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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. The final count for that is 7,088 tris which is still too high and that's with no extras. I'd have to do some serious LODing to make it remotely useable. EDIT: Ok I can't get it any lower than 6,620 tris without a full redo. I have however made LOD1 at around 4,500 tris. Chalk, it's upto you whether you want to use mine or Hapslash's Stormtrooper.
  2. Thought I would at least see how mine looks ingame:
  3. Ok cool, this will also serve as a JKA version seeing as I can't find a working JKA link anywhere. Almost done. I've done a few little tweaks, including some UVW mapping tiny issues & fixing the hand plate. Just need to finalise and weight. I'm also combining in the sandtrooper parts.
  4. I'm pretty sure no one cares if you tinker with their models, so long as you give them credit for the original. If you want, I could un-mirror Hapslash's Stormtrooper for you.
  5. Speaking of Hapslash's Stormtrooper, I cannot find a working link to the JKA version anywhere.
  6. To be honest, you may as well just use Hapslash's improved Stormtrooper. I'm really not liking the tri count on mine, and I can't really cut anymore detail out without ruining how the textures fit. That and I don't really feel like doing a full remake just for JKA. There isn't really anything wrong with Haps one and it's already done, though it could use is a worn version.
  7. If you made this in 3ds Max, make sure you reset xform on the mesh and collapse the stack. Any surfaces that are flipped you will now notice, then all you need do is flip them back to normal. I would also do an editable normals modifier and make sure all your mesh's normals are unified.
  8. @@Corto nailed it, only thing I have to contribute at this point is the distance between the top lip & nose is too much.
  9. Yeah forget the head for a while, work on the body.
  10. Chalk, man what happened lol? Your 2nd last update was alot more closer to him.
  11. Ok, got it down to 7,800 tris. Can't really go any lower without a complete overhaul of everything.
  12. Looks great! Will it be on PS4 though is what I'm wanting to know. I'm trying to figure out if I won't need my PS3 anymore.
  13. Why not just change the .skin file it uses? I think it's .skin file 'G' or something, haven't looked in quite a while. I recommend looking in modview for the correct skin.
  14. I do plan on doing LOD's, the original model's tri count is waaaaaaaaaaaaay too high not to have them. However I will only be making 2 LODs, preferrably: LOD0 - 7,500 tris (original model, need to get it down to this first or lower) LOD1 - 5,500 tris LOD2 - 3,500 tris The only person who did make them that I know of was Hapslash, no one else (once again that I know of) did not even me.
  15. The way I get existing animations onto the biped I animate with in 3ds Max is using Bippy, which converts animated objects into a character studio biped. Neat tool really if you understand how to use it.
  16. Ok Chalk, I got the tri count down from 12,000 to 8,345. Trying to find areas where I can cut detail from, but it's getting harder and harder lol.
  17. Well that would explain why I haven't had to use it for my custom skele, I thought it was some pure luck but this is indeed great news!
  18. If you want to edit animations in a way that's 100% compatible with JKA's other .xsi source animations, import the .xsi file that contains the animation you want to edit into Mod Tool. Then it's as simple as adding it to the rest of the xsi source animations for JKA and compile with carcass. AFAIK, XSI/Mod Tool will export out a 1:1 copy of the SRT & BASEPOSE data. 3ds Max exports out slight deviations with its SRT & BASEPOSE. Nothing that's really noticeable, but you will have to use the -ignorebasedeviations option with carcass.
  19. Should be umm....interesting. Sadly, this isn't the most wierdest request in JO/JKA history lol.
  20. Just don't try to import all of base JKA's GLA in Blender, it will lock up lol.
  21. The likeness in the face is gone again lol.
  22. This is the best I can do in terms of a tutorial or sorts, I honestly do suck at these things. Now I won't go into downloading GLAMerge, downloading the JKA source animations or setting up model.car. This is just what you do in order to get added bones to behave properly in your end result. Stage 1 - Exporting & Compiling The Standard (base JKA) Animations: - Make a simple 2 framed animation (I recommend using the ROOT pose) with your added bones weighted to a mesh. This is so the rest of the animations you're wanting to add bones to will get the identity matrices. XSI or 3ds Max - doesn't matter. - Export out the animation. - Set up your model.car file to include the 'dummy' animation at the beginning, call it whatever you want. - Compile into a GLA named _humanoid.gla - After compile, rename to _humanoidstandard.gla for GLAMerge later. Stage 2 - Exporting & Compiling Your New Animations With Added Bones: - Make your new animation(s) in XSI or 3ds Max - doesn't matter. - Set up your model.car file to include your added bone animation(s) call them whatever you want. - Compile into a GLA named _humanoid.gla - After compile, rename to _humanoidadded.gla for GLAMerge later. Stage 3 - Combining Both GLAs: - Put both _humanoidstandard.gla & _humanoidadded.gla into the same folder as GLAMerge. - Run GLAMerge like this: glamerge.exe _humanoidstandard.gla _humanoidadded.gla - It will ask you what name you want your new combined GLA to be, call it _humanoid.gla - It will say 'editing frame ##' then it will complete.
  23. They need to seriously stop cartoon-ifying all their series. Clone Wars 2D was horrible, 3D was slightly better.....
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