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Posts posted by Tempust85

  1. Awesome! Now to tie some nulls to the cloth. This would go nicely with my custom GLA :






    Sorry to highjack your thread, this will be the only time I'll post content here lol. We should totally join our efforts together. My custom GLA has a new set of facial bones, toes and all 5 fingers added back with all 3 segments too.


    Btw, I've managed to work out the kinks in adding new bones to the existing animation source. No more GLAMerge like I posted in the 3ds Max plugin thread, just need to make sure every bone that has position data also has rotation data (ie it needs to rotate a smidge at least in order for the position data to be added at compile time).

  2. It should come up with an error in the console if it can't play a sound, but I converted it to a 44khz, 16bit mono mp3 file anyways.


    None of my scripts are working for some reason. :S



    In other news, I've done a temporary menu to skip character & saber select and just load the first level. :P

  3. Thanks for posting. :) I have the saber not loading anymore via "noweapon" on player start, I just can't get it to give me the WP_BLASTER_PISTOL.


    With the bartender, still nothing :(


    rem ( "get out of my bar!" );
    affect ( "NPC_Bartender", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )
    	task ( "Get_Out" )
    		sound ( /*@CHANNELS*/ CHAN_VOICE, "sound/chars/bartender/get_out.wav" );
    	do ( "Get_Out" );


    Must be my entities then. :(


    Here's a rundown of them:



  4. SP.


    Hmm, won't even load this script:


    affect ( "NPC_Bartender", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )
    	task ( "Get_Out" )
    		sound ( /*@CHANNELS*/ CHAN_VOICE, "sound/chars/bartender/get_out.wav" );


    I have a target_scriptrunner linked to a trigger_once that only the player can trigger.

  5. I edited the weapons.dat to swap out the model.




    SET_SABER1 doesn't exist so I tried SET_WEAPON instead. However, this script doesn't work:



    affect ( "player", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )
     set ( $get( STRING, "SET_WEAPON")$, "none" );
     set ( $get( STRING, "SET_WEAPON")$, "WP_BLASTER_PISTOL" );
  6. Thanks heaps, my own attempt at setting the weapon via script just didn't work. I found for some reason I can't have any items or weapon entities in the same space as the player start. :/


    Any one have an idea why once I upgrade from the bryar to the e11, I can't switch back to the bryar?

  7. Here's the bar so far:




    Already killed the two Gran, but they spawn where the two beer glasses are. :P


    Can someone please tell me how to give Kyle a weapon on spawn? Script doesn't work, and I currently have to place the bryar on the floor and run over it lol. :(

  8. Yeah I know, but I find it's faster to just texture sometimes rather than going through the process of importing/sculpting/texture exporting. I always use AO & cavity for my own creations (ie my original Stormtrooper for StarWars Battlecry), but this model doesn't have any crazy UVW co-ords so I can paint things alot faster and I don't have to worry about normal maps. :P

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