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Posts posted by Tempust85

  1. I was born in 1985, so I completely missed the original trilogy at the cinemas. I have watched every Star Wars movie that has come out since then in the cinema, and I'll be taking my kids when they are old enough to appreciate Star Wars.  :D


    Redid the cape texture:



    Circa and katanamaru like this
  2. lol she won't be in EP7.  That's a pipe dream.


    EDIT: Your update looks good, don't forget to fix the pants though, make it look more like a full jumpsuit.


    Every site I've been to says that Mara will probably be in EP7. They can't have Ben Skywalker in it and not have his mother. Sure midichlorins can be influenced to create life, but Luke has no baby cannon so no pulling a Shmi Skywalker. :P


    Full jumpsuit you say? Hmmm, I thought it was two bits. Stupid belt being in the way lol. :P

  3. I'll move the discussion here and show progress when there's something to show. ;)



    Current progress:




    Shown with specular textures on. Hair I haven't touched besides the shape.



    Now the reason why I'm not making my own is because I'm waiting to see if she's in EP7 and how she will look.

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