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Posts posted by Tempust85

  1. If you want to edit animations in a way that's 100% compatible with JKA's other .xsi source animations, import the .xsi file that contains the animation you want to edit into Mod Tool. Then it's as simple as adding it to the rest of the xsi source animations for JKA and compile with carcass.


    AFAIK, XSI/Mod Tool will export out a 1:1 copy of the SRT & BASEPOSE data. 3ds Max exports out slight deviations with its SRT & BASEPOSE. Nothing that's really noticeable, but you will have to use the -ignorebasedeviations option with carcass.

    ChalklYne likes this
  2. This is the best I can do in terms of a tutorial or sorts, I honestly do suck at these things. Now I won't go into downloading GLAMerge, downloading the JKA source animations or setting up model.car. This is just what you do in order to get added bones to behave properly in your end result. ;)


    Stage 1 - Exporting & Compiling The Standard (base JKA) Animations:


    - Make a simple 2 framed animation (I recommend using the ROOT pose) with your added bones weighted to a mesh. This is so the rest of the animations you're wanting to add bones to will get the identity matrices. XSI or 3ds Max - doesn't matter.

    - Export out the animation.

    - Set up your model.car file to include the 'dummy' animation at the beginning, call it whatever you want.

    - Compile into a GLA named _humanoid.gla

    - After compile, rename to _humanoidstandard.gla for GLAMerge later.


    Stage 2 - Exporting & Compiling Your New Animations With Added Bones:


    - Make your new animation(s) in XSI or 3ds Max - doesn't matter.

    - Set up your model.car file to include your added bone animation(s) call them whatever you want.

    - Compile into a GLA named _humanoid.gla

    - After compile, rename to _humanoidadded.gla for GLAMerge later.


    Stage 3 - Combining Both GLAs:


    - Put both _humanoidstandard.gla & _humanoidadded.gla into the same folder as GLAMerge.

    - Run GLAMerge like this: glamerge.exe _humanoidstandard.gla _humanoidadded.gla

    - It will ask you what name you want your new combined GLA to be, call it _humanoid.gla

    - It will say 'editing frame ##' then it will complete.

    Archangel35757 likes this
  3. I had another look, and it was outputting position data the whole time only I was expecting bigger changes in the XSI file. Staring at something all day long will do this. :\


    It seems carcass doesn't like to include any position data for added bones (bones that do not exist in any of the base JKA animations), only rotation. So looks like I'm going to have to use GLAMerge to get my new facial animations in, oh well lol.

  4. I haven't made any packs or pauldrons yet, this is the base model. It's not long been made for Battlecry, and I haven't had alot of time to get more parts on him. And no, 95% not mirrored (bottom of the shoes are).


    May not even be able to use it without a full overhaul, due to the tri count being 12,000 lol.

  5. This is why the custom GLA I'm making will be uploaded as a mod for JKA and won't be distributed with any other project. It will be upto the player if they wish to download it and use it but of course if they don't, then they won't have any character animations. Price to pay for a large amount of animations to remake and not enough people to do it.

  6. They are dummies/nulls.


    I did the tests, and nothing moves in the XSI viewer either.


    The facial nulls are linked to face_always_. The root of the skeleton still moves, it's just any of the children won't and will only rotate.


    Happens in both plugins, so it's not exclusive to R2.


    I just need a "writeNullPosData" or something of the like for nulls.

  7. Hey yall, I saw some mention about ghoul2 animating on here!  I know how to animate for jk3 using Wudan's Dragon & GLAmerge and editing the animation.cfg / _humanoid.gla files.  I really want to animate a Bo Staff style that would be similiar to how Chinese ppl use a Bo Staff.  I thought at first this would be too overpowered so I figured a slight knockback effect could be incorperated.  I dont know how to mod saber hilts to do that though, but I do know it's possible to add slight knockback to a saber!  Lemme knowwwww if yall want me on your team :D




    The only way you can use Dragon is when the custom GLA is ready, and if Dragon can use the custom GLA. AFAIK, it can't?

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