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Posts posted by Tempust85

  1. Only problem with buying electronics from overseas is the voltage, plug adaptors are easy enough to get. AUS runs on 240, and not everything from overseas has AUS voltage compatibility. If the US PS4 did have this, by the time I got it here it would have probably cost me the same amount when adding postage.

  2. Well, if the figures are right then it AGAIN sucks to be an Australian gamer. While the US gets the PS4 at $399, we in Australia will have to pay $549. The Xbox One is sitting at $599. Aside from the pricing, I'm going to get a PS4.


    Concerning paying to play online, $5 (US) is pretty good when you think about what else you get on the PSN. I see no downside at alll to it. Heck, I've paid more for SWTOR & WoW subs. :P




    Microsoft, you got no chance. The crowd at Sony's press conference roared a few times about the features. ;)

  3. @ Minilogoguy18


    Keshire only needed to use a biped as a shadow rig because the biped bone pivots didn't match the ones Raven made. This is a completely new rig, so why use the biped as a shadow rig when the game will accept the biped as-is? Doesn't make anything easier in this case & will just clog up the scene file. Sure, I could make my own but I don't want to spend hours creating numerous control objects and setting them up when biped works perfectly fine. I'm running tests with this rig in modview, to make sure it's viable. XSI might be different with their preset rigs, but Max's biped works in games with no issues provided you know what you're doing and you set it up with the game in mind. This certainly isn't my first time. ;)


    Biped starts off as a preset, then you customise it to how you want. I 'spawned' the biped, then I:


    - defined how many spine bones

    - defined how many fingers & segments

    - defined how many toes

    - defined what twist bones there will be

    - resized

    - reposed

    - created facial bones, face_always_ & tag bones using the Xtras tab


    I created Max bones for the breasts & ponytail as they aren't directly animated.



    @ Archangel


    Actually, this is pure biped (minus ponytail and breasts). The one you're thinking of is the JKA rig I was remaking. ;)

  4. Using 2011 with your latest 2010 plugin (R1). I add the new bones under the 'Xtras' tab when in 'structure mode;, then set the face_always_ as the parent.


    Checking biped bones as Max bones can make the biped bones not behave as they should. I'll try it on the face (xtra) bones, as I've only tried it on the arms & legs in the past. I'll get back to you on this. ;)

  5. All the edges? Which edges to be precise because I can only think of some of the lighting and shadows?




    These, I recommend making them less sharp.



    I thought so too. What would you recommend? Playing around with the shading? The need of more detail?


    Hmm, play around with the color of it (maybe a lighter color) and the intensity of the shadowing.



    A suggestion for the galvanised look, keep it but make it alot more larger than so small. ;)

  6. My thoughts:


    - what's with the galvanised look of most things?

    - the two large vertical boxes shouldn't have any beveling like the original

    - edges look too sharp, try smoothing them just a tad for a more realistic look

    - the knobs don't look real enough for my liking, try toning down the highlights/shadows

    - the blue boxes look more like clouds rather than buttons with a small amount of glossy shine on them

    - highlights for the center box with the lever-like thing are too much, tone them down a bit

    - that grey circle in a box thing below the center box looks unfinished


    1024x1024 is too big for a small switch IMO, 512x512 would do it nicely

  7. Yeah, alot better than the flex. Speaking of which, the flex for the ponytail has now decided to swing violently to one side and jolt (inside Max). :\ The run animation has been cleaned up alot though. :P


    I have loads of reference for various animations that I've been collecting over the years since I started animations for Star Wars The New Era. ;)

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