date of 12/30/2009. So I basically built this in January 2010. What's the general life expectancy of motherboards?
  10. Ok this is what I have: - ASUS Motherboard (can't be F'd opening it up to find out what model) - Intel core i3 first generation with stock heatsink and fan - 1x NVIDIA GTX460 PCI Express generation 2 with 2x PCI Express power sockets, both powered - 4GB DDR3 Ram - OCZ 600W modular PSU - 2x case fans, one at the back/front - 1x 500GB Sata 2 HDD - 1x Blu-ray burner - 1x DVD burner When it wouldn't turn on the other day, I took out both of the PCI express power plugs as I thought the PSU was dying but it still didn't turn on. It's like only a few devices get powered when I have no display. So far, I've noticed the HDD & DVD burner not get power. The fans always work. I also usually upgrade my PCs every 2 years, but this one has been around for a while and needs to stay that way for another 6 months at least until after my wedding and I move lol.
  11. Ok so heres the issue: Sometimes when I turn my PC on, only some devices actually turn on and I don't get anything on the monitor. I don't get a HDD light and one of my DVD drives doesn't work. I turn it off, wait a bit and turn it back on. It varies how many times I have to keep turning it on/off for it to power up everything. It's only started doing this in the last few months, I'm thinking it's either the motherboard or my PSU. There are no loose connections, everthing looks fine inside. To gauge how old my PC is, it was built when the core i3 was still in its first generation. My Motherboard is an ASUS and my PSU is an OCZ 600W modular. Any ideas guys?
  12. That may be true for MB2, but doesn't mean MB3 will have it. I hardly doubt MB3 will be "MB2 UDK" though I'm sure some people think it will be. Just an FYI, it's not the exact same developers who work/worked on MB2 that are working on MB3. It's too bad I'm not permitted to mention any of the things we've already achieved on the UDK, they are quite awesome.
  13. Well for the moment it's getting the basics up and running in UDK. I wouldn't say there's anything "MovieBattles" about it at the moment. It's more like a very basic, toned down JAMP right now.
  14. Most of those shots look like early WIPs of Kejim, Doomgiver, & Jedi Temple Grounds.
  15. *Ignores your obvious sarcasm lol* Fair enough, just figured you might be able to make the fake bumpmapping work for player models as well. I remember when I was that guy who shouted XREAL! Sure, the engine renders decently enough if you absolutely LOVE how gouraud shading looks on low-to-medium quality models.
  16. Just had an idea. Can you guys try and see if its possible to add bump mapping into JKA for characters, similar to how Mace made fake bump mapping work for maps shader-wise? Btw, I know that Xycaleth was getting close to normal mapping in JKA a while back but he didn't have the time to really get it further...
  17. Here's something I didn't know until today: BLACK MESA SOURCE MOD is out and has been out since September 2012.........:\
  18. Yep, I just recompiled say kyle.xsi against the new GLA and that fixed any distortion. At least with what you're doing, you can add any bones you feel like to all the animations.
  19. Yeah I got warnings too about some bones not being in some animations, but carcass just puts the bones in there anyways its just that they aren't animated in a few animations. Raven also had this, try recompiling the original animations and you'll see the warnings they would have gotten. The 2 tail bones were in the original JKA GLA, just not really utilised by Raven. They weren't really animated, they just ran off the movement of the thigh bones due to hierarchy. The models would load but because of the bone amount mismatch, they became distorted unless I recompiled. Doesn't matter if they have the new bones or not, they just need to use the new GLA during compile.
  20. I recompiled all the JKA animations into a new GLA, I did not alter any of the .xsi files just the "master model" which is the weighted model to tell carcass what bones are to be kept. I found other models will load, but some areas of the model might be distorted. Pretty sure that had to do with there being a set list of bones in the GLM that didn't match the new list in the GLA in the same order. Re-rigged some models and then it worked fine. EDIT: I lost my compiling folder but I think in the end the prototype I made had 70 bones including all fingers, toes and extra facial bones.
  21. Each model needs to be recompiled at the very least to work with a GLA that has a different amount of bones than the one used during the original compile time. Found this out when I added back the fingers, toes, eyebrows & eyelids when I was working with JKG. Most of the animations still have these bones animated, just raven decided to ommit them during compile.
  22. Sorry guys, have to shelve this for a while. Far too busy with other things in MB3 to make any characters at the moment. I will post back here when I have more time.
  23. I do believe that is one of the heads I ported from KOTOR back in the day, when I made that pack. The pack is basically parts of other peoples work, before I figured out how to make things myself so I only take credit for slapping it all together lol. I don't have the pack anymore, nor do I know who does lol. http://z9.invisionfree.com/Hapslashs_Void/index.php?showtopic=2466
  24. Once Moviebattles 3 is out and if people want a more "JKA MP" feel, I'll be happy to try and make a mod of it for you guys.
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