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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. I have a beta plugin here for exporting models only in Max 2011: http://jkhub.org/topic/1842-dotxsi-30-exporter-3ds-max-2011/
  2. Can only get models to export from Max 2010/2011, animations won't work right now.
  3. I'll lock this thread so you guys can start another.
  4. Sorry that I don't keep track of everything you say in your threads. Just an FYI, carcass will not compile if there's too many verts on a single mesh object so good luck with that.
  5. Kind of hard to see where you're coming from when you didn't mention about jacking up the face tri counts. Of course if that's done, then a complete set of facial bones would look better. If you guys intend on taking over this project & my thread, then by all means. Sure I spent a full days work on this, but I can easily just delete it...
  6. If you want toes to move seperately from the foot, then yeah it's necessary. Only the mouth bones that were in the original xsi source files are there now, I haven't added any actual *new* bones. There's not much point in adding many more bones for the face, seeing as the engine is still lacking visually with bad lighting and wouldn't really see the difference except in a very few lighting positions. Nah I didn't reweigh any models, just recompiled them against the new GLA (using the xsi source files from Raven) to update the bone count. I didn't need to import any animations or JKA base model source files into Max luckily. Most of them recompiled without issue, though I had to go in manually into 3 of the xsi files with notepad++ to tweak weights (these were models with several parts, and I didn't want to be there all day reweighting). The Max 8 file I will include in the final version will just be a dummy skeleton to rig characters against & to animate with. However, to export animations with it you will need the updated plugin archangel & I have been working on.
  7. Ok, release candidate - pk3 only: http://www.sendspace.com/file/768zm3 This will replace all player models to use the new GLA. Not useable in SP, due to model incompatibilities with the cinematic GLA's.
  8. I'm currently working on a recompile of the JKA humanoid GLA to have the bones that were omitted at compile time. This is ideal for total conversion mods, to add a bit more realism to their characters. The new bones will include: - All 5 fingers, along with the "j3", "mc5" & "mc7" - Seperate eyebrow bones - Tarsal (toe) bone - Extra lip bones (ie lblip1) This brings the total bone count to 85. What I have not done, is create new bones. This is just adding existing bones back. Also, no animations have been altered. I will be recompiling all base models (that we have the root.xsi source for) to work with this new GLA, but they won't be re-weighted to use the new bones. This is just to ensure JKA's base models can use this GLA. Any models not recompiled against this GLA will not work properly ingame as there will be a bone count mismatch. I will also include a skeleton .max 8 file for people to rig models against. This will go nicely with the improved 3ds Max 6/7/8 xsi exporter Archangel & I have been working on once we release it.
  9. Skin looks good, but it's too dark and saturation is too intense compared to Boba Fett in the movies.
  10. The UVs could use work, especially around the seam lines as they are stretched. The arms are too thin, specifically at the elbow. The helmet shape is off a bit, a little too wide and too long. And if I remember correctly, Marz's models always have an overkill amount of tris with no LODs. In saying this though, it may not be the best likeness model-wise but is still pretty good.
  11. Oh god I just wanna fix those models.....:\ Anyways great skins.
  12. Thanks guys, but I can do better. I really hope I can find time to work on him.
  13. Well Mr Wonko's blender tools work great. I was able to import the wampas gla file, and re-export it back out with it working 100%. So he knows his Ghoul2 by the looks of it, he might be able to get it to work for you.
  14. Going to import JKA's anims then send em over to Max for a play around.
  15. I just imported the Wampa's GLA with all animations and it looks to load well! Kudos MrWonko!
  16. I totally forgot I had this laying around from a few years ago: No crits please, this is old work and not considered one of my masterpieces lol.
  17. So that's a direct glm/gla import/export? How well does it work though? I haven't personally tested it. Even if Raven could cough up modview's code I'm sure it would help.
  18. What I want to know is, will there be any modelers making EP7 characters for JKA when it hits?
  19. What about asking Raven for their SoF2 code and use its ghoul2 code?
  20. Yeah would be great if there was a good way to keep track of progress.
  21. Does anyone have any email addresses for anyone at LA besides the PR one?
  22. Yeah true, all that stuff would be gone. :\ From an animator's point of view, it's doable if you guys ever want to.
  23. I'm quite stunned by the progress of this, terrific job to all those involved! Question. Why not use a different model/animation format rather than trying to get ghoul2 going? It'd take some time, but it's totally doable to change over JKA's animations into a different format. So long as it has tools to export from 3ds Max/XSI Mod Tool that is.
  24. I can't say when it would be done, but Qui-Gon is a project i've always wanted to make and may just take it on. Need to consider my workload with other mods first.
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