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Posts posted by Tempust85

  1. I doubt MBIII will get shutdown. EA are fully aware of Star Wars Battlecry which is now a direct competition for Battlefront 3 and that project is still going strong with no C&D. ;)



    The goal for JO in UDK is a fan-made movie of the game, so this should be fine as well.

  2. Looks like the faces may have been turbosmoothed (3ds Max modifier for increasing polys), then stuck into UDK with an auto generated normal map from the diffuse.


    The work done here is impressive, but for the love of god use Hapslash's improved models. Those Stormtroopers are horrible lol.

  3. Haps Stormtrooper is a rebuild of the base JO Stormtrooper by Raven, he edited the model and repainted it which is why the texture sheet layouts are almost identical to Raven's. My Stormtrooper has a higher than usual triangle count and is the ROTJ armor.


    It's posted here because it's for Chalk's project so he has a 100% user-made Stormtrooper. ;)



    About the lens:


    Then lens are black and only shine dark green when the light hits them.

  4. I just found this: http://sourceforge.net/users/sfhgp


    This guy has:

    • .GLM Importer (2.5, 5.1, 9, 2010, 2011)
    • .MAP Exporter (5.1, 2013)
    • .MD3 Importer - Beta (2.5, 5.1, 9, 2010)
    • .BSP Importer - Beta (9, 2010)

    This stuff was updated this year so there may be more to come, anyways enjoy this little find! :D





    The GLM importer isn't in english, but it does work properly. Imports all tags, caps and model parts. I'll see if I can edit the plugin (without recompiling) to be english. MD3 Importer only imports the model, not any tags. BSP Importer appears to work fine, though every triangle is it's own element.

  5. Precisely. :)


    Though now thinking about it we would only be able to have the face as MD3 as the bolted MD3 mesh can only inherit the movements of the bone it's bolted to - aka we can't have cranium & cervical movement in an MD3 due to no bones. So in the end, we would have the entire model with a hole where the face goes as GLM, and the entire face all the way along the jaw as MD3 or we could replace the entire head from the jaw line up. ;)

  6. MD3 worked in Quake 3 but it's very different here for JKA as there are a sh*tload more vertex animation frames that you'd need to have. I don't see how this can possibly work, it would end up bogging down the game's performance as Xycaleth pointed out. Only way I can see any cloth moving is just add new bones to the GLA and strap those bones to a cloth simulation. Either that or just find a way to get cloth sim in-game, which would require an experienced coder & an appropriate licensed physics engine to incorporate into OpenJK.


    However, what MD3 could be used for is bolting a head onto a model and have vertex facial animations. Only need a handfull of expressions. ;)

    Psyk0Sith and Archangel35757 like this
  7. Each model would only need to be recompiled IF they need to use the new bones, otherwise I can whip up a conversion table to make JKA compiled models work with your new skeleton provided all the other bones are the same. I coded this in OpenJK (unreleased) for my own skeleton. ;)


    Just remember that carcass won't like any position bone data from your new bones if you compile against any other .xsi files that have none of those bones. GLAmerge is a workaround.

    NumberWan likes this
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