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Posts posted by Tempust85

  1. It's the "SI_IK_Joint" in the root.xsi file that stops it, removing this block allows it to proceed to the next bone. Also, I'm getting duplicates as I do in 3ds Max.


    Version 3.0 doesn't write out IK joints but I can't seem to export a 3.5 file from Mod Tool as it keeps telling me function not supported. :\


    Seems to me that XSI can export out 3.5 files with IK joints, but not import them.

  2. The only thing I really hated about TFU 1 & 2 besides the storyline was the lack of MP. I recommend doing MP first, then SP after you gather more manpower. MP is a smaller undertaking, and once it's released you can use MP to grab people's attention for your SP project. ;)


    A question. Are you wanting this project to offer any enhancements over JKA's current code such as model/animation file-types (I say this due to the horrible animation compression Ghoul2 offers which would be noticeable in in-game cutscenes) & graphics (ie widescreen support, larger lightmaps, etc) ?






    Star Wars Battlecry has a pretty good Vader voice guy. If this project gets enough steam, then I could ask him if he's interested for you. :)

  3. Xycaleth & Razor are the only OpenJK coders that I know of who don't act like know-it-all-im-god-asshats to newcomers or randoms with questions.


    There was this one guy who came to jacoders asking questions about OpenJK and Ensiform was quite rude.


    my advice to anyone with a question/suggestion: approach Xycaleth or Razor.

  4. I've been thinking. Why can't we just have a modified animation GLA uploaded somewhere, and people who run OpenJK can just download and use it? We wouldn't be distributing it with any standalone project. Can just do a recompile against a new model adding back the toes, fingers & facial bones. In the end, OpenJK can't be held responsible for what players download and use with it. ;)

    Omicron and ChalklYne like this
  5. I'm looking forward to the day some genius implements normal mapping in JKA - my pack ciould easily be converted to a Normal-map pack, there are some awesome programs like crazymbump or alternatives which really achieve awesome results converting 2d textures to normal maps.


    You'd still need to re-work the diffuse to remove most (in some cases, all) of the simulated lighting, normal mapping will take care of it (if crazybump's/nDo2's settings are properly done). That, and the maps themselves will need to be re-built with new lighting.

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